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These thoughts of you,
are like the smallest pebble to the grandest mountain,
everything holds a certain value, contributing to
the intricacies of this existence.

And there must have been
an unpleasant disturbance in my heart; as if a pebble
was thrown in my eye’s still waters- causing many ripples.

Oh, it’s perfectly strange;
not quickly recognizing your own tears
anymore;- some people do cry better in the rain.
Styles 4d
she is as cold
as the draft
of a storm.
Styles 4d
She was a
whiskey sipping
pocketing picking
skinny dipping
county bumpkin
Styles 6d
Beneath the moon's exotic, amber gleam,
We are lost in a fevered, steamy dream.
Her laughter, like a siren's call, ensnares,
Drawing me deeper into her lair.
Styles 6d
Her moans, a symphony of the night's soft song,
Echoing desires, deep and strong.
In every kiss, a secret world we find,
Of hidden realms and pleasures unconfined.
Styles 6d
In twilight's embrace, where shadows whisper low,
Our passions ignite in a sultry, vibrant glow.
With hands like silk, I trace her every line,
A silent pledge where our souls entwine.
Styles 6d
Beneath the moonlight, where shadows gently play,
Our passion lingers, though night begins to sway.
With tender hands, I trace her silken skin,
A wordless vow, where our love begins.

Her whispers are the music of the night,
Soft echoes of our love, pure and bright.
In every touch, a story softly speaks,
Of dreams fulfilled and moments love seeks.

Under stars, in our haven we reside,
Two souls as one, with hearts open wide.
Her laughter, like a song, fills the night air,
A melody of joy that we both share.

As dawn emerges, with its gentle light,
I hold her close, embracing the sight.
For in her presence, my soul finds its grace,
A love eternal, in this sacred space.
Styles 6d
In the afterglow, where passion softly wanes,
Our hearts entwined, yet a gentle ache remains.
With tender hands, I caress her skin,
A silent promise of love within.

Her sighs are melodies in the quiet night,
A symphony of whispers, pure delight.
In every breath, a story unfolds,
Of longing, dreams, and secrets untold.

Beneath the stars, we find our sacred place,
Two souls united in a warm embrace.
Her laughter, like a breeze, dances through the air,
A sweet reminder of the love we share.

As dawn approaches, painting skies anew,
I cherish the moments, timeless and true.
For in her presence, my restless heart finds peace,
A love that grows and will never cease.
Styles 6d
I sense an eruption growing within,
An overwhelming pressure ready to burst,
Emotions cascade in streams,
Touching hidden corners of my soul.
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