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Andrew Gomez Dec 2023
I ran for my life.
Not knowing the consequences.
Beaten up from the fighting.
I told myself it was self defense.
All I remember is wailing on this person.
I took a step back and paused, then I lunged toward him.
Andrew Gomez Nov 2023
My head drifts through these clouds
Being up this high smells like rain
Looking down I see nothing but pain
Seeing my lifeless corpse on the floor
Waiting to be dovoured by the board
Andrew Gomez Nov 2023
Lets be honest, it has its' up's and down's
Irrate people all around
Fighting fiercly against time
End all suffering for a dime
Andrew Gomez Nov 2023
I lay in my bed at night in terror and fear
Not because of the dark but because of my dreams
I see your silhouette like a daze from a mirage
I have your smile memorized
They way your lips look
The way your eyes fill up with joy
Oh to be in terror and fear
Not because of the dark but because of my dreams
Andrew Gomez Nov 2023
Where have the days gone?
Last week it was just the beginning of the summer.
A few days later it was July 4th.
Then Halloween.
Now Thanksgiving.
Soon it will be Christmas.
Where has the time gone?
Never waste your time on foolish things.
Andrew Gomez Jun 2023
The friendship we built was dummy
It turned into something funny
It was lustful for me
It was tasteful to you
The bounty was full
I drank your soul
You emptied my mind
Til we meet again
Our trail will intertwine
Andrew Gomez Mar 2023
What does drowning feel like?
It's when your mind is dumping memories and emotions.
It's when you sit there and stare at old pictures.
It's when you sit in the shower for hours letting your thoughts win.
It's when you're letting people in your life that don't deserve to be there.
It's when that message you sent, knowing it still hurts.
It's when every laugh can mask the sadness.
It's when the sun is shining but you're inside all day.
It's when you realize drowning isn't just water.
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