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Josh Cheshier Jan 2019
Imperfect humans, we run and we stumble. Falling about each other and walking each other home with scrapped knees
Shadow Dragon Dec 2018
On four wheels
and on my knees.
Warm colorful tones
and cracking bones.
Up in the sky
and down to hell.
A trip I take everyday,
to feel well.
Foggy windows,
foggy minds
creating beautiful times.
Pulling the string
that makes me do things
which would make an angle
loose her wings.
She would forget to fly
and then peacefully die.
Steve Page Nov 2018
Strong knees and open eyes

Straight back and open ears

Strong voice and open hands

Straight through to the throne of grace
Hebrews 4:
14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.
15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.
16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
E B K Oct 2018
He sits across from her
their knees brush
but their hands don’t quite touch
veritas Jul 2018
and you will fall to your knees

(as petals fall to the ground, so soft)

and it will part a way

(if buttery light could cleave so)

and if ever gods thundered
quaked wrath shook perturbe d

so shall you weep

like rain and a sigh of mist that followed.
Christian Hicks Jun 2018
To show that a part of you cared
When I fell apart at your knees
Was all that I ever asked for
But the contrast of other
Sickly bodies against yours
Was too alluring a thought
For your hungry, depraved mind
Noah A Mar 2018
Nobody understands you
I want to know
Why you ****
The pain you cause
You make warriors fall to their knees
Everybody worships you
You haunt nightmares
You are an evil sorcerer
Your prison locks away the forgotten
In a place where
Creativity, imagination, and color
They do not exist
They are not welcome

I hate you Death
You have taken from me
You thief!
You are evil
You torture my mind
My body screams for the pain to stop
You **** me from the inside out
You possess my thoughts
There is nothing worse
You filthy liar!  You cheater!
I hope you suffer beyond belief!
I hate you, Death

And yet,
Without you
There would still be pain
You end all that
With one movement
What is worse than death?
Many, many are worse than Death
You may be a devil, Death
I will never understand you
You have helped me through life
And when it is my time to end
I will do it willingly
Thank you, Death
CrookedMantis Dec 2017
Locked knees
On a trapeze
Are sure to cause catastrophes
sunshine Nov 2017
rose does not grow without thorns
unless someone comes in and removes its thorns
because a rose is only beautiful without drawing blood
so you could say that i cannot grow without my own thorns
unless someone comes along and brings me down
because i only seem beautiful when i am on my knees
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