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Ace Mar 24
There was once a bizarre girl
I've never seen anything alike
Over the moon she brings  
Like the stars in the night

In times we laugh
And in times we sync
We talked about the world
And the hole within

I thought of us together
Forever and bliss
We fit together exactly
Like puzzles that are meant to be

And so I thought I'll be
Intertwining with thee
Every second every minute
Adoring her cherry red lips

Perplexed and confused
She rejects and refused
Off she goes and now she hides
From the very person that just broke and died

And now you think of her
Every now and then
Reminiscing the times you had
With the girl you'll never have
There's always this someone that you'll never forget
Bea Rae Mar 19
Love with you was different,
but you still played me.
Like every person you claimed not to be.
Ander Stone Mar 15
I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet there's this child
Clinging to every
Step I take,
Reminding me of
All the spears
Our mother
Chucked at our eyelids.

I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet there's a little rebel
Churning the bile
Inside my guts,
Screaming at me
About all the sharp edges
Of the road we walk on.

I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet there's all this responsibility
Weighing me down,
And dragging me
Towards the edges
Of this broken glass path.

I want nothing more than to be left alone.

yet theres an old man
Whispering from the haze.
He tells me to turn back
From this destiny we share.

All that he wants is nothing more than for me to leave him alone.
Luna Marie Mar 12
"i love you" you say.

the words get stuck at my throat,
caught between your hands when you squeezed them.

"i'm sorry"

i can still feel the throbbing spots on my face as you kiss me,
where you had left your red and purple signatures.

i'll just wait for you to like me again.

as you beat the drums of my face and body,
i sing and dance to every hit.

"you know i love you, right?"

the same mouth that declares its love for me
is the same one that spits out fire and burns me.

i don't want to argue, so i'll just wait for your love.
i wanted to be loved so badly that i couldn't tell it wasn't love.
tryhard Feb 25
opened my heart once
after keeping everything in
years and years
filled to the brim
and now i'm spilled, entirely
maybe nobody
can be fully prepared
when the cracks in my heart
can no longer bear
all of its weight
the dam finally breaks
and i am the flood that drowns them
i am spilled, entirely
you see
victims of a flood
have the choice to leave
and i will be left here, still
caught in all the debris
spilled, entirely
Amy Childers Feb 23
Too you, I was always less
Even when I tried my hardest
I was breaking from carrying the weight
My knees and hands burning from crawling to you.
Why is it
That even now
When my heart is utterly shattered
My thoughts betray me
By picturing you.
But for some unknown reason I still find myself falling for you.
Jeremy Betts Feb 21
Digging my own grave with only the handle of a shovel
That's the level of commitment that I bring
But I should tell you this one thing
That also means I have lost the battle
Probably because I could never gain control
Up such and such creek with no paddle
No shanty to sing
Mistakenly trusted an Icarus wing
But that was years ago
Here I am, still stuck in the flow
For what seems like a couple hundred millennia or so
Combating my own soul
Laughing and mocking
The relentlessness is life altering
Landing a career ending swing
Not declaring but taking it personal
And I think I just realized I'll have nothing to show
That's impossible
Win or lose I present as a broken man not worth repairing
And hey,
That's still something

Hawley Anne Feb 16
I gather up all the tiny shards,
pieces of my broken heart.
And hold them oh so carefully,
so they don't further fall apart.
I wrap them so very tightly,
in what I think is love.
And I whisper to them so no one hears,

"I promise that you're enough."
Bea Rae Feb 8
With false hopes and dreams

I stand here waiting for you

To fulfill your vows
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