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Alexandria Aug 2023
Why are you scared to go deeper?

What lies in the crevasses
of your mind?

Who are you hiding?
What are you hiding?
Why are you hiding IT?

Shed light on the shadows and let it wash away
your sorrows
of agony and pain.

Why not let the divine in?

What is stopping you from living your best life every day?

What is it that makes your heart beat and your eyes grow big with excitement?

Fall in love with yourself again.
onlylovepoetry Jul 2023
“Words are beautiful, but emotion is divine” (patty m)

~these are the divine words of a beautiful soul, patty m~

this Missouri grandmother writes and I am willfully, duty-bound,
to comply for she commissions a poem with every insightful pithy and
ever one of her dear hugs, of which these is no limit and each one a treasure of a gratitude that flows contra-directionally, surpassing given-grace and lawful gravity, for all of her words flow simultaneously north and south, heavenwards, and earth planted, east / west, magnetic poles attracting divinity wherever it can be found
and all I can do is proffer

just one more only love poem, which is the blessing and the curse the lord blessed me with, love is  beautiful and it is divinely originated in each of our humble hearts, plucked from trees and fed to us wherever fruit of the fields grows, shaped like sweet and **** berries…not all that is divine, of necessity to be beautiful, words, them too, a mixed blessing, vulnerable and subject by the abuse of human weakness and fragility…but this much I assure myself with confidence,
and you too,
her words, well,

limitless, her every poem is hand woven, unhid, in the fooling
plain earthenware that the potter’s wheel created,
all gifts to each of us;

But my fragility mandates I speak slow and hesitantly of things beautiful that contain the white glow sparkler light of divinity, for I have attracted and deserved many failures, far greater than the rarer success, so my knowledge yet oft suspect, is mostly merely well imagined but know this:
her skill,
her expertise
her intimate comprehension
within the beautiful and divine expressions of her kind appreciation she deigns to share…words like a mighty, beautiful like a powerful Missouri river, driven by all specie of love…but none more powerful, more divine than that of a loving womanly grandmother

this, yes, only a love poem to be sure,
for the beautiful,
The Divine Miss (Patty) M.
Kriya Artha Jun 2023
Sweeter than the poison,
your kiss on my lips so genuine,
Tighter than the vine,
Your grip on my soul so divine.

I shake it off, I shake myself,
I drown everything in the sorrow well,
You are everywhere, you never leave
You come back to me with every breath.

I hope to live long enough,
I enjoy this poison of loneliness,
Your love, so serene and so violent,
your love is my one constant.

I hope to live long enough,
to die in your arms my darling!
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
Whisper Me your Dreams,
I shall make them come True.
As I sail U on My Boat,
on Waters that are Blue.
Your Fantasies and Desires,
Will be on a Journey that's Divine.
My Passions will keep pouring,
to worship your Holy Shrine.
U will find yourself in Heaven,
After I read both your Thighs.
U are My Angel of Love,
who has fallen from the Skies.
As U Moan away My Name,
I Whisper U My Midnight Magic.
The Sun, shows out it's Face
and Our caper, ends up Tragic.
The sky is crying
   crying to hide my tears
when  the flowers are withered.........                                  
  to hide my scars
the only peaceful thought is
   can death be a solution ....?
deep inside the core is ravage
  the only thing left
is another night to cry
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2023

the thought is oft on my mind that all the poets here, I hold so dear,
that if we ne’er to meet in flesh & warmth of physical embrace,
that the nuances of our affections should be in someway marked by a lessening, a discoloration, be it be know then that our colors mutuel
will yet be be enhanced by

the colors of divine light,

this real light,
but invisible to the human naked eye’s limited spectrum,
this light fills the “unnamed, unmanned spaces between us;”

although we may not knowingly vision each other,  
we may envision-know the
sensate glow from the warmth of each other’s blood coursing
blue in vein and artery,  
with the aid of divine light,
trace each others faces with colorizing,
memorizing fingertips,
creating a seared retained memory;

the hues of theses impossible colored, rays that cannot be
optically ascertained, yet, we can understand them, in the same manner we mortals understand the divine presence,
invisible but ever present
in ways more real than, well, as real as any other mundane way
Inspired by Patrik Reuterswärd's 1971 essay, "What Color Is Divine Light?" and the art of Anne Lindberg's installations, both a  response to an
unanswerable question
that yet answers and speaks to me

What colors are invisible light?

However, there are other “colours” that our eyes can't see, beyond red and violet, they are: infrared and ultraviolet. Comparing these pictures, taken in these three “types of light”, the rainbow appears to extend far beyond the visible light.

April 2023
NYC, Washington, D.C.
SpiritHeart67 Mar 2023
I see no darkness in you.
I see only light
that the darkness
is attracted to
deanne Dec 2022
tattoos swim around Her arms in delicate waves
and i think Her glasses are too big for Her face
and i still think She is pretty
we never locked eyes the first time
but somehow I knew it was Her
indeed it was hard to forget lips locked together
while i watched on You held her like a love song
and explosions rocked my shores with storms and tidal waves
Her shoes are filthy
like You
i guess that's why You like her
i just cant help the cruelty that tumbles out of my mouth
broken people breaking others
its like these hands write on their own
drenched in red and purple light
much too beautiful to stare directly at
much like the sun
but i squint and struggle still
while Your light completely consumes me
Your gaze travels
***** preacher in search of His scandalous lover
your eyes find Her
You smile
and so does She
and for a moment She is everything i want to be
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2022
They built a dam
to cut us off
from the Divine flow.
But like every dam,
if there is
enough pressure
and enough flow
and enough power
Enough energy,
first one hole
will appear,
Then another
and then another
and another
Until finally
there are so many
the wall
can no longer contain
that which it has attempted
to hold back,
And it will burst free
And it will flow again
As it once did...
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