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  May 15 nivek
Salmabanu Hatim
Be a slave of your anger,
Be the master.
nivek May 15
Summertime is a gift
to all who survived Winter
nivek May 15
carrot and the stick
is well known
on the path of would be poet
nivek May 15
words occupy their own space
we choose to rearrange them
nivek May 14
jobs to potter about the garden
at ones own pace
and natures rewards overspill
all we ever knew
reconnecting the child to wonders lost
and now found.
nivek May 14
where does a Butterfly get all its energy
if not the shared Daystar called Sun,
and beauty painted across Butterflies wings
by the Master of creation called God,
who also composed the songs of Birds, and
inspired the psalms, a book of ancient poetry,
where does Mankind get all its energy
to do some good except the hand of Love.
nivek May 14
Banished all melancholy
on the insistence of St Philip Neri
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