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Clothed in your colour
which is life
Moulded in your form
which is beauty

as a daisy
Dark woman
you have conquered our attention

Your voice is spiritual
and musical
The glint of the sun
against your watered skin
pauses all birds
to stare in admiration

Black woman,
i sing your beauty
that passes
before age takes a giant bite
from it all.
what is more beautiful that Black?
It takes what it takes
to know what to take
and to detect what is fake.

If disappointment is a reality, who says it cant be double-crossed?
If its a one man's world, who needs a double-bank?
If its either cheat or be cheated, who needs to be caught up in a double-bind?

Whats *****
much more than the findings of the sherlocks

All they say is, "no ****"
but whose really taking the hit?
when all we can think of is taking to our heels in a fleet

Joining the contest
at its hottest
drives us to the binge at our adeptest

Mistakes are abound
and everywhere promises are airbound
suffocating the area we surround

Russian is a scrambled language
just as my cuban rainguage
reverts us into ice age

We are all elements
soaked into worldy commitments
to meet our societal requirements

Love is not a physical duty
enjoyed in a ladies *****
via packaged protection zooty

A life aint gat nine
its not everytime things will be fine
all sectors needs you to brace-up and hoist your catline.
Do you really think its Nine Lives or chances? When all you really will ever get is One chance
Hurling curses everywhere,
pitchforks and pistols in everyhand.
The price for silence
flirted with moral opulence.
The minted paper lollipops
credited our hungry accounts;
whilst our future sold in the markets
and our groins thrown in the caskets.
Change is not a criteria to progress
because it is a slutty variable.
Honesty is not a key to political prowess
because it is transparently breakable.
Let the feet do the talking
and the mouth do the standing.
Was dating a bag of ****
whose first impression was a megahit.
This love story was diseased long before it began.
I recall his swayful love worship was far too pagan.

Could his heart get more colder than winter?
Could his laziness
be better than his deafness?

Ooh! Let me out
so i feel the winds
Let me blackout
so i wont feel the darkness he enwinds.

Its amazing what two persons can cause.
It is honourably
chiefly poetic
to put an end to our present cause.
What's your story?
Quit waiting
for coincidence.
Happiness is a joint satisfaction.
Picture nothing
because there are memories too numerous to pause and click.

Un-learn nothing
because knowledge isn't cheap.
Sprint when its raining
because the road is unclear.
Say u love someone because soon all your teeth will fall off
Six Lines actually
Here she is
again, totally feeling she is under some kind of hypnosis
or orthosis
or haplosis
or maybe moral epilepsis.

Hands on chest
like she should not be at her angriest.
Keeping her still under his mouth arrest
like she should not feel at her awfullest.

Her brain started a coup
then her defenses echoed a coo.
Shampoo all over that bamboo

Lust has a wicked heel curve
desire's stepping on her last nerve
satisfaction killing all her reserve
he got what he did not deserve.

Next day,
it was all over the internet.
I forgot my thumb
on my candle fire
till the smell of burning flesh
awoke my paused consciousness.

I bit my lip
and looked by my right side for
a small tissue-paper,
only to find the rats staring innocently
at my candle and my thumb.
It is fascinated by
the way the candle affected
my thumb
i guess.

I looked up
"no light"
was the reason
for the frown that
graced my slightly
pimpled face.

"shoo" i said
because of one of the rats
that sat on my
hand fan.
It shifted a bit
and i reached for it.

All the water bottles and kegs
all taps hissed, "no water"

Then the stomach growl.
Nothing in my cupboard,
not even a chewing-gum.

I hate here.
I then layed down to
fantasize about my dream boy.

Sleep came
and floated me off
Nigerian Waters.
Poverty is evil
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