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I long for her gentle
Touch and her warm kiss
And a feeling of thrill
That makes my heart sing
And with every taste of her
Iā€™m lost in bliss and it's
A moment I never want to miss.
An Amazing Kiss šŸ’‹šŸ’‹
My Dear Poet Jan 16
Iā€™d love to slice your eyes in little pieces
scatter them across night skies
so you go and glow my nights away
from the starlight in your eyes

Iā€™d love to pluck a kiss from your lips
to plant in my garden of growing weeds
so when all fails to bloom too soon
your sweet scent is sent from your seeds

Iā€™d love to clip the smile off your face
and toss it to the sun at mornĀ Ā 
so whenĀ night has lost its fight for light
Iā€™ll have burnt your smile into the dawn.

Iā€™d love toĀ cut open your heart of hope
carve a heart beat out with a knifeĀ Ā 
so if my passion is dead after Iā€™ve bled
you may bring me back to life
My Dear Poet Jan 7
I am not afraid
to send you my ā¤ļø in a text
if you ignore or delete
it is not the one in my chest

that is for one and my only
it will not go to waste
like the ā¤ļø in this message
I can copy and paste

so if by chance you reply
with a real kiss
without an emoji, you win
my real heart, like this
James Rives Jan 1
lips crisped cold, anticipation
building above and below
any seen surface.
months of waiting culminate
in an awkward embrace,
and two pairs of lips
branding one another
with tenderness and lust.
Mrs Timetable Dec 2023
I saw a cloud
One lonely whispy cloud
In the very blue sky
The edge was on was blushed
I looked again...
I saw a cloud
On fire...for just a moment
The sun had kissed the cloud
Goodbye for the day
On the right edge of it lips
On the edge of its smile
The clouds smile
I looked away
And pretended not to notice
I've never seen that before. I did a double take.. It was a ray of sun on the edge of a cloud. Like a piece of rainbow. A friend said like when you bite a marshmellow and leave a smidge of lipstick.
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2023
Kiss my mind and not my skin
Strip me slowly of the walls I've built
Take my hands
And push me up against the walls
Of my soul
And learn every inch
Of who I really am
Until you know me as intimately
As does the darkness
That surrounds me
And the resonance of your being
Drips from my mouth
Like pleas for mercy
Thought I'd try a different kind of poem. Inspired by a random picture I saw on pinterest.
Jamesb Dec 2023
I am that prince
With a razor sword who
Ventured into that twisted
Thorny forest which
None thus far survived,

I am that knight
In armour bright who
Refused to fear the vines
And spines
And bubbling vitriol,

IĀ Ā am the man
Clothed now in rags,
Torn flesh and bleeding
Heart labouring for
Lack of air and

Hurting for the lack of love
In the little ways,
The ways that count,
The ways that nourish
A relationship

And make sacrifice
Not just worthwhile
But a joyous act
Of service to one
I love,

Dragging myselfĀ Ā 
Upon all emaciated fours
Through fresh thrown
Mud and hard edged

I am a pile of bonesĀ Ā 
Bleached by the sun,
Gnawed upon by wolves,
Bereft of flesh yet
Bearing even now

A kiss to wake

My sleeping

Found this finished but still oddly in drafts. Exploring the tragedy of trying to reach someone who would rather be right and die alone than risk happiness.
Anne Molony Nov 2023
I kiss you as if to confirm you are here. With me. Not going anywhere.

To confirm your presence.

I kiss you as I kiss your hands, as I rub your hands, massaging them to make sure they are real. In disbelief, perhaps that it is your hand in mine and that I have the pleasure of holding it.

I run my fingers down your back, soft, your arms, sturdy. I clutch a wiry coil of hair, yours, in my fist.

I smooth your face. I kiss your face.

It is soft. It is safe. It is kind. It is right.
Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2023
how i know i can't swim,
we somehow drifted apart
and i could have taken the advise of Moses,
and split the waters in between us in two,
-but tell me if love wasn't made for two
while i butter you up with sweet words
to have you as a spread
still feeling anxious as two ticks of
a message, still unread.

.....tying, tying,
i still doubt i'm your type,
that sort of guy you like cos
he liked you first,- you must call me cute
and i feel myself trapped in anĀ Ā unwelcome
phenomenon -really feeling acute
but if you could feast on my eyes, you'd
fall prey to your hunger, if i gave the right look.

maybe i should tattoo my words
for their intentions to stick
but even a subtle taste, bite and a lick,
can at times overstep the tingles rushing
down to your feet. so i do prefer to kiss
but before the kiss, tell me if we'll be
trading skin for skin, or shedding skin off skin
cos we both know kiss will always
rhyme with hiss.
Ritz Writes Oct 2023
Sweet and supple golden nectar
Caress my lips, gentle as a kiss.
There is no step that I would not venture;
Nor no succulent sip that I would miss.
A touch of lips
In a state of bliss,
Unable to resist.
Closely rhymed with a kiss; and the tongue in between makes a hiss.
The world around is set ablaze
Stuck together in this sweltering maze.
To wish upon the stars to stay a little longer
And hope for the moon to hold in a little more fonder.
~RitzWrites šŸ
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." ~AnaĆÆs Nin
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