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 May 2017 Dream Fisher
Anderson M
Glistening with intent and purpose
Are hurled full throttle at my heart
Hell bent on infecting it with indifference
And coldness, a quick cold death.
The embers in my heart respond with blinding intensity
Instantaneously melting them all in a single shine.
I can’t for the life of me fathom the depth of anguish
And loss that victims of terrorist activities face.
My heart does bleed though in solidarity.
My prayer’s that the rest of society unites in feeling
To vanquish and triumph over hate with love.
 May 2017 Dream Fisher
Wide eyed
Developing early in America is hard
A young woman with hips and *******  
you school becomes a hunting ground
"Sugar ****" yelled down the hall
Unwanted groping

Now a woman
The calls on the street "how much for an hour"
I'm in a sun dress
Please stop
My voice now a whimper
Every walk I take
Yell after yell

I'm sorry when you say
I miss your *****
It doesn't make me feel special
It doesn't make me laugh
It doesn't make me happy

I feel like meat
Grade A
Top choice
Marbled cut
I feel like ****.
I won't laugh
It's not funny
My body isn't a joke.
 May 2017 Dream Fisher
 May 2017 Dream Fisher
hold my hands
then twist them
kiss my lips
and rip them
hug me close
break my bones
dont tell me no
just make me go
I cant do it alone
 May 2017 Dream Fisher
You are there to hold everyone
you always have been
you've always been okay
but not anymore
anxiety is your new friend
and It's not okay
I'm scared
I need someone to hold me
 May 2017 Dream Fisher
i waited patiently for you today,
though i knew you wouldn’t come,
in our old spot on my porch swing.
the night air caressed my skin as
i swung back and forth, gazing
at the absent seat next to me where
you so often sat close, talking
endlessly as the stars appeared.

the streetlamp illuminated the
road we used to walk, too scared
to hold hands, too nervous to touch.
my mind followed our ancient path
down to the end of the road and back
laughing without a care in the world.
so i waited for you, though you never
showed, because i cannot be forgiven
for breaking your heart so long ago.
I found it on the floor of
the women’s dressing room
after a concert.
The ladies were long gone
and I was clearing up.
It was one inch long and
the wings were one inch wide.
The dragonfly had
two overlapping oval wings
on each side
and a long curved tail.
The body and tail
were set with butterscotch
yellow rhinestones.
The wings held chartreuse stones.
Two white rhinestones were the eyes.
The quality of the stones
was extraordinary
though the setting
was not really gold.

When I took it to my office
to put it
in the lost and found
my extra many ceiling lights
made it sparkle
like in a jewelry store display.
I put it on a stack of tissues
I keep at the ready on my desk
so I could see it
any time I wanted.
When I moved my head
just slightly, it would make
the sparkles seem to move as well.
It made me very happy
just to look at it
and I have no idea why.

Nobody called to claim the pin
It’s value is likely very small
But it’s come to symbolize some of
The shiny things I hope to capture
In the time remaining of my life.

It won’t be long ‘til I
am forced to
spread my own frail wings
and fly
from this cocooned
career of work.
Perhaps the dragonfly
will be a talisman
and lead me to
the meadows
I have dreamed of:
awash in creativity,
accomplishments rewarded,
and never any gales
of jealousy
or the thunderclouds of
evil that
rattle my windows here.

On the day when everything
is packed and shipped, my
keys turned in,
lights turned off
for the last time
and I am free, I will pin the
to my collar and
and take us looking
for that meadow.
It would have broken my heart if someone had called to claim it.  Just a silly piece of costume jewelry.
i haven't written much these days
because i can't find anything to say
about these dark days or my odd ways
of thinking
in a way that actually conveys anything
better than a blank page would
so, it should be understood that this essentially
is an empty journal entry and
says more than i can, today
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