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M Solav Sep 2018
Please - hear my voice, your good old
Friend - is talking in to
You - let it ring inside of
You - let words echoe in
and Through.

Please - hear this prayer of a
Child - you once were, don’t let the
Tide - of this moment sweep
Aside - and the water'll flow out
and Through.

It’s not time to start over;
The bridge's almost done.
Can't you see where you come from,
That good ol' sun rising on the shore?

Please - the other side isn’t
Far - nothing else's ever
Achieved - carry yourself a little
Further - let your legs walk across
and Through.
Written in July 2016 - for a friend going through hardship.

— Copyright © M. Solav —
This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Karijinbba Aug 2018
"Chin chin chinny
Chinny is in love
in love
with whom?
one might ask!
In love with life it's plain to see
also in love with me!*
~unto forever"
across the miles time and space mind soul heart
belly, thighs
and in the midst
spirit breaths of life
yours and mine joined live.
~All rights reserved.~
~~Unbequieted lovers ~~
poets:P/C/ham &Anilegna S.Gbba
Maria Etre Jan 2018
If thoughts can
meet half way across
the ocean
and tornado a whirlpool
of the unspoken
King Triton would
be threatened
by the intensity
of human
Telepathy you say.
Meg Howell Nov 2017
When the house is quiet,
When the nighttime has come,
I am bombarded by thoughts
Of the things that I've done

A scratch on the record,
A static on VHS,
A mind bitterly thinking
About a discombobulated mess

I'm utterly happy,
Or so I believe,
Although it may not come across,
It may not be perceived

These thoughts are like alcohol
Dousing the flame
Don't come any closer
I'm already close to insane
jamie Sep 2017
i don't know how you
feel about me anymore

i know we're friends
who tell one another secrets

but maybe there's one more
secret we haven't told

what if i were to say
i had feelings for you

we've been here before
things didn't quite work out

but i can't help but feel
there's something more

lingering thoughts
missing touch

maybe one day we could meet
or say these things in person

but for now
i'll sit here

with my poetry and music
while you're across the ocean

with your poetry and music
possibly thinking the same things
Colm Apr 2017
The truth is written there
Clear as day and yet shrouded as the night
Across the sky
That I am the only one who knows
Who I've written about
And why
Because this is me being honest. This is me telling the truth without being either inclusive or exclusive. It simply is the way that it is. And that kind of OK is alright with me. For now at least. :)

The writing is there is you understand my kind if elvish. ;)
Colm Mar 2017
The clouds racing across the sky
Remind me that my chance to live
My window into this varied life
Is rather short-lived
And that one day, as I certainly know
I'll be able to fly across the sky
Beside the clouds
But never high enough to look down
At least with this particular set of eyes
Can't wait...
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
All of a sudden, out of nowhere something came across the way.
Exactly what this something is,
it’s quite difficult to say.
As of now the present is on hold because of this something.

Difference of opinion leads to conflict of interest
Escalation in conflict leads to war
Always remember never forget the cause.
Go into details of each and everything,
follow the same.

Over a period of time it will be realized,
time and again cause is the only thing that not only remains the same, but is also important and hence in no way there is an escape.

Never forget that you are facing an odd
Never try to evade the same
Over a period of time it will be realized that odds make a way for many more new things in life that can not only be touched, sensed and felt, but those same things can be a part of  life,
making an otherwise routine life very much interesting.
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Beyond the limits of life,
Born again shall be our love,
Again and yet again.

Swear you did the oath,
Swore you a pledge of love,
In that ancient time.

Do not dare you forget,
Direct me does the pledge,
Wait for you forever.

So do not you worry,
Sweet seems this sweat,
As I work up to you.

I will never mind it,
If you happen to move,
On & on in the life.

Long I waited for it,
Longer than eons I did,
To meet you again.

So I do not mind it,
Some more rebirths it took,
To finally achieve you.
HP Poem #1330
©Atul Kaushal
S Smoothie Oct 2016
The wind creeps up on me carrying the whisper of your voice
With welcome Warmth Your soul envelops me,
You haven't forgotten me in this long breaking of our presence
I miss you too.
You know I won't come,
I'm too stubborn
I know what it means
Though I think of you endlessly
I wish on every star I see it could be different
But time is the ultimate master of its journey
It won't go backwards,
No matter how desperately pleaded
Time has no conscience
And serendipity is a joker
Poking fun while living through disaster
Seducing with flashes of false hope
Oh but love is a greater power
It out lasts and out shines all these trials of destiny
This life is half led
Shhh, I whisper,
Not this life,
The next
I will come for you
With a fanfare of all the colours of love
I feel you gently let go
But know you'll come again
Just as you know
I'll be waiting
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