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California    Dance, Poetry, Expression.


Danielle Jul 2022
"Perhaps, we are the people who met each other at a time warp, that's why we are still existing in this millennium."

It's like my heartbeat has been cursed by twenty lifetimes; I would trade all my days, even if it turns from epoch to eon, I will always come back to you.
"we are the time travelers"
Beauteous Beast Jul 2016
yesterday, i was on the verge of letting you go. i left the thought of you in my last 84 years, and before that too. today, i'm 34 and maybe will last for the next decades or so. i'm not sure if i'll leave this lifetime again-- with the trails of your kisses dangling on my shoulder, its tips gently swaying across my bare back. ill ask myself again tomorrow the dreaded question of my past lifetimes, "why will i leave you again?".

i developed this habitual longing for thoughts of you inside my head. how i couldn't quite reach the satisfaction of imagining--i need your soul in physical form. i need you with me; right here, right now.

you can clearly see the fault here, and i'm sorry for that. i need to love you, not need nor want you. it's not some complicated **** as the reason of my soon-to-be absence for the rest of your life, it's the crushing thought of being not worthy to be yours. you're too precious, too much of a sweet liability for my bitter tongue could willingly handle.

alas, this lifetime would probably be wasted again on depressing decisions that will be the end of me. but one thing is for sure, inside the deep oblivion of my mind, i will always love you. and i'm wishing for more lifetimes to come for me to get that out of my nothingness.
it's long but it's worth it
Ronald J Chapman Nov 2014
Cold has arrived;
Tonight I see snow falling from the sky,

It seems like for a thousand lifetimes I have,
Waited to stand before you,
To feel the cold white flakes tickle my nose!
To feel the cold white flakes touch my lips!

It seems like for a thousand lifetimes I have,
Waited to stand in front of you,

The flowers have gone,
The snow is falling like white rose pedals,
Snow flakes falling on the water look like sparking diamonds,

It seems like for a thousand lifetimes I have,
Waited to stand along side of you,

Standing here looking at you covered in pure white,
So cold, so beautiful you are,
Yet! Looking at you, makes my heart feel warm,
Tears fall from my eyes; I missed you,

It seems like for a thousand lifetimes I have waited,

To walk alongside a river named 'Han'.

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