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emru Oct 2019
walk like a pawn
until the end
until you transform
walk like a pawn
and see yourself
as the king or queen
RVani Kalyani Jun 2019
Pardon my actions if they are wrong,
Atleast inform me if it gets too long,
To see up the sky and follow the dawn,
Remember this thing- I'm not a pawn.
David Hasselblad Apr 2019
Devils of saintly virtues?
Or a saint of sin?
Who is evil or good?
Who bestowed such titles?

A boisterous ***** baron?
Ordained by dour dukes?
Spilled blood to pave a road?
Does your honor sunder and erode?

Was it virtuous to shove innocents?
To put them under lock and key?
Saintly, to make them fear?
Courage, to turn a blind eye?

Is it a sin to feed the starving enemy?
A devil to help a dying foreigner breath?
Bereave their suffering?
To feel guilt when malnourished prisoners beg for feed?

What makes you so noble?
Foible flags, and an adorable mantra?
A little training makes it right?
Maybe you know it does not,

Paving roads with bones and blood?
Did you join to fire a gun?
To retrieve bullets from inside of someone?
To stand for your flag and defend?

Does a medal wash away those sins?
All forgiven because you won?
Bombs dropped and humanity undone,
Another chapter in the book of justification,

Titled, ‘War is Hell’
The history of death, peace unsung,
Souls seized, leaders appeased,
From rot, money and disease,

Waiting for battle under south side trees,
What makes you better then them?
Education? A uniform?
Signing your life away to conform?

What if your not as noble as you seem?
Noble intentions in a hellish scene,
In total might, what if neither is right?
A hired killer of a higher power,

Atrocities in the name of swell intentions,
Killing for Lord Benton, or General Jenkins,
Does what you read make you mad?
Or sad?

Will war ravished ruffians take pity?
Is it wrong if they slaughter and **** your life?
Everyone in it?
Will your god founded, blessed flag save you?

Maybe they are right,
After all,
You did it to them first,
Suddenly it’s wrong? No chalking up to war is hell?

Maybe you’re lost,
Maybe notches on your gun makes you proud of past,
Maybe feel lied to, in a cloud,
Or maybe you’re a demonic psychopath,

The history of Saints is usually tattered with sin,
Passing volatile judgements upon men,
Devils usually do what they are asked,
Whether or not it should come to pass,

After all,
It was conflict that caused Edens fall,
Do you care if you’re right or wrong?
You, mercenary of the flag?

When is wrong, right?
Right, wrong?
Call you hero and sing your song,
Will history see it like you?

After all,
Stonewall made innocent civilians fall,
Regarded hero,
Instructed by a drunk,

Who are you?
What makes you so great?
Why are you right?
Why are you wrong?

In the end, I don’t care if you think,
Or ask yourself stated questions,
That’s not my biz,
Simply put...
It is what it is..
Star BG Apr 2019
I stand at break of day
"letting the fantasies begin."

Allowing the chess game of life
to commence,
as I queen human
touch other king and queen humans.

The pawns are those who
are still sleeping to move in the matrex
where reality is orchestrated
by elite who are now loosing.

May they wake up soon
so they learn that
we control our game and we all
can live in the castle of our dreams
Inspired by the great TS Poetry Thank you
I suggest all read his work it is a gift.
gabrielle Feb 2019
work those hands up,
learn these things.

do this, do that.
say these, say those.

control me world,
take over me.

just **** me already -
and I'll die not doing the things
that would make me happy.
shame on you, self
Aurianna Feb 2019
Love is a weakness,
or so they say.
Is our love my strength?
because I often feel you never meet me halfway.
Why is it always the same person
who makes me feel the most loved, is the
one who has the power to rip my happiness away with a single look?
The one that holds me when I'm in shambles
and wipes away my tears
is the same person who caused them here.
I've always dreamed of a fairy tale romance,
and with you, I have wanted that for so long.
but given the circumstance,
soon I'll be gone.
Someday someone will love me with their whole heart and it will be everything I have ever dreamed of. I have to hold on to that.
jay Feb 2019
He told me, "Glass hearts are meant to break
get a little stronger then someday ill love you.
Painted love was meant to wash away"
...ruined by the game you play...
AuEcologica Dec 2018
The board is prepared,
chess piece by chess piece
lives regarded moreover disregarded.

It is a battle;
          it is a war,
                    fates against fates.

They clash, they soar, they roar.

Sheep and lion,
                    prey, predator,
                               is this all?
Not that it has to be, a chess piece
does not have to be merely a pawn.

Move your queen, move your king— your heart and soul.
WNDL Dec 2018
and just like the dead stories
i'll be remembered as a soldier
fighting the king of hearts
but killed by the pawn of love
For I was fighting for her all the time
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