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Nick Moore Apr 2013
You told me,
just out of the blue!

It's true!
I'm so happy
about what's happening
to you

Now I know

It's true!
if you want something
it will come true.
Nick Moore Aug 2016
What is that flower I see?
While walking
Culloden pavilions

Sweet William
Sweet William
Sweet William

It may only be a flower
but it's story has power

to me
I see

Stinking Billy
Stinking Billy
Stinking Billy.
Nick Moore Jan 2012
Everyone's acting
like nothings going on
Playing old roles
that's been over done

We've been walking down a corridor,
now stumbling nostalgically at the door

Let's just open it.
Nick Moore Jun 2015
String, a thing
a song from the past it sing

What joy it could bring


there was

December shot

so mean!
We lost
# 9 Dream.
Nick Moore May 2013
The ball of wool
got smaller and smaller
as it ran across the rug,
reflected upon the untrained eye
it looked just like a bug

The cat was intrigued,
decided to pounce!
but the ball just carried on dancing
and lost another ounce

Getting quite frantic now
it's dancing got faster and faster,
the needles did their work
the scarf got taller
but the ball just got smaller

Spotlighted by sunlight
due to clement weather,
it had reached the end
of it's tether.
Nick Moore Apr 2013
Wondering around
formless and free,
compelling curiosity
to find out

alpha, omega
was seen to be

Entering the
construct, what
great fun to be had

Moving around each
twist, corner and turn,
celestial navigation
was learned

self awareness
was lost,
leaving clues
at each
twist, corner and turn.
Nick Moore Dec 2011
Be careful what you think!
Anything could be true?
You could be me? and I could be you?

This thought starts growing inside my head
Is it me writing this?
or is it you instead?

This situation could be worse,
please find pen and paper,
write the next verse.
Nick Moore Jul 2023
You looked inside the bag
Containing alternative masks
You delved deep inside
Choice made
But all that came out
Nick Moore Mar 2013
Cliff top meditations
the sea, she sings to you

The sun,
shadows left
their mark,
as she cut
the dark

blue sky sprites

Drink, drink, drink,
drink it all in
nature is everything!
no dividing line
no in
no out.
Nick Moore Jan 2013
Can you see beyond your own grave stone?
Can you exist in your own time zone?

Can you remember before you had a name?
Can you remember the innocence before the shame?

Can you remember not knowing what to be?
Can you remember the things you cannot see?

Can you remember the things you forgot?
Can you forget the things you cannot forget?
Nick Moore Feb 2014
Time for some heals
But this
Memory of a closeness

Is it the same for you?
we never mention it

Maybe it should be left alone?
to always be a
Memory of a closeness.
Nick Moore Sep 2017
Hidden and seen

Forgotten and remembered

Lucid thought, full stop fact

Time makes a fact
not a fact

Bearer of the branch
make dams for the lame.
Nick Moore Jan 2012
The Kaleidoscope has been shaken,
all the pieces are in flux

Time to make a new start
that's not haunted by the past.
Nick Moore Apr 2013
Rainbow droplets
pitter patter

Paint splashes
splitter splatter

You'r canvas
a doorway
to the subconscious

Seem like some
must box or list
your's was
abstract expressionist.
Nick Moore Feb 2013
Smile like an amused infant
         the crow hops from
                the tree

Death there is no room for you
          close my eyes to see
 Wasps and poisonous serpents
       burst upon a blank page
      The sun had licked at it
          yellowing with age

Rip you out and burn you!
       it's better this way

Having faced you so many times
      I'm stepping on a new stage
Nick Moore Mar 2013
Join hands, join hands,
join hands, join hands,

With the one's
you cannot see

No time, no distance
just now
is what
they say

So when you are ready

Join hands, join hands,
join hands, join hands

With the one's
you cannot see.
Nick Moore May 2017
Stuck my head
through the hole to the other side

The mind takes a dazzling ride

Hold on to the golden memory

like a dream now forgotten.
Nick Moore Apr 2023
Thoughts set in concrete, must be a bore
To know what is in store
Kills creative thinking
Change my mind between blinking.
Nick Moore Sep 2017
There's a much bigger picture
than we can see,

Tiny glimpses escape through the cracks
inspiring you and me,

One day we will bathe in an ocean of rapture because I've seen your face.
Nick Moore Nov 2019
Behind you,
behind you

The frustration!

Every time,
he looks around,
he doesn't see or hear a sound.

Reality knocks, the penny drops.

Or, are we all still shouting
behind you,
behind you?
Nick Moore Apr 2013
I was sitting in my old rocking chair
Taking in the mountain air

All of a sudden I was filled with panic!
Oh no, for goodness sake!
not another earthquake!

But then these words I do declare
woodworms taken a liking to my chair
woodworms taken a liking to my chair

I rub the place where I had hair!
woodworms taken another rocking chair
woodworms taken a liking to my chair.
Just trying to make you laugh with this one : ))
Nick Moore Dec 2011
I was sitting in my old rocking chair
Taking in the mountain air

All of a sudden I was filled with panic,
Oh no, for goodness sake,
not another earthquake!

But then these words I do declare
woodworms taken a liking to my chair

I rub the place where I had hair!
woodworms taken another rocking chair.
Nick Moore Feb 2013
Austere, everywhere!
only me for
that I care.

In my dream, two apples
fall from a tree,
roll down the hill
next to me.

There I lay
in foetal bliss
behold she comes to me
the Goddess.
Wrote this one after reading an article about oral personalities and **** personalities.
Nick Moore Dec 2011
There's sanctuary
to which I can flee,

Somewhere there's a door
you cannot open
locked inside of me

There I can enjoy
mysterious and
Nick Moore Oct 2017
Seeing shapes in the clouds
on this exquisite day,
look a horse frolicking in the hay

Now look! A witch
and that little one's starting to look like a cat,
even the top of her head looks like a pointed hat

Some say there's a connection
between mind and cloud,
unconscious patterns
externally stand proud

And on a day like today
it's hard not to believe
it's true.
Nick Moore Aug 2014
The thought inside the mind,
the mind inside the thought

The seed inside the tree,
the tree inside the seed

The world inside you,
the you inside the world

The inner space to the outer space,
the outer space to the inner space

The dream inside the mind,
the mind inside the dream

The truth in the lie,
The lie in the truth.
Nick Moore Apr 2019
Open up the word book,
What do you see?
Poem’s of the mind in 3d

A stream of consciousness on every page,
It’s your mind I wish to engage.

So put on your imaginary glasses, and have another look,
What stands up inside the poet’s book.
Nick Moore Feb 2013
Open up the word book.
What do you see?
Poem’s of the mind in 3d

A stream of consciousness on every page.
It’s your mind I hope to engage.

So put on your imaginary glasses, and have another look.
What stands up inside a poet’s book.
Nick Moore Jan 2013
Chaos my friend
there’s only one way to be
To make these eyes see.

Pragmatic in the attic,
a calmness and clarity
it’s the only way to be
pragmatic in the attic
To make these eyes see.
Nick Moore Aug 2014
What made you
Like you are?
Any conversation
Always jars

You can be so mean.
Calling others = low self esteem

To think I could be your friend

Instead of this

Something real

Nick Moore Oct 2013
Once I believed in everything I was told
Magic was everywhere it's truth so bold
Then a voice, came one day
Santa clause
Tooth fairy
"That way"
What! not true?
My mind
Not knowing what to do!
So what other things ain't true?
Tell me, tell me, all that is true?
"well, all the things that are hollow and dull"
Everything else is pulling the wool
So many a year did I walk the land
Where magic was buried under the sand
Until realising the fool I had been
It was time to shuffle the cards
I was still the fool
Chasing a butterfly
But now I have to grapple
The concept of
Vomiting out the apple
Nick Moore Nov 2018
Thank you for all you gave,
I feel like I've been saved

The university of life
was worth the pain and strife

Every hard lesson
Now met with forgiveness

Even death now a friend
More to come? Or the end?
Nick Moore Feb 2013
Can you remember
before you were born?

Can you see beyond
your grave stone?

Can you exist in your
own time zone?

Can you remember
before you had a

Can you remember
the innocence before
the shame?

Can you remember
not knowing
what to be?

Can you remember
the things
you cannot

Can you remember
all the
Nick Moore Oct 2017
Jumping for the
highest reach,
to a place never ventured.

A grain of salt appeared
centre of my palm,
it was all I needed
and calm  

On arising, curiosity
got the best of me,
take it with
a grain of salt,
instant clarity.
Nick Moore Aug 2013
If all the world's a stage
then Bill and me
are on the same page

So when treading the boards
step softly
don't go crossing swords,
give the best performance
from you're soul
lift others from their holes,
put a smile on their face
if things don't work out
try changing roles

Make it the best play ever written
try for a good ending
maybe leave someone smitten

When the curtain comes down
and it's just you on you're own
there should be no frown
go to you're backstage bedroom
sleep tight under the full moon
awake as the birds sing
who knows what the day brings.
Nick Moore May 17
Short lives
Always left wondering
What new songs
Could they sing?

Short lives
Taken to soon
Keith first man on the moon

Short lives
27 times
Waiting for Jimi's new rhymes

Short lives
No funny games
Buddy don't fly them plains

Short lives
An old poet called Jim
Still has the occasional
Whisky or gin

Long lives
Imagine playing mind games forever?
Nick Moore Mar 2014
A vision of the land I see
Where trees stand tall and true,
Bluebells spread and grew,
Birds on branches nesting
warm winds take them on the wing
Any ear would hear them sing


Will my dream come to pass?
Nick Moore Dec 2014
Everyone is someone’s fool
Societies handy tool

It’s such a shame
Divide and conquer
That same old game

If only you could see?
Isn't much difference
Between you and me

Together that’s something new
Together that’s me
And that’s you.
Nick Moore Jul 2015
One day to the next

some not so good
some are the best
some even feel like a test

one day it transcends,
out of the coil
the souls light bends

Do we know
what's going on?

not me
I haven't a clue

so many idea's
what I believe changes

Day by day.
Nick Moore Sep 2017
Mind is whirling
Just won't stop
What's taken a whip to this top?

Thoughts splatter to the sides,
Some good,
Some try to hide.

Something's coming
But when will it arrive?

Are we the dead
or are we alive?
Nick Moore Mar 2016
My friend called Bruce
had a beard
long and loose

If you looked closely
food there hiding

It didn't bother him,
he was kind and giving,
until a mouse was found there

What can I do about this tenant
I have acquired?
this beard I have grown
must be fired

But first find a new house
for my guest

So I looked closely
into the beard
to find, a small family
had been reared!

With some scissors
Bruce gave a grin,
As I removed the beard
from his chin............... and so the beard got sheared

Outside within a hedge
was an old birds

The beard slotted in
and the family

I had a small doubt,
when five heads
popped out!

Returning to Bruce,
what was left of his beard
got sluiced

As sharp as a lazar
I used my cut-throat razor

So ends the story of
how I came to
spruce up Bruce.
Nick Moore Apr 2016
Brown conker shine
bluebell chime

Yellow dandelion

Feel the flame
of the snapdragon,
the brightness of
Nick Moore May 3
The star's are obscured by clouds
Like curtains hiding a stage
I wait
For the play to begin
Nick Moore Apr 2013
Everyone's a star,
every new thought
creates a twinkle

We are all spinning
at different speeds,
all the patterns are

Individuals, that are "we"

Everyone's a star,
every new thought
creates a twinkle

When you look upon
the stars, think of all
the people.
Nick Moore Sep 2017
for far to long,

had ears
for the same song,

weren't sure
what was right,
but we knew what was wrong,

Good to know a place
to belong.
Nick Moore Apr 6
Sunlight shining on the flower
Giving bliss

it's photosynthesis

Neutrinos Cosmic fleas
interdimensional bee's

Long long ago
Deepest hole
Creation of coal
Nick Moore Feb 2013
There's a power inside

It cannot be quantified
could this be destructive?
or help us stay alive?

The line between
Mr Pink
and the
Madcap's laughs.

For every gain
there was a loss.

What gain?
a song
Arnold Lane.
Nick Moore Apr 2013
You seek to depress us,
I know no reason why?
Most of what you say is a lie

Looking through your windows
So many there to choose
I get the feeling, everyone we loose

You can be so seductive
I've had a fling or two
Now I think, I'm finally over you.
Nick Moore Feb 2013
My old coat
you are the best.

Others come and go
but you have
stood the

I never mended that hole
in your pocket
because it's fun
finding out
what's hiding
in the
Nick Moore Apr 2013

To walk on you’re
soft green skin,
aloft the cliff top
behold the great ocean


Burial mounds that
stand so proud,
the silence from within
speaks so loud  


When Atlantic mist descends
legend's whispered word
galloping horses
can be heard.
The Barrowfields, Newquay Cornwall I love to walk across them (and try to do so everyday) the views are spectacular, the Burial mounds date back to the Bronze age 1500 BC.
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