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Her sun-kissed face was painted shy.
Closed eyed, her lashes shimmer.
Redden lips pucker,
our feelings glimmer.

Limbs brush, grind then speak.
I place my hand under cheak
and spank the skin with my own.

Our cloaks of royal stitching
mingle exposing, panels of flesh
Twined minds wrapped
a couple meshed.
I was trying my hand at subtle adult, inspired by love.
Nacreous Views Jul 2017
What's a Soulmate?
A soul is complete and forever
There is no mating amongst the soul
It doesn't need the mating-cantalever
Mating is like the fillet of sole
For senses of the perishable flesh n bone
For a body that needs to procreate
A soul doesn't replicate ......
The term soulmate is a misnomer ..... For a good companion .... Souls are complete and undivided ...they don't mate ...hence there cannot be a Soulmate....only a body mate or a good companion...
Sammie Jul 2017
When you touch
I feel the sudden rush...
To feel your mouth
on top of my mouth...
Your succulent lips
pressed onto my lips...
Feeling the weight of your body
pressing down against my body...
Feeling each other
we dissolve into one another...
As you spread my legs apart
you are playing your part...
Surrendering myself to you
I am just ready for you...
Souls mating forever
hope this feeling ends never!!
K Balachandran Dec 2016
Two serpents
in a frenzied
mating ritual,
we coil,
one around
the other
within and
winding and
heeding to a
ears open to a
music,that play
in a plane
beyond the
realm of mortals.
We are there
on the verge
of liberation.
Brent Kincaid Feb 2016
You say you’ll give me everything
But all I get from you
Is a lot of promises
And kitchy kitchy koo.
You said I’d get a diamond ring
Before the week was through.
Then you said you lost your job
And wanted kitchy koo.

The washing machine
No longer works
And neither do you.
I wish I was exaggerating,
But every word is true.
All I get to look forward to
Is kitchy Kitchy Koo.

Kitchy kitchy koo
When it all begins.
It’s a lot of fun till when
All the kitchy koo ends
You best start out as friends.

Our love life is super hot
But there are other things to do.
Life involves so much more
Than kitchy kitchy koo.
Groceries and cleaning matter
Though not that much to you.
It’s too bad you don’t get paid
For kitchy kitchy koo.

I never thought I would complain
About making love with you.
It isn’t that part that bothers me
So, let me drop the other shoe.
There are seven days every week
And things we adults must do.
And only a tiny percent of that
Involves kitchy kitchy koo.

Kitchy kitchy koo
It’s a catchy rhyme
Just have fun all the time.
When the kitchy koo ends
We may just part as friends.
Rachael hays Oct 2015
mating behavior
pushes the limits
forgets boundaries

eyes like a canyon
pulling you into them

soothing sounds

mating rituals
dances with wolves
edge of the feather
periscope vision

~ rachael hays 9O15
Brent Kincaid Sep 2015
I want to say things
About me and about you
That are beautiful words
But they really aren’t true.
The person I fell for
Was really a total stranger
And I let myself go too far
Into a love full of danger.

I was falling for looks
And the classy way you dress
And didn’t understand
That underneath was a mess.
Your charm was all surface
And your plans were unmade.
You were like the grasshopper
Lazing around in the shade.

Everything you wanted
Was on a short term basis.
You saw someone cute
And you were off to the races.
And I was the cute one
For just that little while.
Falling for the pretty words.
Swept off my feet by a smile.

Then suddenly we were
A couple for many years,
Through disappointments
And way too many tears.
Oh, I don’t blame you.
I was not being truthful.
I was going on the needs
Of the naïve and the youthful.

I think we were afraid to
Just let things fall apart.
Afraid we might be guilty
Of breaking the other’s heart.
But doing that we missed
The life we might have had
If we weren’t so afraid
To make each other mad.
SøułSurvivør Mar 2015

a flash of red
in verdant trees
a cardinal!
within its leaves!

the telltale call
and flirt of tail
announces love
in the plain

gentle nature
touches the pair
to bless my



(c) 3-18-2014

a perfect day in Tucson Arizona!
Crystal Erickson Dec 2014
Dragon flight, and dragon fire
Dragon fight, and dragon desire
Soaring on their wings of flame
They are impossible to tame
Dragons fly in the skies
Shrieking their horrible ear piercing cries
Dragons winging in the air
Make us wish we could be there
Gliding gracefully up above
They live and die, despair and love
Flaming breath upon the tongue
Is passed along down to their young
The souls in which their flames enfold
When breathed upon become dragon gold
Sires of the mating age
Rise up in an awful rage.
Battling the other great males
Searing hot their necks and tails.
They are grateful for every breath
For dragon males fight to the death!

© Crystal Erickson
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