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Shreya Inks Feb 2015
When you have a broken heart,
And you can't go back to the start;
When it hurts to move forward,
And you can't go back to your world;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you wanna sleep but you can't,
When you don't get all that you want;
When you find your dreams shatter,
And all your friends begin to flatter;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you lose something you die for,
When you lose all the reasons to adore;
When you work and it doesn't work out,
When you have to face the fall out;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When tears cover your face,
When to wanna win some race;
When you wanna make your dreams,
When you are drowned in the streams;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you wanna confess something,
And you are afraid of the shame it will bring;
When you feel like albatross over your neck,
And it hurts to look back;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you have a broken heart,
And you can't go back to the start;
When it hurts to move forward,
And you can't go back to your world;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you wanna sleep but you can't,
When you don't get all that you want;
When you find your dreams shatter,
And all your friends begin to flatter;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you lose something you die for,
When you lose all the reasons to adore;
When you work and it doesn't work out,
When you have to face the fall out;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When tears cover your face,
When to wanna win some race;
When you wanna make your dreams,
When you are drowned in the streams;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you wanna confess something,
And you are afraid of the shame it will bring;
When you feel like albatross over your neck,
And it hurts to look back;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you have a broken heart,
And you can't go back to the start;
When it hurts to move forward,
And you can't go back to your world;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you wanna sleep but you can't,
When you don't get all that you want;
When you find your dreams shatter,
And all your friends begin to flatter;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you lose something you die for,
When you lose all the reasons to adore;
When you work and it doesn't work out,
When you have to face the fall out;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When tears cover your face,
When to wanna win some race;
When you wanna make your dreams,
When you are drowned in the streams;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

When you wanna confess something,
And you are afraid of the shame it will bring;
When you feel like albatross over your neck,
And it hurts to look back;
Then put all your faith in Lord,
And all your wounds will be cured.

© Shreya ♥
Sierra Scanlan Sep 2017
i've never believed the saying, "time heals all wounds." it puts one under the impression that if you wait and do good, we'll one day be magically healed...we'll wake up and suddenly see and feel the radiance of the sun again.

the sun has come back but i can still feel the frigid cold trying to take me away.

google defines wound (n) as: an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken. synonyms include but are not limited to: ****, laceration, slash, abrasion, bruise.

wounds can be physical. black and blue. scratches up and down your arm. wishing they'd go away so you can stop telling people that you ran into a tree.

wounds can be mental. feeling a tug at your heart constantly, one wrong move and you're shattered. not being able to listen to that song without bursting out in tears.

my wounds are valid whether you can see them or not. time has passed and my wounds are still begging to be seen. stop telling me i'll be okay with time.

i used to feel crazy. i was waiting for a switch to turn on. the switch would turn on and i would be healed. i wouldn't feel like this anymore. this day never came but i'm realizing this is fine.

google defines heal (v) as: to cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome. synonyms include but are not limited to: mend, recover, improve.

peak moments make me feel like i'm healed. i'll laugh the way i used to. warmth takes me over. the sky is a brighter shade of blue.

low moments make me question the healing process. i'm crying. my heart feels like it's breaking all over again. i'm battling with myself in my head. suddenly i'm on a rollercoaster i can't get off of and i can't stop screaming.

the thing is, i'm constantly healing. the process never ends. my body is constantly working to heal my wounds and while they may become less visible over time, i can tell you i will always feel them.

i've accepted my wounds as a part of me. they take up space. i carry them with me everywhere i go. i'm not sure if i'd be me without my wounds.

my wounds remind me of who i am, what i'm capable of. they're proof of the battles i fought: the nights i cried and cried, the moments i felt the world was too much for me, the times i questioned my worth, when i could feel my own heart breaking.

i'm sorry to say that time doesn't heal all wounds  as i'm still hurting.
wounds on the surface are easier to heal,
then the deep wounds I experienced as a child.

sometimes my old wounds of my heart rub against
the wounds of others, and in the confusion we lash out
against each other, when in fact we are reliving an old pain.

when I embrace my brokenness, somehow I can move forward.
in loving my self and extending forgiveness and gentleness to
my own heart, I am able to extend love when someone I meet
bring their wounds forward.

slowly but surely, my deep wounds guide me to a deeper surrender and deeper trust in a loving God that holds me safe.