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Give me a shot. I write for expression, hope for change. All Rights Reserved.
Brazil    i'm sorry


The albatross once filled the skies
Cormorants watched silent, from the shore
These are echoes of times long ago
There's nothing here for them any more

The coastline littered with sunken ships
Villages full of ghosts
Empty buildings and empty lives
Where just the sea gulls act as hosts

Oceans away lads, Oceans away
Out past the breakers and out to the sea
Oceans away lads, Oceans away
Out on the Ocean, where my soul is set free

The cod stocks have dwindled
There was no need to stay
There's no catch of the day, son
From here to Gaspe'

The canneries shuttered
The landscape has changed
I may be a sailor
But, my life's rearranged

Oceans away lads, Oceans away
Out past the breakers and out to the sea
Oceans away lads, Oceans away
Out on the Ocean, where my soul is set free

The Grand Banks are empty
Our boats are in hock
There's nothing that grows here
Except depression and rock

While others moved onward
I'll stay 'till I'm dead
Now, I feed off the tourists
I work the casinos instead

Oceans away lads, Oceans away
Out past the breakers and out to the sea
Oceans away lads, Oceans away
Out on the Ocean, where my soul is set free

The salt air still calls me
The wind in my sails
The sound of the rigging
Heading off to Kinsale

The coastline is empty
Where Ghost towns now stand
It used to be vibrant
But now just sea grass and sand

Oceans Away Lads, Oceans Away
On out past the breakers, and out to the see
Oceans away lads, Oceans Away
I still am a sailor, and I always will be
Joshleen Kumar Feb 2019
With various Oceans in the world around
And less of land and solid ground
71 % is Ocean and 29 % is land to be exact
That is the reality and the startling fact
Unfathomed are the waters, deep and blue
How does the Ocean matter to me or you?
As a matter of the Earths Biology and Chemistry
The data on Oceans is no longer a mystery
Oceans are the lifeblood of planet earth and mankind
As here is one of the greatest ecosystems we can find
Carbons are removed for the air and buried deep in the Ocean
In turn, the marine plants give back to us the required oxygen
The Ocean is the planet’s most important climate regulator
As it absorbs the ultra-rays from the sun and solar factor
Which in turn gives the atmosphere a cooling effect
Otherwise the world would be too hot to inhabit
The evaporation of vapor from sea is recycled back as rain
Without which our life on earth would be so much in vain
Our Oceans are magnificent and represent a scenic beauty
The breath-taking views serve their tourist attraction duty
The atolls, the lagoons and the white sandy beaches
The crashing huge waves and the dazzling marine creatures
Oceans are a safe and direct route of travel for ships and boats
Which is convenient and cheaper without a need for expansive roads
The Oceans are naturally part of an aquatic sporting arena
Where yachting, sailing, scuba diving and snorkeling are a winner
The Oceans are a hub and powerhouse with various economic activities
Where wealth is derived cheaply and aplenty with little difficulties
In fact the Ocean is like the headquarters of the World Bank
Where all the worlds’ assets are sitting within a large tank
From large scale fishing, pearl and seaweed farming
Gas and oil extraction and as far as minerals from mining
Cooking salt is derived from the oceans and is therefore iodized
Arid nations have sea water purified for drinking after it is de-salinized
The range of economic activities derived from the Ocean is manifold
But with the depleting state of Marine resources, what does our future hold?
Thousands of people have lived without love but none without water
As every drop counts but having an Ocean at your mercy is even better
A healthy Ocean means that we have a healthy, thriving nation
As it is the Ocean that provides us with a chunk of our daily ration

An Ocean is rich and full of resources and is a great asset
Without which the world would be poorer, just like in debt
From the Highlanders, the city folks and the coastal dwellers as such
We all need the Ocean somehow or the other and very, very much
Resources of the Ocean are of course very limited
So use it wisely and just take what is sparingly permitted
Climate change aided by our misguided actions is taking its toll
The smaller island nations are drowning together with the atolls
If offending life on land would vanish, the creatures in the Ocean will flourish
If life in Oceans were to perish, the creatures on land would die malnourished
We need the Ocean more than what the Ocean needs us
We cannot survive alone at the neglect of the Ocean thus
That is why the Ocean matters so dearly to me
Can we all put up our hands for this “me” to become a “we”?
So that the Ocean remains intact and in good health
And we can keep on living off well from the Oceans wealth?
Yates  Feb 2014
I Remember
Yates Feb 2014
I remember the first time I said your name,
and I wondered how sounds can roll off tongues like raindrops can roll down windshields and spell out the things I can't say but I can feel, like how kids roll around in fields because it makes them feel good, and how dogs roll around with kids in fields because it makes them feel good, or how cats roll around wherever they want because they're cats and they feel like it,
or how I write really long pointless metaphors because they make me feel good. And the point is, I really like the feeling of your name on my lips.
And I remember the first time I heard your voice,
and how it was sweeter than any symphony I'd ever heard, and how it sometimes reminded me of birds and how they don't always fly in a straight line, because your symphony never played in a straight line unless you were singing. And even then I loved how it felt on my ears, especially when you said you would always be here.
I remember the first time I looked into your eyes,
and I wondered how oceans could fit into such a small space,
and I wondered how oceans didn't always have to be blue,
and I wondered if oceans would always make me think of you.
And even when your oceans were stormy, I knew that the waves would die down and the skies above the oceans in your eyes would hold the most beautiful sunsets I'd ever seen,
and I wondered if sunset would always be my favourite time of day.
I remember the first time you held me in your arms
because I was missing home, and your arms felt like the warmest home I'd ever known. And even now I sometimes miss that home and the way your arms would tell me everything is alright, and the way your oceans would surround me, and I wouldn't feel like I was drowning anymore.
I remember the night you were worlds away when you called me and said that you were afraid.
You didn't have to say it for me to know that you were afraid of yourself.
I remember how I could hear the oceans in your eyes running over, and I could hear your sunset skies getting cloudy.  
I remember how your symphony had off notes because one of the violins was broken and your oceans running over got everyone's music wet.
I remember letting your name roll off my tongue, and how it felt like a tank was rolling over my heart when your broken symphony rolled off
"I'm sorry, I just can't live like this anymore. I love you. Goodbye."
And I remember the oceans in my eyes spilling over until they ran dry, and screaming to a dial tone symphony that you can't leave me like this, because you promised you would always be here.
You promised.
I remember how there wasn't a sunset that night.
How, a year later, I still wish that you were only sleeping the last time I saw you.
A year later, when I pick up the phone I still wish it would be your symphony playing on the other end, because that sound was sweeter than any words I could ever write for you, but I'll write them anyways so maybe you'll know that a year later, when I see oceans I still think of you.
When I'm missing home I still think of you.
When I hear symphonies, I still think of you.
And I hope you know that a year later, sunset is still my favourite time of day.
Slammity slam slam slammy slam. Poem.