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Poetic T May 2017
When I was knee high to nothing
I asked inquisitive questions...

And with those answers I became me..

I would want too, if now, I asked the question??

If you are which you say? why so many books!!

If reality was based, wouldn't one book suffice,
But you made conflicting interests, like baiting
a hook. Why do we have to be slaves to ourselves
always begging on knees. To those of confused
reflections seeing you in themselves, but all the time
wording it to make them hate, difference of man
and woman others not he same as me?
but you conflict with love and preach the other thing.

If I was to ask one thing?

"Were grown now, out of the cradle of insecurities,
"Are hand needn't be held, were stronger without you,
*"I am me, not a reflection of your confused morality,
Shawn Mehaffey Jun 2015
It's not that I don't feel I'm good enough for you,
It's just that I think you deserve the world.
I might be only one man,
And the world is too big for me to carry,
But I'll bring you the moon so you'll feel the weightlessness I feel around you.
But I'll bring you the stars, the ones you used to live amongst so you'll always shine.
It's not thay I don't feel good enough, I'm a very happy person.
I just really do believe and want so far past and beyond the absolute best for you that the pursuit of it seems like a task I fear I may not be able to accomplish. But ****** I'll try
Cat Fiske Apr 2015
Loving you,
Was as easy as loving God,

Some days it worked out,
And others,

I couldn't force you,
To love me back,

And I knew,
I was less then God to begin with,

That's whats so ****,
3: Talk about the person you have had the most intense romantic feelings for.
Poetic T Jan 2015
I am one voice I am alone
But I hear a ringing in the
Distance,  It could be imagined
I could be only one in this land
Of perpetual darkness.

Could there be anyone else but
Me, I hear echoes as if something
Far but near, I am in the vastness
Of a blinding white, There has
To be more to this than me.

"I run in blackness never a direction seen"
"I run though blinded by what isn't seen"

I reach this edge as if a finite space,
Mirrored, contorted images,
An aura of what that which is
Opposite to me.

Running until I hit upon a enclosed space,
I see a detachment of what is viewed.
I'd look upon, as my features blinded
By this reflection of confusion, bathed
In purest puzzlement.*

I touch the boundary
I touch upon  the confines


Palms  grasp upon each, a moment of clarity
As what was single parts unite as a merged
Thought of right or wrong, a conscience,
Of two parts that on meeting became the
Same but singularly separated. Voices that
Speak in sync, but always different
together and apart as *one.
Ember Evanescent Oct 2014

Absolutely undoubtedly,  I really truly can't express my hate for despicable him. The memories though, were unforgettable, I won't even try.

(I sincerely mean both sentences within this thought st the same time.)

Repost if your thoughts argue with themselves like mine.
Please comment I love to read interpretations of my work and really any other thoughts you may have!  :)
Repost if your thoughts argue with themselves like mine.
Please comment I love to read interpretations of my work and really any other thoughts you may have!  :)
Danielle Lilia Jul 2014
To say no,
God I did.

But the mutineer in me,
Just couldn't help itself.

And so I said yes.
Just a poem about making choices.
Anthony Williams Jul 2014
you were a reckless tearaway arriving
to take the heat with a debt reckoning
in Sunday skies marked for duckbill clips
of dark filled entries on its balance sheet
a challenging force I felt I had to account for
a raincheck that I wanted to cash in on
before the heavens opened and blew me away
knocking at my door for a riot of rebellious
adult licence needed
love to be let in

you agree we meet outside in the gathering storm
for there's a multitude of conflicts to be resolved
stark contradictions and that's what excites
with you there's upsetting imbalance involved
upending equilibrium with blunt direct questions
and reactions like a Luddite with the mind of a librarian
so that I never quite know where you're coming from
but know the answer is next
written bold on the sheet
which has your signature on
I predict with a scrawl
but that you think
is kinda neat

"throw me every strain of emotion you can pick up"
and you do and your wake never lets me down
propelling a wet film wind machine
should I withstand its crazed delivery?

those sheets of rain that blew in
off the bay
you always try
your best to tear
I feel them shooing the air
into my lungs
winding up branches faster and faster
like a toy plane rubber band
dancing in my hair
this way then your way
until it stood on end
to not go on and on
the way of so many plucking ideas
drawn from the spoils
of let's-play-chicken arts
found on the tables of tattoo parlours
when the shades roll down
and pages flick quickly as dices roll out
extremes in exfoliating salon sport
close shaving loose leaves off every hairpin bend
and scratching the bald patch
ever more bold
as if you liked transplanting bulbs
follicles in deep crimson beds
of eye poppy temperatures gone wavering

impossible to ignore in a flash of eye shadow
from a bouncy bobbing weaving
pony tale conductor
keen to take on electric vaults
showing me a pair of high heels
I ****** at your scurrying reins
my grasp like a wind slipping
through a shake of tussled vanes
black curls of wild abandon
whipped up into a shift dress
in shades of grey flight
centred in misplaced miss red
lipstick outline worn to a fade
over the top of the roots
rushes **** the breeze with pollination
as full on as a full Brazilian headdress
collected from a gazillion dipping flowers
a rainbow opening to shower off
it's end in privacy
high pitched screens

little cover in those shorts of ours
from a summertime blanket of rain
which you turned up to cloud my thighs
always thrown over and folding your way
ace-of-***** cards played torn
and ragged with bare laced love
thrown down with on-the-river sneers
cornered with those winking semi-colon smiles
open ended to point out the end will be fun
but I get your gusting gist in the mean time
determined to wheedle the worst in me out
which looking up is on its way now
and when the lightning will stop dancing
is a rough reckoning I'm not ready to say
but in the eye of this exciting storm
it's clear
not tissues not anything
need wipe these slate skies clean
from our trail blaze
my tearaway
by Anthony Williams
Nicole Jul 2014
I can't have these feelings but I do,
And unfortunately it's for both of you.
Although, technically it's the same objective,
The situations come from opposing perspectives.
I feel everything I can imagine possible,
But the ending result is nothing probable.
My soul feels empty, echoing deep,
And now all I'm begging for is answers, or sleep
Whatever comes first and lasts the longest,
Whichever has effects that work the strongest:
My poisons won't save me this time,
No, with this one the responsibility is mine.
And I'm sorry if my pain hurts you so,
But i swear it's not your fault, I know:
I did this to myself, now must face my own demons,
Alone I must fight until I discover the reasons.
Kay La Jun 2014
That's what you used to call me
Always with the smirk on your face,
and the squint in your eye.
Leaving traces of your love across my thighs.
You'd hold me by the throat
I loved it cause I wanted to die.
Because I couldn't cope
that I fed you with my lies.
You didn't deserve my ****
and you haven't been the same since.
You'd go through the pain as long as I stayed.
So beside you I laid in order to keep you sane.
But I continued to use you,
was honest and told you I was doing so.
Told you I needed to leave you,
cause I was only going to keep hurting you more.
Your response was telling me you loved me,
I started to tear up, told you you're delusional.
You grabbed me by the face and kissed me,
attempted to get sensual.
But I just had to walk away.
I knew I couldn't stay.
I hope you'll one day forgive me
for not being in your life.
Forgive me for the confusion
and the strife.
That's what you yelled when I closed the door.
I'm sorry I don't need you anymore.
Nicole May 2014
sure she's likeheaven but angels stillfall
the risk is worth it all.
perfection or illusion
what an enticing delusion
the question proves a fight
do i potentially complicate her life
my thoughts reach oscillation
certain until uncertainty's persuasion
a thought like no other
and soon follows another
they bounce through my mind
now it's even harder to find
a decision
left between cognitive dissonance
then suddenly in this instance
The (mostly)single word lines an go to both the preceding sentence and the following one. You could read it either way but those lines are intended to be read almost twice, in a way.
*the only reason the first line has words morphed together is because i needed the verse to stay within one line.
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