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Gender Fluid/Philippines    i'm back '-' but i haven't written anything in over two years and all the people i used to know here are probably inactive now._. ...
Jillian McLean


David Ehrgott Sep 2015
In the year two-thousand and eight
While running for president
Senator John McCain stated
That we need more nuclear energy,
He stated that nuclear energy,
is safe and friendly to the enviroment.
Nuclear energy, he said is clean
because it doesn't pollute the air.
He said that nuclear energy is the
Wave of the future.

Yesterday, One Twenty-nine Ten.  I
read in the newspaper that the state
of Vermont was going to vote on
closing down its nuclear energy plant.
It seems that ever since it began
leaking Tritium (a highly toxic by-product
of nuclear energy) into its drinking
water they've determined a link to
the sudden high rate of cancer.

Tritium has also been found in water
supplies near nuclear plants in
Illinois and New York.  But, those
states have chosen not to react.
I think we should wave goodbye to
nuclear plants before everyone will
have to wave goodbye to their future
wrote a song about it   
Hey Mr. Senator!
Give us a glass of that
Clean, clean tritium  
Cancer's great stuff
We need more of that
Give us clean, clean tritium
Hey all New Yorkers
Illinois and Vermont
Drink up!  Clean, clean tritium  

No, we can't breathe
But, at least we had that
Not, that clean, clean tritium  

How about serving
A bottle to Congress
Drink up!  Clean, clean tritium  

The House is refusing?
What's all the confusing
It's clean, clean tritium  

Mmm it's so tasty
Just like cows from the sixties
Clean, clean tritium  

Death is delicious
Who cares what's nutritious
It's clean, clean tritium  

Hey Mr. President
You drunk a glass yet?
Clean, clean tritium

Everybody die
It's the only way to fly
It's that clean, clean tritium

He promised us health care
All we have is death here
That clean, clean tritium

Clean Clean Tritium
Clean Clean Tritium
Clean Clean Tritium
Madisen Kuhn  Jun 2018
Madisen Kuhn Jun 2018
who would have thought i would become so obsessed with clean? not
my mother, who’d nag me to pick up all the clothes scattered across
my bedroom nearly every day of ninth grade. we rarely saw the floor.
i’d sleep beneath books and laundry on my half-made bed. now i
scrub dishes, scrub counters, scrub the floor at night because i can’t
stand the thought of a ***** kitchen—little cockroaches scurrying
in and out of pots and pans. my home smells of lavender oil, a soft
mist, air cleansed by a pink-glowing himalayan salt lamp and plants
in the living room. now i put things away in drawers, close doors of
rooms that are the slightest bit messy. now i straighten books on the
coffee table, set the remotes parallel to one another, everything must
be in place. now i floss, wash my face every night, stare in the mirror
and repeat i am clean, i am clean, i am clean. now i burn my skin in the
shower, inhale the steam until my breathing is slow and my sinuses
are clear. i am clean, i am clean, i am clean. now i fold the laundry, stack
our clothes into two piles, his and mine. i make our bed, i organize
our shoes by the door, i kiss the man i love goodnight. i am clean, i am
clean, i am clean. i know what my father must think, i know he loses
sleep, i know there are holes in his tongue where his teeth have made
a home. i am clean, i am clean, i am clean. i know he wishes i still went
to church, wishes my boyfriend believed in a god, wishes i was clean.
i am clean, i am clean.
from my book, 'please don't go before i get better'
read here:
Thomas W Case Mar 2023
Why do some women worry so
much about the
Clean car,
clean dishes,
clean toilet,
clean face, clean little
bill of health,
clean credit rating,
clean dog, clean teeth,
clean floor?
What about the
The heart, the soul,
the conscience?

Hey, no.
I’m busy cleaning,
cleaning the carpet, the sink,  
the garden.
For God’s sake
what would the neighbors

I have to clean the
tables, the ceilings, your
fingernails, ears and crotch.
And the bed that
we copulate in,
it’s all *****.
*****, *****, *****.
and the mirror…
just look at it.
Check out my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on