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Jay M Sep 2021
Long, weary day
Drained my energy away
What am I to say,
On a long, gloomy day?

Friends, they bring cheer
Friends are always near
To the heart, and before me
Giving as much support as need be
Even literally

Carry me away
On this cloudy
Cloudy day
Carry me away
Away like the wind

Up into the air
Down unto the grass
Time so short, it almost isn’t fair
Yet the moment comes only to pass

Thrill of the unknown
Rise into steady arms
Spin and see the day gone by
Away like yesterday

The cheer of friends,
The joy that they bring
Into my step a spring
Into their caring arms

Away, away, carry me away
On this cloudy, perfect day
Once looked upon with dismay
Now this is what I say;

“This has truly been fun,
Even without the shining sun
You all brighten up my day
In my mind this day shall forever stay.”

- Jay M
September 24th, 2021
Today my friends decided to carry me around a bit. I was tossed (gently) between friends, spun around, and set down. It was wonderfully fun, and today has truly been a highlight in my week.
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
Off I go on a road trip to nowhere
I won't send postcards to people who won't care
My best friend's gonna be a wise-*** brown bear
Yeah, I'm racing down a melting path to nowhere
Mirza Lazim Aug 2021
To feel you for a while, I did my best,
Overcame depression, waiting for the next
Suddenly opened my eyes feeling perplexed:
Standing on my knees in tears, I pray
Did you mention my name, dear, far away?!

The time is really beyond before and afters
Distances turn to a means as we disperse
Your spirit is here; you sound in my laughters
The cigarette is glowing in the ashtray
Did you mention my name, dear, far away?!

Stretched my soul in such a miraculous bond
No constraint anymore and no discord
Just like a butterfly flying in a void
I found the peace here, please, do stay,
Did you mention my name, dear, far away?!

I feel you turning pages with shaky fingers
I feel your heart beating in a rhyming bliss
Papers will reflect you in your red dress
As you touch my letters, it will make my day
Did you mention my name, dear, far away?!
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2021
I'm watching my life go up in flames
Coughing lungfuls of smoke
Can't see around the glow from the blaze
Try to breathe but choke

I'm careful not to get too close
Keep a safe enough distance away
Helpless as I watch my home
Descend into a state of disarray

I try to escape the inferno
But the doorway is blocked by fire
I have no choice but to burn along with it
A victim to consequences of my selfish desires
Everything just seems to be going to ****
Zack Ripley Aug 2021
The rain went away
So the rainbow could tell you
You will be okay
Ivy Aug 2021
I posses you
Is that such a bad thing to do?
You wanna get your **** together
I understand that
But what the hell
I wanna be with you
In all the countries
We can travel
Or visiting each other
Build connection
Step by step
But I’m already connected
You’re my lover
But what’s about me?
Will you wash that shirt
Which I was wearing
So you can wash
The memories away
Forget me faster
But I don’t want you
To forget me baby
Please don’t forget me
Tell me you’re care
Say it again
In our Lifetime
They come and go
You'll never see them coming
You never expect them go

Sometimes they come with a lesson
But sometimes with a heartbreak
One thing we should know early on
It's never wrong  to prioritize one's sake
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2021
A thousand chances I gave to you
Each one you carelessly broke
I called you my soulmate
Now that word just makes me choke

Why do I always fool myself
And believe your honeyed lies?
Falling for the next facade
Before the last tear even dries

Our love is a labor of loyalty
But I carry it's heavy weight
Despite how much it wears me out
Or slows down my wobbly gait

Which requires an impressive grip
So I don't drop you from my hands
When most would have given up by now
My tired frame continues to stand

Throughout misadventures
As seasons pass us by
I hold our relationship up
Even when you hardly try

Your absence is tearing me to shreds
Strangling me with misery
And the cuts all over my insides
Bleed out though no one can see

Since you abandoned ship
Feel older than ever before
Loneliness is aging me
From my surface to my core

Seeking refuge from the storm
Safe haven I can't seem to find
Cannot escape the sight of your face
You're everywhere I turn in my mind

But you have no comfort to offer
Except in dreams and memories
So I fill my reality with questions
Stuck in consecutive reveries

The coldest summer I've experienced yet
Though the sunshine is bright overhead
I am frozen straight through the bone
Even with somebody new in my bed

The beat in my chest sounds quieter now
My pulse slow and miniscule
Death would be easier than this I am sure
But I am not a coward
Only a fool

Running circles with my eyes tightly shut
Wasting away as time passes me by
Living life on autopilot
In a stupor
More like a zombie since you said goodbye
Sometimes it feels like my life is a movie I am watching but cannot control
Lunar Jun 2021
I didn’t plan it
Still a thought emerged
The seas opened
And the skies roared
The ship rocked
And an island emerged
An invite was extended
Making acceptance more tempting
Wonder if you would be mad
Confused, angry or sad
Impulsive it may be
But chronic it always was
Sometimes it’s probably easier to give in
A painless route, an undemanding path
Just need to turn the steering wheel fast  
Yet, I want a link to you
You are my invisible life vest
My anchor when the sea is violent
However, I fear that one day I’ll break free
I dread one day I’ll leave you behind and
I guess that’s what’s makes it interesting.
I'm anxious of my will to escape
My temptation to run far far away
I guess I'll just hold on tight for now
And pray for a silver lining to make its way somehow
“So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!”
― J.M. Barrie
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