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Young Kalachnokov made an odd discovery,
Odd because no beneficiary it had ever since.
He complained over
the dust of amount it brought
into his purse
as a bridegroom who would be served
whine in pint by the in-laws
at wedding party.

The sound achievement  
brought him an ocean of reflections
when he saw how tense-eyed
became lads holding the AK-47,
When he saw that they crawled like snakes
(which move to bite),
Forcing their fellows’ lives away,
Forcing their fellows’ to become foes,
Forcing their fellows to flee abodes and gardens around,
The gardens he saw without care,
And bitterly old Kalachnokov regretted
he hadn’t made  a lawnmower.

Note :
1. Mikhail Kalachnokov was twenty years old when he made the fire weapon.
2. AK47 : A : Automatic ; K : Kalachnokov ; 47 : The year 1947  the automatic weapon was made by the man who gave it his name « Kalachnokov »
This text was penned on Monday. 23rd December 2013,   the day Mikhail Kalachnokov from Russia died.
On the Day of Christmas
All children look like the Christ
The Son of God

On the Day of Christmas
All blondes look like Mary
The Mother of the Christ

On the Day of Christmas
All righteous ladies look like Mary
The Mother of the Christ

On the Day of Christmas
Even streets walking girls look like Mary
The Mother of the Christ

On the Day of Christmas
All gentlemen look like Joseph
The Father of the Christ

On the Day of Christmas
“Happy” long-armed men look like Joseph
The Father of the Christ

On the Day of Christmas
Blessed families look like the Holy Family
And they make merry
Singing Merry Christmas

On the Day of Christmas
***** and ***** hunters gather as families
And their way they make merry
Singing Merry Christmas

On the Day of Christmas
Rose flowers and bad shrubs are gathered
And they make Christmas tree
This text aims to wish you Merry Christmas. May you make merry, keeping faith and in all purity.
He did not forget the friend who, in need,
Had helped in the struggle against the sharks
In the white clothes, but whose hearts wore dark marks.
Mandela, who the Heaven’s angels lead,
Took his long stick and moved along northward.
He advanced with his head held high, grudged
Other friends of his, and he reminded,
“Of my heart no one holds the keys.” They said
Then, “That knight’s steed must always freely hop.
He’s a god abiding in the kingdom
Of love and his right steps no one can stop.”
So Mandela met Mu’ammar at home,
Him he thanked and taught, expecting as crop
More esteem in him to have a good tomb.
This poem is an excerpt of the book "Delenda Benghazi, said Kaddafi" found on;=UTF8&qid;=1387644094&sr;=1-4
There at Qunu
Will rest forever
The Sower no one compares to
In morning he sowed the wheat
And at noon there they sowed the ****
Then he came to ****
And his hands they beat

Yet holy work never knows failure
Thus the wheat grew

At harvest
As the Messiah did for Judah
They were invited to share the bread
Without a grudge

There at Qunu
He will rest forever
Free from hard work to Freedom found
And out of the sweat of
The Sower of Peace
The Sower of Freedom
The Sower of Liberty
The Sower of Love
They will reap forever
And sing forever
Rest In Peace
He gave his house fear
And neighbours' gates scare.
The gates stared to break,
Prepared to attack,
Then the whole house beat
To beat best its beast,
'Cause enemy's house
Houses dreaded mice.

He did like a man
Who beat his woman.
You know what happened?
Thieves came and opened,
Dressed like the police,
To stop the violence.

Him they cuffed and hacked,
His pretty wife *****,
The house burglarized.
So her pain increased,
'Cause safety is lost
With assurance lost.
Excerpt of "Gallows Bird in Heaven" on;=UTF8&qid;=1382538496&sr;=1-4
Not any character of the jungle,
At the time power was kept by the single
Lion kind, risked jumping into the lions’ jaws,
Against their rapacity raising paws:
The hares and hyenas they could strangle
And devour; in their minds best were their laws
Providing rights of the mighty
As common and full sovereignty.

The era was worsened by men-hunting,
Whose guns were used the wildlife menacing.
The weak of the forest saw that succumbed
The lions, who were the first shot at, welcomed
The hunters and their faces showed, smiling.
They were deceived when the first seen were harmed
Like the lions by the same haughty
Men set against their sovereignty.

Some lions who survived called the animals
For a meeting, and the men-criminals
Were the main topic of their discussion.
The lions warned, “Will wipe us away those men
If can’t stand together as animals,
Fight them and save lion, hypo, hare and wren…”
Mocked and heckled the assembly
That ne’er had enjoyed sovereignty.

Each one’s motion was that there was no need
Of obeying on the lions, who to feed
Their cubs with their flesh used to take pleasure.
They thought their forest had become seizure
Of the men for lack of unity; freed
It’d be with or ‘thout a lion as major:
They’d trust who would bring unity
And help them enjoy sovereignty.

There came a time and there came protectors
Of the animals to stop the hunters
From destroying on the environment.
They showed in killing there’s no contentment.
So the hunters ceased to be predators,
And the fauna had no more sentiment
Of hating the humanity
That brought them peace and sovereignty.

Some of them were kept in zoo
And the kingship of the lions they did boo.
Cows, rabbits, goats - were domesticated,
And more than ever they were protected.
Such treatment them gave of humans new view:
The protectors or authors of the deed
Looked like who’d brought brutality,
But in their hearts reigned sovereignty.

Later on the lions found that in the strong
Claws dwelt no good power, but can be for long
Which is applied to all comfort giving,
That a king marching in front of trembling
Souls, as if to hell angels would belong,
One day will see his strength brought to nothing,
But where freedom ain’t scarcity
Kings and subjects share sovereignty.

What the beasts failed to know was the keepers
Of the zoo were children of the poachers,
Who’d found unfair deed what their fathers did,
To take good care of them had decided
And did not want to be called game-seekers’
Generation. In the action could read
Great kindness and humanity
The beasts savoring sovereignty.

A former foe may become a good friend,
Who breaks off with the past and turns his hand
Into protector, support provider –
Like Human Rights Activists. No wonder
Where they are from, people’s torn hearts they mend.
A protector has ne’er been intruder
As long as for tranquility
He works and preserves sovereignty.

A sovereign nation is not like a house
With its closed doors, and inside, like a mouse,
A wife is beaten and loses her life
Without neighbours’ intervention as if
Not hearkening the victim, and the louse
Of man not stopping is to save the life.
Is a land where people’s safety
Is denied full of sovereignty?

If at The Hague someone is indicted,
It means not people he has protected,
Nor that he has well governed Liberia,
But ‘cause people’s hearts he has filled with fear
And a lot of trouble he’s invited.
After shedding blood there and here,
The lions who’ve made their claws *****
Should be there washed for sovereignty.

Wherever the lions rage it’s no matter:
Matters the will to keep the world better.
Some Devil’s advocates would call nations
Not in Syria to find indications
Of crimes as if is found a wife-beater
At Holy Land or brothels it opens.
In a place where reigns sanctity
Won’t dwell breakers of sovereignty.

A rot of conception of sovereignty
Reeks when gangrene holds sway o’er a country,
In which Democracy swings at cannons;
Debates are feared that aim ruling with brains;
Wear noose as necklace who would change carry,
And the song “Independence” is hangmen’s.
Where lions and lambs live with loyalty,
There is unshaken sovereignty.
This poem aims to think of what sovereignty is and especially of its true concept.
The Destroyer of the division machine1
Had first to run on the Way of the Cross
To have souls over the long lived ruin.
Robben, Pollsmoor and Victor2 caused no loss
In the Staff Heritage of the Thembu3
Rulers, forever loved by their people,
From whom was learnt right fight ain’t to taboo.
Good farmers’ teeth run right through the apple;
Likely after the Hard Walk to Freedom4
The Son of Gadla and Nosekeni5,
When his Soul flies up to the Lord’s Kingdom,
Glass will keep his body, and not any
          Stain will sully the Star of the Nation
          Whose Light will shine for each generation.

1. The division machine: The Apartheid.
2. Robben, Pollsmoor and Victor: During twenty seven years Mandela was successively jailed at Robben Island, Pollsmoor and Victor Verster prisons.
3. Thembu: The tribe over which ruled Mandela’s ancestors.
4. Hard Walk to Freedom: In September 1953, Andrew Kunene, a co-militant of his, read out Mandela's "No Easy Walk to Freedom" speech at a Transvaal ANC meeting; the title was taken from a quote by Indian independence leader Jawaharlal Nehru, a seminal influence on Mandela's thought. The speech laid out a contingency plan for a scenario in which the ANC was banned.  
5. Gadla (Henry Mphakanyiswa): Mandela’s father; Nosekeni (*****): His mother.

                                                               ­   Boniface
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