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JD Dec 2019
Life won again
I am heartbroken
JD Dec 2019
In a world where deep love
Becomes a deep cut
An emotionally draining scar
That gets to replay in your mind
In a world  where being perfect
Was never good enough
No matter the effort
Your heart breaks
Your head overthinks
Your soul getting crushed by the weight
In a world where you’re staying up late
Alone with the loneliest feeling in the world
Let me sleep forever
JD Oct 2019
Ill look deep into your eyes
I see myself fly into the clouds
Where eventually
Ill fall back into your warm arms
JD Oct 2019
Trying to grasp whats left of my reality
Speeding on my own highway
I just need it all to stop
Slamming on the brakes as hard as I can before I fall over the edge
Creeping over the ledge
I see my crippling end
If I fall
Hopefully it wont be long
JD Oct 2019
I tried so hard to be the perfect guy
I can't change her past and trauma
She was left with a hole in her heart
For god sake, I can't fill it
A familiar pain, my soul aches
She says she has to leave
No matter what I say
No matter what I do
I can't convince her to stay
I can't be mad
I can't be sad either
Its not her fault
Maybe Love is not for me anymore.
I don't care if this *****, im juts in a lot of pain and i needed to write something
JD Jun 2019
It was just one of those nights
The kind of night that was nauseating
The one where I want to go out for a long drive while listening to Drakes Thank Me Later album
The one where I wanna be numb to everything
Unfortunately I can’t, so I just sit there and pretend that everything in my head is...well... just in my head.
JD Feb 2019
In the end and at the very least I wish you could understand me better
Maybe then our conversations wouldn’t start and end with anger, disappointment, sadness, and confusion
I’m sorry we don’t see everything in one picture frame
I see the opposite view from you
But it is not my fault
Thats just how my world raised me
Whether or not we come together and try to find common ground
I’ll still move forward with success ahead of me, regardless of how wrong you think it is
You did your best to be my father
I’ll love you regardless of the stress and pain we put each other through
JD Jan 2019
With a broken smile she said,
“Why do you love me so much? I am just going to break your heart.”

He held her ever so tightly and replied,
“Then break it. Its not my heart that gets me to come back to you. It’s you”
JD Jan 2019
So when does it stop hurting?
It doesn’t
It just gets easier to deal with it over time
The more you focus on loving yourself
The less you let things upset you
Live on with your demons
You don’t have to embrace them or let them change you
Stick with your heart and never let go
JD Jan 2019
No one just decides to be different
You can stand out so much from a crowd
But it ain’t so bad
You are meant to find your own place in the world
Sometimes without realizing it
You’re a wolf in a sheep herd
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