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Tom Lefort Jun 2023
There are such sweet beginnings
And there are our bitter ends.
Decades roll and crash like tides;
We live, we love, we fall aside.
Cut deep the wounds we all inflict,
Lasts long the legacy of our shame.
Left behind those broken lives,
Lost in time the reasons why.
There is such hope in our beginnings
And this the comfort at our end.

Tom Lefort June 2023.
Man May 2023
To have loved, is more than man
For should ever want, or can
Ask of, out of his life.
The ever stirring mind, and
Almost frenzied hands
Of the fools who dance,
The waltz of romance
Brian Feb 2023
Every coin
no matter the filth
or how many times
they've been burned
stabbed or thrown aside
every coin
is one step away
from becoming gold
and that one step
is knowing
or being told
that I would risk everything
to have you as my own
I would cross the stars
lay my life down
on even a small chance
that you'd be found
I hope you felt worthy today
In her eyes
is a sea of

In her heart
is warmth
beyond the sun

She will love
thee and the
World will stop
It’s twenty years ago, the end of August,
I was forty- five years old, by chance, I wrote,
My very first song/poem. I am sitting in the same room,
Like then all alone, When I received a sad call, on the telephone.
A drinking buddy, Randy, stumbling on the words, he had to say,
His buddy Jamie, fell off a cliff, his last step, his life,
Ended that day. I had never planned to write, a song or poem,
I could hear Randy’s voice, he was lost, so alone.
I remember, arguing with, a voice inside, of me,
Which kept, saying you can do it, just write you will see.
I gave it a try, I was probably high, Within about,
One hour, Jamie’s Song, I had printed in pencil, before my eyes.
To this date, I have around two thousand finished, with about,
Another four hundred started, I never finished those songs,
My siblings, parents, the lady I married, and Randy,
Left this life, they have all passed along. There is no happy ending,
At least for today, I do thank God, for the talent, of writing words,
In a special way, the ideas can arrive anytime night, or day I then try to arrange them, in an understanding way, then start another, and lay the finished one aside. A bittersweet feeling, I should feel proud inside,
I know there will be times in everyone’s life, we should have,
A beaming smile, which is washed away by tears from our,
lost miles.
                The Original: Tom Maxwell© 8/15/22 AD
a piece of my heart will always belong to him, no matter what.
I am not bitter.
I am not upset.
He loved me the way he knew how to love,
and isnt that beautiful?
Eve Jul 2022
I always throw these really cool birthday parties
And I always invite a bunch of people
From Near and far
And have always made loads of effort into making it perfect;
The right venue, the correct menu,
For all the people old and new-
In whatever childish attempt to make myself feel like I am loved
To help myself to feel that I am loved,
But I can not recall the last time I had a birthday
Where I didn't wish that I wasn't born.

Shevaun Stonem Jun 2022
Today will pass
And so will the days that follow after.
It will not be the same,
But it will be okay.
The pain stings, numbs, and sometimes
Leaves a stain,
But you have to make sure
None of this is in vain.
Don’t meet it with eyes that analyze
And try to quantify the pain,
There’s only so much you will discover
All to your disdain.
Sometimes it feels as though you’re not worthy
Of making good things last,
But that’s why the present is the present,
And the past, is the past.
Cutezeni May 2022
My heart flutters in wonder
Could he be there down or up ender
So silently my heart prayed
No one heard me,
But you heard my whispers.

I don’t know what to make
Of this forbidden fruit of soul
So tempting, yet elusive
Wanting you more and more.

These thoughts don’t make any sense today
You were here yesterday,
Vanished in the name of tomorrow
Still today I stayed waiting,
And waiting till the dusk came.

You are in a different time zone
I am aware, your actions are delayed
And gratification never received
Sometimes all I get is frustration

For you never come and never stay
And your thoughts keep jumping
Till they are all gone away.
I’m still to earn your company,
Tried the fast way, it wasn’t you, honestly
I found you rough in the edges,
But still a diamond

And the diamond you are, no doubt.
But you have cut yourself in illusions
Cant break through your prism
Of delusions.
Perfect life, best wife, beautiful children
Are what makes this facet charming
When I see you, you still over look to see
How green I am standing.

Maybe green is your favourite colour
You love seeing me inhibit it
But life is more than envy and facets
It’s about no leaking and fixed faucets.

I saw all that you showed
And in awe, I was struck
By your soupy magic
No more games
If you are who you say you are
Then come home.
And if illusions and light tricks
Amuse you better
Then stick to your lies,
It’s time I found a new partner.
Bye can't be arsed to add senti caption
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