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i sit on the bench
and watch him roam
free to do as he pleases
within the confines of
our fenced sanctuary
that four-legged build up
of energy and excitement
taken by a sudden burst
sniffing at the long grass
as he bounds excitedly
up down around and back
only to stop abruptly
freezing in a Pointer's stalk
until the cause of rustling
in the undergrowth
reveals itself and takes flight
leaving him to snuffle
the scents that remain
exploring deeper
he pauses and looks back
checking i am still here
making sure i know
i am not forgotten
With fiat money losing value consistently
     This leads to a proclivity for consumption
          Since the money is worth more right now
               Than it will be worth in the coming years.
                    In time, this leads to overconsumption &
                         Ostentation and environmental effects
                              Due to a constant need for spending.
                               Let’s use an option that reverses this
                          By using money that gains value over
                     Time and incentivizes the holding of
                Money because it purchases more in
          The future rather than less.  Over time
     The psychological and environmental
Benefits of Bitcoin grow and help all.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Free from the whims - of politics
And the shifting tides of state
Bitcoin remains unchanging
Impervious to love or hate

Free from the whims - of power
In any of its ugly faces
Bitcoin performs its duties
At all times and in all places

Free from the whims - of greed
From those who reach and steal
Bitcoin continues like clockwork
Holding scarcity as the ideal

Free from the whims - of looters
Who mandate the “sharing” of gains
Bitcoin rewards the hard workers
Who break from the idler’s chains

Free from the whims - of anyone
Who might alter or change the code
Bitcoin stays governed by rules
Staying firmly on freedom’s road
You can see this poem on a background here -
New coins come to those who add
Transactions to each new block
This started out as 50 coins
Every 10 minutes around the clock

7200 Bitcoin - average, each day
Over two million in each year
And at block 210,000
The first halving was here

HALF of all bitcoins already mined
Then the reward halved to 25...
Coins for each new block reward
And bitcoin continued to thrive

Four more years, block 420,000
And then cut in half once more
Bitcoin reward down to 12.5
But price continued to soar

At block 630,000, cut to 6.25
The supply continues to shrink
You may want to get some soon
As it’s catching on, I think

Now we approach block 840,000
A critical juncture in time
Rewards will “half” to 3.125
As the price continues to climb
You can see this poem on a background here -
Kale Mar 19
As the wind bellows
Through the matted hair
Of the masses
They fall to their knees
Screaming, praying, crying
And begging for the one thing
From the one thing
That would release them
From the hunger,
The shame
The desperation
Fiat money loses value over time
     People know this and this influences
          Their thinking towards the short term.
               Short term thinking bleeds into many
                    Areas of life leading to inferiority in so
                         Many areas of our life and our world
                         We need a money that increases in
                    Value leading to long term planning
               And greater VISION in goals, family,
          Business, architecture, and nutrition.
     Imagine nations and people planning
For generations. Bitcoin gives vision
You can see this poem on a background here -
Piotr Balkus Mar 12
I wish I could say what I think,
without hesitation, second thoughts.

I know we have freedom of speech,
but something makes me bite my tongue.

Wise men say silence is golden,
but dead men say silence is gross.

I wish I could say what I think.
I wonder how some would react.

I wonder whose face would grow scarlet,
and who would laugh in my face.

How much do I have to lose?
Shall I just say it out loud?

Or wait until they tape my mouth
and cut my tongue, close the case.

Oh, then it will be too late.
It will be a bit too late, I'm afraid.
Waking up today and feeling so ***** like never before.
Tried all I could to be myself throughout the day in service.
Gotten home quickly to work on cooling my body that is on fire of fantasy.
Which has been an ages I have felt like this.
I told the lion that woken up the ghost In me
And he tried to help but has to go.

I slept off while trying to cool the fire in me
And when I woke up,I got a message that you need to go out. Which was so ok for me.
But alas despite the wait to hear your voice which I thought will cool my ache one way or the other,
Then... Boom 💥💥💥..... You have to go!

And the feeling got so hot 🔥🔥🔥 and painful.

Wow.... When I felt nothing we used to be for an hour or more now that I feel so ***** thinking hearing your voice will help then boom 💥💥💥 you're off...
Why love is always hurt?
Why others don't feel the pain?
Why am I always fall into these?

I think I always get it wrong.
And I need to choose me.
Wants to be me
Man Mar 6
I am an ethical capitalist and
A poor philanthropist-
And as for party,
I claim none.
This system is exactly what the founders warned of
Parties that pit parties against each other,
Who forget they are comprised of compatriots of the same nation.
Never swear off community
For the sake of security and comfortability
Because those that tell you that is the bargain we pay
They have shares in lies
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