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JenChi Dec 2013
10/23/13 1:40am
These butterflies keep me awake
And to think that was just the first date
Sweet souls wanting more
Get out of this town and explore
Nervousness calmed by smiles and laughter
Could be the one I'd chase after.

7:57am 12/6/13
Chased a little bit,
slipped in some *******.
Don't care where, what, who your with
Figured you out by the fifth
Wouldn't talk to me, ya just hid
If we make plans I'd hope you'd keep it
An honest man wouldn't have too many secrets
My heart was always just for one,
But now it seems it wants to have some fun.
Im falling deeply in love with one while he might like another,
So we're having conversation undercover.
Only will said other date me if I go to his school,
So now I wanna transper but I might look like a hopless fool.
For I found the true love of my heart,
Hoping he wont leave me agian and this time we can have a master piece of art.
David Ian Go Mar 2014
I'm a hopeless romantic
I'm in love with love
I believe in fairytales
I do the cheesiest stuff

I'm a hopeless romantic
I dream in color about you
I think of falling in love
I dream of just us two

I'm a hopeless romantic
I smile at the idea of us
Surfing on rainbows
And jumping on clouds

I'm a hopless romantic
All I think of is you
I knew we were in love
And then I woke up
Destiny C Jan 2022
The Hopeless Romantic...

You lust me,
But you love me not.

I want to know your deepest secrets, and the passions that make your heart soar.
I want your love so much..
oh so much,
that it brings me to the floor.

I want to sleep next to you,
and write sweet poems about you when I can't sleep through the night.

Then I want to read them to you,
while you're awake,
So you can hold me tight.

But instead you choose the other girl.
Because you always do.

You'll swipe up on my pictures,
and tell me sweet nothings you think I want to hear...
Lust after my body,
as if my mind wasn't here.

I'm the girl you lust after,
not the girl you love.

I'm a hopless romantic,
because I know i'll never find someone who loves me for me...
Sarah Feb 2015
you're a hopeless romantic and he's a realist
you think he's the one, he has to be "the one"
while he's thinking ill find another like my last lover
but you're stuck on him

         ­                                                          him
                                                                ­                    forever him.
simple thoughts
Blanca Aug 2011
Was it always supposed to be?
Was it decided by him above?
That it was always meant for me,
To encounter and fall in love.

Was it supposed to afflict
My beating heart and soul?
Was it supposed to make
These eyes
Vacuous with no control?

Force me into recollecting
The feelings
And the thoughts
I had compressed,
Of all those meetings

Inform my simple mind
All that is unfair,
How I Was destined to fall,
As a single, never a pair,
Into Heartbreak and despair..
Shandel Pruitt Sep 2009
This thing is rare
in our mislead world...
everlasting imperfections...
hinder hopes forlorn...
while it all falls down...
People somewhere have faith...
that what they feel tomorrow
is the same as today...
For these are the lovers..
the hopeless romantics...
warriors of the heart...
the seekers of devotion...

being of them,
have a powerful tale...
heartbreak and lust...
litter my trail...
leading to one day...
known as the present...
it's in...
while that's out...
my future's the now...

With a heart so tender...
and dreams so faint...
the emotions i speak...
should bare no weight...
but it's impossible...
that these things...
would be so hapless...
an emotional burial...
will never happen...

What's left...
but one day soon...
what i've had
will have left...
from me
to be...
in another's life...

and what i'll be...
is what's by their side...

So I'll Fight...
Not Run...
I'll Wage War...
For Love...

and Bruised...
I'll still receive my fate....
Francisco Ortiz Mar 2014
Life is falling apart
And my mind is everywhere.

Your love for me is like my love for life;
I pretend it's there but we both know it isn't

If only she would turn around and smile
if only she would look me in the eyes
Then she would see the tender soul with In me
Hoping only for a chance at happiness

But the truth is she ignores me
she never thinks of me
and she never will....
Haven't written in a while and I'm feeling kinda down.
Connor Squires Dec 2013
I wish I knew
I wish. I know.
You know I wish
I wish for you
You for me
And me for you
You wish you knew
You wish. I know.
You wish for love
I say let go
M Tamura  Nov 2014
M Tamura Nov 2014
I keep thinking I will see you again, my best friend, my love.
The reels in my mind play over and over again, what if...
Each day away, a day of sorrow, in a lonely tale of me.
And you? What becomes of you, I wonder and wonder.
My heart pounds as tears stream silently from eyes that search hopless.
Tears, like you, fall away never to be apart of me again.
Closure they say, is for those who have moved on, estranged ones have no closure here.
Abandoned, left never knowing why, left with all these empty promises.
Those lips I would have kissed forever, the hand which fit perfectly with mine.
The beautiful person I cherished loved and adored, whom I still feel so much for.
May have well been a dream, of which bliss woke up to a nightmare.
I know I need to let you go.
I wonder when I will feel better again.
Always the fool, I will always wish the best for you.
Even if it is not me, beside you.
For you ar never coming back.
Celestite Oct 2018
My favorite story in greek/roman mythology is the story of Persephone and Hades.
I always though that she was in love with him
That she was the good grace that saved him
Almost as yin and yang, two beautiful opposites that fell perfectly into what I described as love.
But as I read inbetween the inbetween of the lines
I learned that I was wrong.
She wasn't happy at all, she just couldn't leave.
She was trapped in a whirlwind of melancholy
Longing for a hand to grab through the storm.
And as she grew sadder, so did the world around her.
When she was not with Hades flowers grew inbetween her toes
and butterflies danced across the clouds,
But when she had to leave the sky rained monotone gray.
I was Persephone, I longed to help the hopless
and in hope of love being returned to me from the hands of god
all i was given, was nothing.
But then you came.
You swooped me off of my feet and doused me in saphires.
You showed me what it felt like to be loved.
I'll admit, the feeling is new,
But sometimes you have to grab the hands of fate and just hope that you'll be catched.
Because at the end of the day, why keep picking roses if they're thorns make you bleed?
Thats why I prefer Sunflowers;
and I'm sure if she had the chance, Persephone would too.
Picture this as we slip into a bliss
An infatuation soon to be missed
The bittersweet feeling
A fragile wound longing for healing
The way your eyes meet mine
For eternity I'd be fine
Let us embrace this adventure
The desire for unforgettable pleasure
A kiss to seal the deal
Just to make it real
Like aged wine
It tastes better over time
Gently caress my heart
And take it with you when we drift apart
I may be a hopless romantic
But this feeling has made me frantic
I'll shed one tear & give cheers
That life has gotten me here
So if this could ever be l-o-v-e unraveling
Please don't catch me when I'm falling

— The End —