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karin naude Mar 2013
maturity admired exaggerated by far
assumed mutual care
me, stepped on Satans tail
ignoring elder warnings
believing Satans whispers
building, dreaming forging forever happiness on a whisper, sweat whisper
i enjoyed the dripping yellow whisper
smooth clear honey, flowed
my deity please remember me think me
i Begg for my soul, please mercy
please release my soul
ties that bind, please destroy
by faith alone, a righteous prayer
my redeemer lives
standing on faiths shoulder, my enemies crumble and fall
father please forgive an ignorant youth no more
old spit out toy, emotionless
the road is hard, please carry me
by faith alone, by faith alone
Last May a braw wooer cam down the lang glen,
      And sair wi’ his love he did deave me;
I said there was naething I hated like men:
      The deuce *** wi ‘m to believe me, believe me,
      The deuce *** wi ‘m to believe me.

He spak o’ the darts in my bonie black een,
      And vow’d for my love he was diein;
I said he might die when he liked for Jean:
      The Lord forgie me for liein, for liein,
      The Lord forgie me for liein!

A weel-stocked mailen, himsel for the laird,
      And marriage aff-hand, were his proffers:
I never loot on that I ken’d it, or car’d,
      But thought I might hae waur offers, waur offers,
      But thought I might hae waur offers.

But what *** ye think? in a fortnight or less,
      (The deil tak his taste to *** near her!)
He up the lang loan to my black cousin Bess,
      Guess ye how, the jad! I could bear her, could bear her
      Guess ye how, the jad! I could bear her.

But a’ the niest week I fretted wi’ care,
      I gaed to the tryste o’ Dalgarnock,
And wha but my fine fickle lover was there,
      I glowr’d as I’d seen a warlock, a warlock.
      I glowr’d as I’d seen a warlock.

But owre my left shoulder I *** him a blink,
      Lest neibors might say I was saucy;
My wooer he caper’d as he’d been in drink,
      And vow’d I was his dear lassie, dear lassie,
      And vow’d I was his dear lassie.

I spier’d for my cousin fu’ couthy and sweet,
      Gin she had recover’d her hearin,
And how her new shoon fit her auld shachl’t feet—
      But, heavens! how he fell a swearin, a swearin,
      But, heavens! how he fell a swearin.

He begg’d, for gudesake, I *** be his wife,
      Or else I *** **** him wi’ sorrow:
So e’en to preserve the poor body in life,
      I think I maun wed him to-morrow, to-morrow,
      I think I maun wed him to-morrow.
Luna Maria Jan 2019
I begg you
To kiss my salty cheeks
lead me through the mighty jungle
be my light in the dark
can you please take my
and cure my broken heart?
I’m on my knees
To begg you
To ease my pain
I hope you are there. help me.
Blakbuttafly89 Jul 2018
to the one I love to forget...
I apologize for my constant rejection
u been longing for my affection
misleading ur heart in a different direction
for quite some time now the false promises and fake smiles I constantly feed you spreads through your mind like a blissful infection
the ****** poetry I sinfully spit at u leaves u standing firm and tall the greatest lover i am let me ease your *******
I love it when u begg  get on your knees is always my reply , time for me to see what that tounge do inspection
oh so you wanna be my love slave is my detection......
let me stop here I go again misleading u in the wrong direction
I don’t know why when u look at me u see endless perfection
when all I can offer u is endless rejection
I’m not  willing to let my future king of the past get the wrong impression
so I hide ur love for me as the unseen discretion
u really think I love you... sorry u mean nothing my smile must’ve caused that deception
before u became attached  I tried to let u go cause my love I know will leave u in a 2 year world of depression
I know that it will be because of me u look at women funny u get the wrong impression
look all I know is that I need to admit my wrongs in order to receive true redemption
and also I hope that my apologetic poetry will help cure those late nights that u spend consumed with depression  
I guess this is how it’s supposed to go
Jay M Wong Jan 2014
Oh, fearsome fate will you heed my cry,
To thou'st pray, upon thy knees shall, I.
For shall it'st be 'tis conjuring of fate,
That hath drawn mourn-so many innate,
For upon the  dearest ground shall'st thy knees kiss,
And pray'st the clearance of the beclouding mist,

For to none shall their fate be so written clear,
For to none shall their fate be tell'st to thy ear,
For to none shall their fate be given a'share,
For one to know is only when 'tis draws near.

Oh, greedy self can you pray'st for nothing not,
But grasp what's been given to thy before 'tis a'rot.
And begg'st not to thy knees of her faithful skies,
And race'st to thy moon shall then thy all'st tries,
And fear not the failures as thy'st travel a'fars,
For if we fall, we'st fall upon the very stars.
A poem on the uselessness of worship and prayer and the power of the belief in motivation and drive.
There was an old man in a garden,
Who always begg'd every-one's pardon;
When they asked him, 'What for?'--
He replied, 'You're a bore!
And I trust you'll go out of my garden.'
Kayla  May 2014
Wishful thinking
Kayla May 2014
Make me writhe under you. Make me begg for release. Slowly destroy my innocence as I whimper primordial love songs in your ear. Would you leave me numb? I want you to leave me speechless. I want to float a top constellations without ever leaving this bed. I want to feel the earth move around the sun, and breathe in syncopation with the universe. I want you to make me feel alive.
Awesome Annie  Jun 2017
Grey Days
Awesome Annie Jun 2017
Blue sky's
Hold witness
to grey days.

Light shines
upon me.
But I do not feel it.

Just this
heavy weight
in my chest.

Just this
dark void
that's swallowing me.

Just this
Need to
Run from everyone.

I begg you
Pull the sun
From the sky...

Blind it's eyes
From witnessing
My destruction.

— The End —