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Mister J Sep 2017
Frustrations plague me
Bringing me down on my knees
Your smile brings me ease
Smile. It can lighten someone's day up. :)
Robin MacCuish Sep 2017
Path by Path
and a semblance of a man.
Apple trees grow
A garden of sin, of life
where I cannot find an apple
but I can an Orange

When life gives you
lemons make
                                               But this is an orange
                          I need

                        A cup of

            ­                     And more
                           I need

                            A lemon
Leaetta May Oct 2016
Another late night commute
his mind rambling
seeking  causes of his dilemma  
failings, coming up short,
present unfavorable circumstances
she had been praying for his happiness
so she listened

what he didn't have
what he needed
no opportunities
So,  she listened
taking in his sufferings
smoothing off the rough edges
with her perfect roundness.

Stormy days had passed
rain had kept him dashing
from car to home and work
she listened
lighting up the clouds that remained
no advice given
smiling brightly
as full moons do.
after rainy days
15 | 31 Poems for August 2016

Days gradually getting longer while circles keep growing smaller.
I’m alone in this crowded city but I know that it’s only temporary.
Time is wasted, I guess the clock had too much to drink last night.
Began treating society like varsity, I started not to care if I was accepted.
Dreams I once promised myself to pursue are now forgotten and neglected.
Even if things don’t always go my way, I just hope that everything will be okay.
Sometimes I feel closer to my dreams but then I wake up and realise that it was all in my sleep.
According to my frame of reference, dreams delayed may always feel like dreams denied.
Now I have to put on hold stories about success that urgently need to be told.
Too many times the world has made me feel like an abandoned church, but in your eyes I’ll always be a cathedral.

My confidence levels are getting lower and lower; I can feel it in my sleep.
I’m slowly progressing but progressing nonetheless but I still feel like I’m disappointing myself.
I’m doing my utmost best, the worst thing you could do is compare me to someone else.
I’m still holding on no matter how bad it gets; it hurts but I try my best not to let my frustrations show.
I can’t carry on like this though, eventually I’ll have to let everything go.
Eventually I’ll have to let go and forget everything I ever wanted to be.
Days gradually getting longer while impatient frustrations get the best of me.
"I used to write poetry,
poetry about you,
but now not even poetry can express what I feel,
because your words hit me like a warm wind on a cold autumn morning,
and your smile can brighten the darkest of days,
and your laugh.. oh your laugh is so contagious its all I hear in my dreams.
but what makes it hard to write, is the possibility that this is all in my head.
After months of talking everyday there are still moments when I begin to wonder if this is worth my time at all.
Because your interest in me sometimes decreases at the times when I need you the most.
and your life all of the sudden gets too hectic to reply to a simple question.
But just as fast as the feelings begin to fade, they return along with you.
Which makes this all even more confusing.
So yes,
I used to write poetry,
poetry about you,
But now not even poetry can express what I feel."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #37
How will you know that i love you....

When you don't even wanna listen...
Ayeshah Dec 2015

Freaking really

Like you asked for it
getting into the mood

You seem to be rushing things
I assume it's going to be good

Kids at the pool
you already  
how I do

You say you like it when
I tell you
take ya
clothes off
I'm sure you do



for real

What's got in to you
You're rushing me it seems
It's not been that long

Slow down
Hold on

Undress me
first of all
Touch me
take your
**** time

I don't wanna ****
I want you to do it right
all night
we must

groping and grabbing
You're being
all rough
I'd like to be teased
slowly please

Touch me
slide a finger in
maybe two
Get me in the ****
Yet it's just
here you go

Racing to finish
we've yet to began
I don't want to say anything
it'll cause a fight
I long for is
multiple *******

You're leaning in
with that crooked grin
I'm thinking of ways
to make sure
I get licked

Something you
claim you love to do
guess not
right now

Seems you're
I'm annoyed
ready to get it over with
You've hurried up
you've forgot
about me

I liked it
when last we did this
You took me slowly
but deep
you undressed me

Yet right now
doesn't seem
at all like
the last time

You rushed in
seems you can't find my spot
dried the hell up
you're in such

Well here we go
I'm sure it'll be worth it
most times
it normally is

when we went out salsa dancing
then went back to your house
your roommates
claimed I was being to loud

This isn't a time like that
matter of fact
this seems like a nightmare
it's 6 pm
the suns still out

I close my eyes as you finally find my spot
You're moving in and out
I'm so frustrated
I can't even enjoy
It's not feeling good
it's hurting
and I'm counting down the time

It's sad for us both
Your enjoying whats going on
and I'm waiting for you to be done
Fake moaning all the wile
yet inside my head

I'm trying hard to get into it
trying hard to enjoy it
I'm starting to get wet
and feeling good now
I peek out at you
I see you're
so into what we're doing
It's 6:15 pm

Your face changes
and I'm like oh ****
I try not to think of what is soon to come
I focus on the pleasure of what's being done
I'm getting closer to ******
I feel it building up

I'm ready
and I'm sure well erupt together
It's 6:20 pm

you came and I didn't
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
sometimes it happens... can't be mad, specially if he can go again! well lol you can be if you're at ya peak and that happens.......
KL Taguiam Dec 2015
I've never been truthful about what I want.
How badly I want to be a writer. How badly I want to experience
the thrill of dancing again. How badly I want to see the world.
How badly I want to travel and experience the things I only see
on the pages of the books. I want to explore.

I've never been truthful about what I need. How I need to feel joy again; something I can't comprehend anymore. I need to let go of my frustrations. I need to let go of my insecurities. I need to let go of the chains holding me back. I need to find myself again.

I hope someday I would be able to achieve these things. I hope that someday I'd be able to utter the words, "I've never been more honest with what I want and what I need." Someday. Somehow.
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