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Ashley place Feb 2021
Finding love in a hopeless world is a treasure
Finding something real feels impossible
Something filled with hopes and dreams
With respect and admiration.
We hold on so tight when we're scared
Afraid to wake up from the dream
Afraid that the other person will see,
All the darkness and pain we're hiding.
But I could see it, and I didn't run.
Yet once again I stand on the battlefield
Alone with sword in air,
Ready to fight.
But for what?
Why am I the one who is always fighting?
Why am I the one bloodied and bruised
Fighting for my heart to belong to someone?
It's time to lay down my arms
It's time to put away the armor
I have faught a loosing battle for too long
I will no longer fight for them.
You want to claim this heart, fight for it
If you want me in your life, fight for me
I am tired of proving myself
I am not the problem.
I have seen the light inside of me,
A fire raging with passion and love
I have seen the strength inside myself
And I will no longer be made interior.
I've been waiting for the shoe to fall,
For the secret to be revealed that I'm not enough
That I am somehow unworthy of love
At the end of the day, are you?
Carl Hansen Feb 2021
i sent you a playlist, of music that i love.
because it's hard to tell you how i feel;
i doubt you listened to it though.
it's as if you've ignored my feelings.
Van Xuan Feb 2021
People who take things for granted
Are the worst type of people
Because they always thought
That everything they have
Are meant to be theirs
Jamesb Jan 2021
The trouble with ends is not ends
As such as ends always come,
Sooner or later the good or the bad
I have in my life will absolutely,
Like my life here,

No - what hurts is not the ending
But those realisations one has beforehand,
That something was a mistake,
Or that what I thought I knew
I just

When you know someone
Truly appreciates you,
Gets who you are
Warts and all then find they dont,
And worse than that - they
Sarah Dec 2020
and I hope catching a glimpse of what you can't have is worth losing what you already do.
Pachi Nov 2020

The bombardment of messages was deafening
Every new message pounded at my head
As I wore a pillow over my head, protecting


My eyes closed shut as my body shook
Rage started to brew, but
I knew better than to look
At the betraying notifications, this much was true




"Patterns seemingly can't be broken"
Were some of the last thoughts on my brain
As I fell into a deep sleep in a sea of tears

Just some feelings I've felt as of late. Considering the pandemic and the lockdown, I haven't been taking care of myself all that too well in communicating with the outside world.

This is a short way of putting my feelings out there, but also an opportunity to try to connect with others who are feeling the same way at the moment. We got this. The year is almost over. Reach out to close friends and family members. Make new connections. And if you just need a stranger to vent out, message me. Keep pushing through :)
Charles LaBauve Oct 2020
My fortune is broken
She continued to say

Abandon by luck
reflecting her days

The magic in ashes
Phoenix seemed strong

Threaded in pieces
But still holding on

Stun by Night
her eyes in a glaze

Chills bring dreams
of flying away

Poor Phoenix
Night carries on

Poor Phoenix
I too will be gone.
Phoenix and the Knight.
Story of life tragic events.
Johnson Oyeniran Sep 2020
Several moons ago,
When strood was filled with snow,
My father crashed my first ever car into someones residence.

Without consulting me,
He had taken my keys,
And selfishly did as he pleased, for he's a man who lacks common sense.
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