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My Dear Poet Sep 2021
The fire will find you out
Some are straw and some are gold
Ashley Rowan Jul 2022
i’d dance for you
underneath a black veil
barefoot and dazed
a dark light shines upon us
but there’s nothing left to reveal

you might have seen my naked body
but you have never seen my bare soul
Long and lithe fingers,
comfort moulded into cones,
is where art kisses geometry
and meets one of its own.

Her hands are to touch
manicured and glazed,
you feel home and lost
a Pharaoh now, and next a waif

The nails, you find and wonder
filed for a student and trimmed.
Not a wisp of colour
bare as a bone, naked and skinned.

Snug in a life song,
a pallbearer of untold griefs,
they are a stark sight
of colourless coral reefs.  

On but a blue moon,
they’re a savoury rare,
when hungry eyes feast
on the riotous fair.

Why, one day, I ask thee?
She would smile and wouldn’t tell.
‘Never felt like’,
is her No Comment.
LC Apr 2021
before I step out into public,
I lock my opinions in a safe
that resides deep within
the ridges of my brain.
I wear a sweet smile
to mask the dull pain
radiating throughout my body.

but when I enter my safe space,
I strip myself of that smile,
and look my pain in the eye.
I dig into the ridges of my brain
to grab and unlock the safe.
I welcome my vulnerability
in all its undisguised nakedness.
#escapril day 7!
Hera Apr 2021
You seeing my naked soul,
I can't help but think,
"Why did I fall?"
I knew this from the start,
You got me with all your ****
I thought sweetness
Has to play a part;
But it's me slowly
Falling apart.
Unpolished Ink Mar 2021
I strongly suggest that you put on a vest
and maybe some pants
nobody wants to see
what is dangling from your people tree
I think it would be best
if you got yourself dressed
it's a sensible request
before your arrest!
I wrote this in response to a horrible prompt word
Payton Hayes Mar 2021
The French call an ******
“la petite mort” or “the little death”

tango with lips, teeth, and tongue
undress each other with our eyes
an unspoken agreement that
we’re both dying a little tonight
This poem was written in 2020.
Payton Hayes Mar 2021
Resurrected, I arose
for mornings thick with lust
and love and caffeine and naked kisses
And again, when night came
I did too, and fell sweetly, sinfully  
prey to the small death
ushered in with a grand symphony
of your name
This poem was written in 2020.
Yazad Tafti Jan 2021
i wonder i

really really wonder

why does nothing seem wonderful anymore.

your smile is not as warm as it used to be lil wayne said i got ice in my veins

morning snow gave me a cure turned my frown upside down

the beauty of fresh silk cast upon naked grounds by the master weaver himself

the real beauty lied in the characteristic of it's ability to rush my blood to my skin, make my temperature drop below body regulation, a prolonged decision of hypothermia

in extreme cases of hypothermia, victims undress themselves and are found naked in the cold due to biologically responsive effects

we are born naked , why not die naked too

at least we died cool (pun)

it makes me wonder
i really www -ww-woo-w-onde

(slows breath)

poetry or not i like gfetting me thought ouuuut
Chris Chaffin Jan 2021
Gossamer draperies swell
with heat, eastern winds
push daylight
over tangled bodies.

Fingers travel up
and down your naked torso,
my hand caught suddenly
in yours as you stir,
a sleepy god awakened
by the warmth of morning.

Your body, a sundial,
keeps perfect time with mine;
two lovers cached in silken strands,
our sacred place now fully lit
with the hunger of summer.

The solstice lingers past its prime,
drifting over equator
and into southern skies
as autumn patiently waits
outside the bedroom door.
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