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Tauhid Jan 2023
Have you ever loved someone
That you just knew you could never end up together?
Have you ever loved someone,
Breathing the same breath brings you so much pain?
Have you loved someone
That the feelings, brings so much ache?
Have you ever loved someone that left you short of breath?
Have you?
Eve Jul 2022
I have this really amazing friend,
Her name is Radha.
She's great, she deserves the world ♡
She once witnessed me in pain
And she said to me,
"Fairy, get a pen and a book and just start writing.
Anything that bothers you.
Anything you wanna talk about but can't find words to say.
Anything you want out of you,
just write it..."

I admired her approach; it's really great!
'Cause I do write, and it does help...
It helps me to listen to myself clearly,
Without my brain jumbling up my thoughts,
And without my heart shaking in my chest.
But what if she knew,
About the things I write about...
About the things that I constantly think about,
About the things I dream about,
The things I ache about?
What if she knew,
**** even the things that I laugh about,
About the things I can't say out loud,
About the things I burden this site about..?
What if she knew?

Thank you Radha, for being your best ♡ I love you.
LC Apr 2022
shrug off the shoulder aches
as laughter bounces off the walls.
shimmy out of the daily traffic
and into the well-lit streets.
clink glasses to accompany a song
in which everyone shouts the words.
when it's over, float atop the world
with hearts buoyed by love.
Escapril Day 26! Prompt: night out.
This is my idea of a great night out - one in which I can enjoy my friends' company and have a wonderful time. I hope we all can have amazing nights with the people we care about :)
tryhard Apr 2022
here i am again
reaching for hands
i am commanded not to hold
dreaming of just
a whisper of your touch
and again i ache
a hollow space in your shape

haunting everywhere i go
i try not to search for you
dreading my impending doom
the moment i catch
even a glimpse of your ghost
mocking my mortality
and yet possessing all of me

and god help me
because i cannot help it
a willing captive
fully at your mercy
and i am afraid for my being
because even ensnared
i wish not to escape you

blinded by your light
i mistake you for heaven
i am waiting at your gates
saying all the prayers
begging you will bless me
with an eternity of your love
if only i were worthy

and here i weep
because what use is all this
i see you and i sigh
keep myself at arm's length
because it is not enough
and it will always be like this
i'm too much of a romantic
to see things clearly
N Feb 2022
It hurts
to love you
like this

Without you knowing
how I ache for you

Please, stay,
and listen to a heart that
recites your name like a poem
AE Feb 2022
Lungs outlined with blue feathers
Ready to take off and fly
My fingertips like silk
Are incapable of holding on to anything
For too long

What can you hold against me?
Ghost stories I should've never shared?
Or that every time I dream out loud
I always seem to miss your outreached hand

What can you hold against me?
Besides this ache in every bone
That whispers to my soul
To let go for once, and try flying alone
Sarah Dec 2021
if it were up to me
we would meet at the edge
of the earth and the sea
in the space between
dreams and reality
and that's where we'd stay
for eternity
Lyn-Purcell Nov 2021
Smiling over tears
For grief cannot be outrun
Sky weeps over loss
Back again!
Geez, it's been ages. Still working through alot of things though. I dunno why but more often then not, I haven't been able to properly sleep / rest. And my mind has been taking several journies back to the past.
When I woke up, I felt a deep ache in my chest from remembering so many things at ones. Hence this haiku, I wrote it in my journal now and felt the need to share it.

Look, I dunno who needs to hear it but, please know that whatever stage you're in, even if you're really unhappy, you're doing great and while you're here, it's never too late either. Whatever grief you are enduring, outrunning will only do so much. Believe me, I've spent YEARS outrunning mine and it's done me more harm than good because I haven't processed and worked through it. You'll be better in the long run if you slowly and steadily make sense of your pain. It's okay if you crumble. But don't stay down for too long. Stand and walk through it. You owe yourself that much. ❤️🌹

Anyway, Ill be back soon. 🌹
Funny how a pen is always nearby when I feel I've lost my way. I'm still going to a terrible rut, feeling as if I don't deserve even that but I'm grateful none the less for the comfort it gives me.
Much love all, and stay safe out there.
Kind regards,
Lyn ***
tryhard Oct 2021
do you remember when we talked
about the capacity of our hearts
how it can be bigger
than our own bodies
capable of swallowing
entire galaxies
like a sun
exploding, burning
devouring everything
in its wake

when we wondered, desperately
where to keep all this love
inside of us
threatening to spill
anywhere it could go
if it had a place to stay
and welcome it home

when we recounted histories
of loves lost and found
of foolishness and folly
of hearts breaking
with the magnitude of earthquakes
shattering into the debris
of our memories
only resurfacing if
they are dug up
with tender hands

when revelations were spoken
recognizing all the mistakes
naming all of the hurt
one by one
and saying,
"i've known you"
and it is beautiful
all of it, the whole of it
some sort of sobriety
after what feels like a lifetime
under the drunken influence
of our hearts

in another universe
there would be versions
of ourselves
who have chosen
to be content.
but here,
our hearts are bigger
than our bodies
and they can break
with the magnitude of earthquakes
and in our stubbornness
we will choose to hurt,
to ache, to yearn
and yet
we will always dive heart-first.
written for ed. thank you for being you, my friend.
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