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Isabelle Rose B Jun 2015
Your eyes laugh
     as loud as
           Your love,
                                                           ­        So I can't
                                                           ­              hear anything
                                                        ­                        else.
                                   ­                                                                 ­ I'm deaf.

Your whispers overcome
     screaming colours, slogans, labels.
                                                   ­                 Worthless, hopeless,
                                                       ­                   impossible, hurting,
                                                        ­                        fallen, broken.

"Courage, dear heart",
       You only ever expected me.


                    ­                Everything beautiful I ever saw,
                               *was preparation for the beauty of You.
And it's all in Your eyes.

Just a collage of revelations I've been having, jumbled into this. :)
Jennifer Weiss May 2015
Magic is real
and all around me.
It's amazing and graceful,
I'm forever thankful it found me.
Soothing and chilling
warming and
consuming, it wraps
all around me.
I surrender everything,
to the magical, mighty God
who found me.
Emmy Anne Apr 2015
Only when you finally give Jesus the wheel do you realize that you have been driving blind folded
Avery Guenther Feb 2015
All I have noticed is this world falling apart,
Every time you turn on the news,
Every time a kid becomes different,
Even  if I could change it, I wouldn't know where to start.

Most people would say, "You are just a kid, you can't do anything."
But maybe I can...
I can't do much,
But I can do bit by bit.

I pray to God every night.
Having faith he'll do everything in his might.
He sent his one and only
For us to praise his glory.

He's are only way out of this madness.
Love and trust that he's got a plan,
And he will lead us in the right path
For He gives us the light through the darkness.

Be patient it might take a while,
But he's there by your side,
Holding our hands.
So take a deep breath and just smile.
God always has a plan. He's on your side. Even if you don't know the Lord, He's patiently waiting for you. He is our only satisfaction, so learn to have a relationship with him and learn to love and trust Him more than ever before.
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
"I'm so ugly"
"I'm so stupid"
"Why can't they just accept me"
"I swear no matter how hard I try nothing ever gets better!"
"I'm too far gone for God to Love me"
"Why is life so hard"

           *JESUS... help me.

"All things are possible with God."
"I will never leave you nor forsake"
"I Love you, your beautiful and wonderful"
"Follow me"
I personally believe that hearing these voices is normal. "My sheep know my voice" and the bible also says satan is the accuser of brethren and that he comes to steal **** and destroy. A "roaring lion who roams to and fro throughout the earth seeing who he may devour" I personally think that the truely  "psychotic" are the ones who deny hearing such voices and would go to thier graves insisting they never heard a thing.
Derick Smith Sep 2014
Your living water
ferments my soul.

Out spills wine—
a sweet elixir

for thirsty souls,
for hungry hearts.

(Your drinking songs
soothe parched throats)

For our hangovers:
Your living water
A glorious cycle
If we spent as much time
humbling ourselves to God's  grace,
as we did worrying about things,
we wouldn't  have to try so hard to be happy;
the smile would come naturally,
and the laughter would be more genuine.
God loves you, all the hardships you go through, are all blessings, it's up to you, because of free will, as to whether or not you grow from a situation.
may peace and love be with you.
TSK Sep 2014
One love so pure,
None could defer,
Not even Satan's try.
Two arms stretched wide,
They broke our pride,
And set us loose to fly.
Three in One,
Father, Spirit, Son,
Always whole and free.
Three nails held there,
In His despair,
For you and for me.
Forgiven true,
What He went through
To rescue every soul.
Five pints of blood,
An infinite love,
They saved the world in whole.
It's raining*
.     .          .
.      .      .            .
Pour it out Lord,
Your Spirit on me.
I sing of Your great love!
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