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Oliver Sep 2018
Step one: Never let
Anyone get close to you.
I failed step one.

Step two: Don’t ever
Show anyone that you care.
I failed step two.

Step three: For the love
Of god, don’t hope that they’ll stay.
I failed step three.
Alima Tekeyeva Apr 2018
How to put your emotions in a box and lock it.

First step,
Find directions to the rabbit hole.
Follow it deep into its darkness,
Make a trip out of it.

Second step,
Remember salvation is found,
At the bottom of a bottle.
Spoiler’s not water.

Third step,
Get ****** up,
Look in the mirror,
And question this thing staring back at you.

Fourth and final step,
Repeat until you hit rock bottom.
That’s where you find freedom.
Saddal Diab Feb 2018
I am home writing a poem

Elbow on thigh

Cheek on bended knuckle

Mind on furrowed eyebrows
Mercury Chap Jun 2017
Ask yourself, how are you feeling?
Sad, mad, happy, glad?
Maybe stuck in a hurricane of gloom, Where angry grey skies loom
High up above your head,
Even when they aren't near,
Your heart is filled with fear.

How are you feeling?
Write it all out
Maybe compare it with a simile or a metaphor so the reader feels it too,
You need these devices only for beautification,
So the reader connects with you.

One more tip,
I will make it quick
It is only for the comfort of lips,
That we make it all rhyme,
But it's not necessary,
Since at times we try rhyming it, and it doesn't make sense,
Like celebrating marriage (death) anniversary.

It is all up to you, what you have to write,
It doesn't have to be a structure,
There are no rules, no regulations,
Only you and your heart,
So let the ink flow to its natural tendency
And what will be will be.

So my dear writer, I hope I helped,
I hope you see it clear and bright,
It's your turn to tell me
How are feeling? Is everything alright?
Just write and write and write.
misplacedpens Jul 2016
i. recite their name like it's your favorite poem, sing it like it's your favorite song. let it roll off your tongue and onto your bed; immerse yourself in their entire being until you know the rhythm of their heart better than your own.

ii. how your heart feels when you look at the night sky. how your heart feels when you're dancing alone, how your heart feels when you are Okay, when you are Safe - name that feeling after them.

iii. memorize the color of their eyes. memorize that color and then give in to the knot that forms in your stomach, the wave that comes over you, when you see it. give in to it - every time. soak in it, sink into it. hold your breath.

iv. lean into their touch. tattoo their fingerprints on your skin. let their love, their hurt - every single piece of them - stain you.

v. grow with them. plant yourself beside them and mimic the way they turn towards the sun. become entangled in them; and don't flinch, don't flinch when they get tangled in you. wait for the day when you can't tell which roots are yours.

vi. wait until the day when you don't remember the pain. wait until you have forgotten what it means to be alone.
Ron Feb 2016
Wow, I **** at this
How do I write a haiku?
Oh... Well look at that
Jessica Lange Dec 2015
Unhinge your jaw and shut your eyes
because the best things in life are simply felt,
and you’ll feel it everywhere if you’re doing it right.
A spark of electricity will ignite where your tongues dance
and it will sizzle through your teeth and down your throat,
lighting fires where you didn’t think could burn.
Curl your toes and knot your fingers into her hair like it is your lifeline.
Weld yourselves together, crawl into each other.
Run your tongue along hers until everything tastes like ‘we’.
Don’t forget to breathe; share the air until it’s gone
and all you have left to survive on is each other’s souls.
And whatever you do, don’t stop kissing her.
If you do, your lips will lose all meaning
because their only purpose now is to taste hers.
Your eyes will open and the world will seem a little grayer
As your soul untangles itself from hers.
Your tongue will become a defibrillator,
trying to revive the moment,
trying to recreate the electricity only you two can make.
Silver Lining Jun 2015
Hold my hand when we walk or put your arm around my shoulder
2. Surprise me with random kisses
3. Stay up late with me and tell me your secrets
4. Tell me your fears and your heartbreaks
5. Watch the stars with me
6. Pay attention to when I'm quiet, ask questions
7. Please.. ask questions
8. If something is bothering you- tell me. We'll work it out
9. When you see something that worries you, bring it to me
10. When I'm acting childish just laugh with me
11. When we're fighting and I'm pacing the room with my hands shaking as they clasp each other trying to find something to say hidden in my skin- hold your hands around mine and pull me to your chest. Hold my head and tell me it's going to be okay
12. Just hold me when I cry and stroke my back let the ocean drain and then you can ask questions about what the salty water was covering
13. When I'm looking at my hands again, searching for those **** words that have to be hidden between my fingers lift my chin so I'm looking at you. Sometimes the only way to get me to talk is to force it out of me- refuse to leave until we're done, until you know I'm okay.
14. Coffee will always fix a bad day, but remember what time it is and how caffeine affects me.
15. When we're standing in the kitchen and your favorite song starts playing pull me to you and dance with me. Twirl me around and rest your hand around my waist.
16. Sing to me. Play for me. Show me your talents.  
17. Remember how easily I get chilled
18. Remember that I will make so many mistakes it'll make you crazy but you just have to stick it out with me and I swear I will fix things
19. When you say you love me.. Dear god please mean it. Mean every syllable. Mean it like the breath leaving your lungs is the last you'll have.
20. Know that when I say that I love you, I mean it with every fiber of my being.
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