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Donna Bella May 2022
I forgot this feeling
I forgot how he made me feel
I don't know how to express myself in a way I would like to
I really don't want to open up
Because all that brings is sadness and empty promises
But in a way, I feel like a butterfly when it comes to him
I guess I never knew what I really was missing
Maybe I am scared to take the next step because it feels all new to me once again
I'm scared to step into newness because it always ends up being another hell instead of the heaven I deserve
Donna Bella May 2022
He reads me like a book
Every page he writes
I’m astonished every time
I hide in a maze
Confused of my time
Confused of details I have shown
And what I’ve shown not
Those of hidden disguise
He finds
And so I question what he knows
I treat it as fools gold
Because knowing me is not that easy
But yet still today
It’s easy to him…
Donna Bella May 2022
I think the hardest struggle I deal with on a daily is wanting to be loved, wanting someone to take the time to show me I am loved. And it’s difficult for me to understand why my entire life why it’s been so hard for people to show me the love I desire. I hate false promises, I hate “I will get better” because lies don’t do anything but run in a circle and I get so tired of being in a 360 field with people I hate turning back, I’m tired of not getting 180, I’m tired of giving my all and being everything when everybody can’t give me an ounce of themselves, I hate it, and as I go day through day it gets harder, as I grow older and want to lay down in the bed with my husband every night and be a wife and be protected, I grow knowing that visions don’t fulfill my womanhood, love does, men gives sometime love and think it’s enough and I deserve so much more. I’m more important than i midday nap, I’m more important than ounce of snore, I want to be put on someone’s pedestal as I always try to hold men to highest degree but yet I am always left crying bending down at my altar talking to mother asking her when is the pain going to end, when will a man hold me higher than hisself, a man that makes sure I’m okay and can feel how I feel from Miles away, seems so untouchable and when I get it it seems so temporary because with a blink of an eye I feel that love comes and goes when it comes to a man loving me…. It’s the truth that write with the tears that I shed and the blood that seeps down my fingertips as I write words with thorns from my pain that has risen.
Joanna Alexandre May 2022
It’s really not about the flowers
They might make me happy
They might look lovely
On the coffee table
When I wake up, or people come over
I might feel proud to say you got them for me
I might stop and smell them in the shop
And dream of them in our home

But it’s not about the flowers
It’s about the small but
significant vow,
It’s a reminder that you think of me too
And more so an idea that you enjoy
Making me happy, its about
Not asking you to get the flowers
Because I wouldn’t ask you to love me
If you didn’t want to

So you see it’s not about the flowers
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
She turns to him and says,
“Did you ask me to marry you because you felt sorry for me?”

He replies,
“I asked you to marry me because I’d be sorry if I didn’t “

Looking through her tears, into her eyes, he pauses

“Do you regret marrying me?”, he asks.

…I’d have regretted not to have married you”, she whispers.

they stare

they smile

and then kiss in a million ways
xavier thomas Feb 2022
I want you to listen.
I don’t need any feedback.
I'm not happy in our relationship.

Mainly because i still feel some type of way from the summer.
Thinking i should bury the situation and my feelings. But i couldn’t.
The idea of telling myself “I’m ok with being pushed away” is ok, is not ok.
Deep down, this will happen again just like everything else did.
Causing us to be off, odd, & awkward.
This doesn’t mean i love you any less.
But i don’t see our relationship getting better.
Even though you pushed me away, I still love you
xavier thomas Feb 2022
At first,
i did get over the summer
and the “pushing away” part.
I was fine (at first), but never fully.
I kept seeing repeated cycles as if nothing changed after you left.
My house transition from comfortable
to an uncomfortable home.
Some nights, I stay up late thinking about you coming back, only to feel those dark void moments again.
I don’t want that for us.
Apart of me wants to leave.
Even though you pushed me away, I still love you
xavier thomas Feb 2022
Intimacy is one of my love languages.
But reading your body, you feel odd.
It doesn’t feel natural nor comes easy.
Your mouth says you want me
yet your body is uncomfortable.
I question myself, “Am I attractive for you?”
Believe that if we try again & again
things will never change, it’ll be the same.  
I love pleasing my partner
making my partner feel comfortable.
But that’s not the case here, is it???
Even though you pushed me away, I still love you
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