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Mar 13 · 99
The Problem Is Me
Mike Hauser Mar 13
Out of most the problems
That I have ever faced
Turn it back to myself
Is where it can be traced

I'm the only one
Who holds the shaky hand
Of every crazy thing
That I have ever planed

Out of every action
Inside every deed
All of it can be traced
Simply back to me

Although this twisted world
At times may play a part
It all still resides
Within this sinful heart

With its list of problems
It finds on a daily base
Once again, me, myself, and I
Is where it can be traced
Mar 10 · 118
time for a change
Mike Hauser Mar 10
spring ahead
fall behind
it's hard enough
to keep up with time

without all these
parlor tricks
fall behind
spring ahead
Mar 9 · 47
too late
Mike Hauser Mar 9
how many of us hesitate
up and wait
in hopes of getting
what we want

pull out the pliers
on our desires
wrenching them
all out of joint

then let it rain
out our complaints
when the day
doesn't go our way

not naming names
but who's to blame
when we sit and wait
till it's too late
Mar 8 · 44
Where I Stand
Mike Hauser Mar 8
Right here right now where I am
I am here to take a stand
Tell you things that I am for
And those that I'm against

I'm here for a Sweet Southern breeze
Blowing through Magnolia trees
On a hot humid summer day
Down around Alabama way

And you can bet that I'm against
Things in life that make no sense
Like the ladder that some men climb
All the while leaving others behind

I am for a piece of land
With a pond filled to the gill with loads of brim
Where I can enjoy the day at hand
With an old hound dog as my best friend

Then again, I am against
Any property that has a fence
Built as much to kept things out
As it is to keep things in

I am for holding hands
And if you get the chance to dance
That you should take that chance
Before there are no chances left

I'm against the big city life
Where everywhere you turn you find
Dull gray slabs of thick concrete
Up above and below your feet

I could go at this for awhile
But I'll have to let it go for now
Just letting you know where I stand
And a few things I stand against
Mike Hauser Mar 7
Why do today what we can do tomorrow
Practicing our free will
We give more away than ever could borrow
With all the time in the world to ****

With hardly a worry, we're in no hurry
Each of us fit that bill
Never look past what we're told are the facts
With all the time in the world to ****

It's no surprise we fall for the lies
This drunken world always spills
Only to find the blind leading the blind
With all the time in the world to ****

With every excuse we ever could use
Jump at the chance for the thrill
None of us free, paying no heed
With all the time in the world to ****

Spending our time never questioning why
We've yet to pay the overdue bill
If we ever do, we'll be the ones to lose
With all the time in the world to ****

When the time comes, and it all comes undone
Left with a cracked windshield
On our last day with nothing to say
And no time left in the world to ****
Mar 6 · 61
Some of us...
Mike Hauser Mar 6
Some people live their lives real rough
Some live it out pain free
Some can never have enough
If not then don't blame me

Some are blessed with luck of the Irish
Some luck of the draw
Some get a hit or a miss
Some no luck at all

Some might reach the highest heights
Some the lowest lows
Either way in life you find
You never know which way it goes

Some find they lean to the right
Some totter to the left
Some have to clinch their fists real tight
To hold onto what little they have

Some move in the right circles
Some squarely are not there
For some this is a rehearsal
Living life without a care

Some have come and some have gone
Some of us still here
Waiting for what's next to come
That will make all of this, for some clear
Mar 5 · 74
giving it up
Mike Hauser Mar 5
chew on my thoughts
swallow my pride
desires and wants
i must deny

the bitter taste
inside of me
i must face and erase
to set myself free

stir up my thoughts
give them to God
not just a taste
but the entire lot

take all i have
take it to heart
now is the time
to give it to God
Mar 4 · 62
Only God Knows
Mike Hauser Mar 4
God only knows
What you go through
The trouble in life
That life throws at you
With its up's and down's
Don't give up on hope
Only God knows
What God only knows

Only God knows
To tell you the truth
Of the troubled times
That trouble you
In these times you find
Don't lose out on hope
God only knows
What only God knows

God only knows
How much you're hurting
Through the sorrows and throes
It will be worth it
Follow it through
With all confidence and hope
That only God knows
What God only knows
Mar 3 · 58
Here We Go Again
Mike Hauser Mar 3
We take our turn with what we've learned
Years of experience
Candles burned; both ends I've heard
Is no way to live

As the world turns, we move beyond
Where we once had been
Close the shades on progress made
Cause here we go again

Last in line, every time
We try our best to get ahead
Struggling with memory
Never learning to accept

What lays ahead if there's any left
Living in this robber's den
We act surprised when we find
That here we go again

From A to Z we're in too deep
This life of compromise
We concede there's nothing free
Not even a hard time

When the rules are made for fools
Life becomes a hit and miss
We all must have missed that bus
Cause here we go again
Mar 2 · 72
Socially Thinking
Mike Hauser Mar 2
Sometimes I get to thinking
I can't help myself
Losing to life's meaning
Wishing I was someone else

It doesn't seem I'm happy
With who I truly am
A part of me thinks sadly
I wish I could but can't

Which drives me even deeper
Than I could hope to go
Fooled by the great deceiver
Losing out on hope

That I might climb out of this
If I only knew the way
Being my own Judas kiss
In whom I choose to betray

Which brings me back to circling
In the way I think
It's only me I'm hurting
With these thoughts I keep

Wishing I was someone else
Instead of whom I'm meant to be
Too often now, I've lost count
With all these things I socially think
I really believe social media has ruined us.
Feb 29 · 67
Mike Hauser Feb 29
are you afraid
to make a mistake
then have to pay the consequences

while all along
straddling on
the rail between two fences

never drawing the line
between the two sides
keeping your eyes out of focus

plan where you land
being soft sand
at least that's where your hope is

it's hard to believe
when caught in mid-leap
being so out of control

only to find
on the day that you die
the cost was, your very soul
Feb 28 · 132
Pick Up Your Signs
Mike Hauser Feb 28
Pick up your signs
And join in the fight
There’s nonsense to protest
In this waste of life

Here to make a difference
But what difference does it make
When the next thing comes along
There’s always someone new to hate

Pick up your signs
For the next big lie
Follow your convictions
In the latest do or die

With little a doubt
In search of a valid point
Along with the crowd
Noses all out of joint

Pick up your signs
Along with the not so bright
Only guessing at questions
In this one-dimensional life

With this cause just because
You think there's a cross to bear
Pick up your signs
This is going nowhere
Feb 27 · 51
The Reality of Dreams
Mike Hauser Feb 27
How many live their life on dreams
Hoping they all come true
Spending most of their time asleep
Not waking to the truth

That dreams can be good to have
Mixed with reality
I only tell you this my friend
So that you can see

That when life takes a turn
And runs your dreams off course
Reality comes back around
Quickly to move you towards

The meaning of your dreams
So, your feet don't leave
The solid ground you stand upon
As you dream your dreams
...mixed with reality
Feb 26 · 63
This Bridge
Mike Hauser Feb 26
This bridge won’t build itself
It takes the strength of man
To go beyond the thought of self
To lend a helping hand

This bridge it has been burned
Down so many times
The lesson here to be learned
Seen through eyes on both sides

Is that this bridge is wide enough
For everyone to pass
From one side to the other
Helping each with helping hands
Feb 25 · 54
Mike Hauser Feb 25
Some people are angry
While others will smile
Hard as a rock
Soft as a child

Some will include you
Some push you away
Some people will use you
As a pawn in their game

Some people, a mess
Then again aren't we all
No more and no less
In our does and don'ts

Some people will hate you
If you're one to show love
Gladly run you through
Over things you have done

Some people show patience
Others hurry along
Without a clue or a hint
There's anything wrong

Some live for the future
Some the here and now
Some for past consequence
That keeps dragging them down

Some run for cover
Some people stand strong
It's little wonder
Why we can't get along
Mike Hauser Feb 24
I woke up this morning
Looked in the mirror
And thought to myself
If not me then who else
Could change the way I felt

If my life takes a turn
Perhaps for the worst
What's the worst I can say
At least I tried it today
How else could I make my way

From this side of life
To the other side
To get on with the show
Cause you never know
Which way things will go

If not me then who else
Would stare back at myself
Give me a talking to
Tell me the truth
About what I'm going through

As I look deep
Into the reflection of me
Seeing what I need to know
Before I turn to go
Saying, never lose hope
Feb 23 · 91
Mike Hauser Feb 23
She is the path we wish to travel on
Waves that stir the sea
All we could possibly ever want
Everything we need

She is the answer to the questions asked
Yet mysterious in her ways
The moment that men place their bets
Perfect timing, never late

She's at the start of new beginnings
The center of give and take
Soft whisper that turns back hard winds
Brand to the new day

The hope that most men hang on
A gentle guiding light
Freshness at the break of dawn
Perfection when you find

With words she can move mountains
Changing many a young man's heart
Where righteousness flows like fountains
Hold her tight as you guard your heart
Feb 22 · 66
The Count Down
Mike Hauser Feb 22
In 10 years where will I be
Will I have bought the farm

In 9 by then will the good Lord I see
As I have moved along

In 8 will I have reached the pearly gates
And made myself at home

Maybe 7 is the number for me
When I'll be as good as gone

At 6 will I lose all bets
And seal the deal, I'm done

Or will it be 5 I'm no longer alive
Having made a valiant run

Maybe 4 will have me at deaths door
Saying my goodbyes to everyone

Or will 3 be it for me
Losing out on my last turn

Or 2 who knew the last candle I blew
Would no longer burn

Then again maybe 1 saying I've had my fun
That's it I quit I'm done
Death doesn't scare me, of course I've never stared it in the face but at 67 (WHAT HAPPENED!!!) I wonder how many years I have left before I bow out, hopefully gracefully
Feb 18 · 51
Make It Today
Mike Hauser Feb 18
Will today be your last goodbye
The last time you see a child smile
The day you take your final breath
The day proclaimed, the day you left

Will you make today meaningful
Tell those you know how much you love
Apologize for the way you've behaved
Will today be that day

Will today be your last hooray
The day they turn the spicket off
The last time you see the sunrise
Or marvel at the nights starry sky

The last day to make amends
Or hold the hand of a loving friend
The last chance to make it better
Last chance to dance before it's over

Will today be the last day to say
I love you in a meaningful way
Will today be the day you find
The last chance to really live this life
Feb 17 · 60
This Old Road
Mike Hauser Feb 17
This old road I’m traveling on
Is down to one lane and that lane is slow
The only ones to ever pass
Head straight for the exit, bout out of gas

With so much white hair, blowing in the wind
Little notion I care less about traffic jams
With nowhere to be and nowhere to go
I’ll stay on this road and go it alone

The seat beside me that once held my love
Now holds the mystery of what’s yet to come So much has changed in the blink of an eye
As wiper blades wipe the tears that I cry

Missing my friends I once traveled with
When this road was young and easier to get
To your destination just cruising along
How did I get this new bruise on my arm

I chalk it up to the bumps in the road
Like the ones in my life I can not control
Along this lonely road I’m traveling on
That is down to one lane and that lane is slow
Feb 16 · 47
Darkened Days
Mike Hauser Feb 16
Nothing much good
Happens in the dark
No matter where
You find that you are

Feel the evil squirm
As it's on the rise
Covering up those who succumb
With this mass of cloudy lies

Bless my soul ya'll
I'm afraid
We are living
In Darkened Days

People walk around
With blinders on
So they can't see
All that's going wrong

Clocks on the wall
Say the time is nigh
Too dark for most to see
The good in us wave bye, bye

With the devil on the loose
In his fits of rage
We're here living
In Darkened Days

We've played along
As they've played our hand
As good as gone
Strike up the band

Who can we find these days
To apologize
With this long list
Of I, Me, Mine

There soon enough
Want be a soul around to save
With us living
In these Darkened Days
Mike Hauser Feb 15
The Masters of War
Are at it again
While the warmongers take
The young continue to give
We cry out for peace
And an end to this game
You give us that and take from these
It's all more of the same
Why do we continually hang
To the lies that you preach
Have we not learned
Hell is within your reach
The money you make
In the making of bombs
You feel that you have
Already won
But still, you press on
As the death tolls rise
It doesn't much matter
On which side they die
As long as there's profit
That can be made
Doing your will in those we ****
Being just another day
For the Masters of War
Who are at it again
But God's keeping score
And you lose in the end
Feb 13 · 51
Mike Hauser Feb 13
I just had this thought
Don't let some Christians
turn you away from God
They tend to do it
more than they like
After all we're all sinners
in Gods Holy sight

The only difference is
Being His children
we're forgiven
Trying our best
to do our best
But going back to the sinners
we're all still a mess

We struggle just like you
Except that we're blessed
being bathed in the truth
I often find
try as I might
I need to let God
have more control of my life

Which brings me back
to the thought
Don't let some Christians
turn you away from God
Feb 11 · 63
Mike Hauser Feb 11
When things turn in the wrong direction
And you wonder at what comes next
Afraid of your own reflection
Along with the thoughts inside your head

If the steps that you keep taking
Seem to go on for miles
Do this for your own sake and


If you feel you're on you're last leg
And there's not a crutch in sight
With little left except your last breath
And you've been read your final rights

When you feel like nothing can be done
And it's been that way for awhile
Before you give it all up


If you're more than sure you're on a collision course
With a brick wall that knows your name
And you've kept score, with how sore you are
Yet somehow still beg for more of the same

If you're on the edge with little left
And there is clearly no backing out
By now you've read or at least heard what I've said

Feb 11 · 150
The Darkness of Unbelief
Mike Hauser Feb 11
Are you living in the darkness
Of your unbelief
Turned off the light to your mind
So, your heart can't see

Relying on what you've been told
By Satan, the great thief
A slave to sin both bought and sold
Blind in your belief

Have you blown out the fire
With your unbelief
A loose gun for hire
Of evil forces that work to keep

You away from the truth
Different as day and night
Certainly not wanting you
To have the joy, only found in Jesus Christ

Are you drowning in the darkness
Of your unbelief
With no idea of how to harness
The peace of freedom that you seek

In these perilous times
Of blind leading the blind
If you reach in unbelief
Darkness will be all you find
Feb 10 · 72
What Will It Be Today
Mike Hauser Feb 10
What will it be today
Will you want your on way
Or will you think of others
And keep your selfishness at bay

Will you be a beacon
A light upon the hill
Help those who are seeking
Do your best to do God's will

What will it be today
Steady straight or compromise
In the decisions that you make
Will it be through yours or God's eyes

Will you be a blessing
In the righting of what's wrong
Will there be a lesson
As your day moves along

What will it be today
Will you look ahead without regret
A firm foundation, Godly laid
Every step along the path

Will you move to remove the selfishness
That seems to always be in the way
Thinking more of others
Unafraid, what will it be today
Feb 9 · 132
Living In The Future
Mike Hauser Feb 9
We've been living in the future
Since yesterday has passed
What will be tomorrow
Is anybody's guess

Will there be rocket ships to give us lifts
To where we want to go
Or sit on the couch and figure out
It all with mind control

Will we still gravitate to stuffing face
Or take our meals in pills
And will I still avoid the ones
That are clearly marked vegetable

Will the sun still shine on
To illuminate mankind
Or will our pasty complexions
Come from electric candlelight

Will we solve all of our problems
Yet still hang on to a few
Smoke em if you got em
After all what have we got to lose

While living in the future
With yesterday long gone
When it comes to tomorrow
What could possibly go wrong
Mike Hauser Feb 8
Just when you thought that you'd had enough
Craziness is making another run
Remove the fork cause it ain't quite done
Grab your **** and buckle it up

We are all in for the wildest of rides
Pushing and pulling us out with the tide
Too late now to somehow change your mind
We've all slipped knee deep in the slide

Mad as a Hatter slather up buttercup
Here comes the batter looking for a home run
Out of the park when it comes to undone
At a loss for words feel free to hum

Beat your chest and drool on yourself
As you watch the world round you melt
These are the cards that we've been dealt
Where danger dangles under the kilt

Sand yourself down when things get rough
Craziness is making a lunge
Just when you think that you've had enough
Grab your **** and buckle it up
Feb 6 · 49
Can We?
Mike Hauser Feb 6
Can We try and come together
put the past behind
form different opinions
forget when we said, i hope you die

Can We move beyond that moment
of hatred in our hearts
take ahold compassion
right here, right now, a brand-new start

Can We prove to generations
that this is how it's done
change the face of hatred
into a face that exudes love

Can We do this all in honesty
erase the line we've drawn
i'll do this for you, if you'll do this for me
forget the battles that we've fought

Can We try our best to do this
let bygones be bygones
do this before we miss it
Can We now do it all in love
Feb 3 · 55
Lay Down Your Guns
Mike Hauser Feb 3
Who'll be the first ones
To lay down their guns
To come in peace
For the least of these
With little time left
Who'll make a stand
And move beyond
To lay down their guns

Who out of love
Will lay down their guns
Be first to leap
For all the world to see
Raise empty hands
Taking a stand
Never give up
Laying down their guns

With all that's going on
We need to lay down our guns
If not you and me
Then who indeed
We must demand
All make a stand
There's been enough
Let's all lay down our guns
This isn't just about guns, we need to lay down all the weapons we use on each other from the hatred shown to those we disagree with to the prejudice's we have against those we don't understand. Who'll be the first to lay down their guns...
Feb 2 · 148
The Rebellion
Mike Hauser Feb 2
When God says don't
We decide to do

God says wait
We up and plow on through

When God says stop
We take another step

God says drop
Hang tight to all we have

When God says no
We take it as a yes

God says slow
That's when we hit the gas

When God says right
We shake it to the left

When God says give
We cling to what we have

When God says look
We close tighter our eyes

When God says come
We're the first to lag behind

When God showers us with love
We open umbrellas of hate

You'd think by now He'd have enough
But still pours on us His Grace
Jan 28 · 68
Life's Hard
Mike Hauser Jan 28
It's hard being sober
It's hard staying clean
Hard making a living
If you know what I mean

Hard loving your neighbor
Harder loving yourself
Could you do me a favor
And go bother somebody else

It's hard to smile in certain crowds
And not tell the truth sometimes out loud
It can be hard to make a move
When you're not sure of what to do

It can be hard to do what's right
In everybody's sight
Hard to extend the hand of kindness
To those you do not like

It's hard to know when to let go
Be it people or worrying
Hard at times to give up hope
And other times a simple thing

It's hard being a witness
In a world that's part of you
Hard like nobody's business
If you want to know the truth
Jan 27 · 44
Mike Hauser Jan 27
these days i struggle with
is that a woman or a man
he or a she
they or a them
i'm trying my best
to comprehend
this growing list
with me a sis man
do i say pardon me sir
or please excuse me ma'am
as i search the right word
so i'm not screamed at
if i used a hey you
would that come off as rude
to tell the truth
i haven't got a clue
and then there is their
on my life i swear
i'm doing the best i can
to try understand
that which i struggle with
these days of insecure
what your pronoun is
that you sir or ma'am prefer
Mike Hauser Jan 23
Though I mostly guess I try my best
To do the best I can
Striving in life without questioning why
To be the man my dog thinks that I am

When he looks at me all that he sees
Is perfection in his eyes
While I play fetch with selfishness
A rotten scent that's hard to hide

Like it's been said about man's best friend
There is nothing that I can
Do wrong in his sight so why can't I
Be the man my dog thinks that I am

When this here **** gets home from work
And only wants to be left alone
My dog's there to greet, wagging his tail at me
Ready to bury that bone

I too often ignore the one by my feet on the floor
Who after all is my biggest fan
There's not a thing I could do to change his point of view
I only wish I was the man my dog thinks that I am
Mike Hauser Jan 15
We need another Martin Luther King
Today now more than ever
Someone to take the faithful leap
That will bring us all together

Who sees the plight of man for what it is
All one race, no color
Where together in harmony we all shall stand
Sister to sister, brother to brother

A leader with a vision
With open arms and callused hands
That will peacefully fight for all that's right
Over every square inch of this land

To lift us out of this world in doubt
Not silent on what really matters
Raising our voices in joyful sound
A world where we love each other

One who hears the righteous call
And says here I am send me
For freedoms sake above it all
Like Martin Luther King
Jan 13 · 51
Throwing Stones
Mike Hauser Jan 13
Before we know what's going on
And decide to throw our stones
Perhaps, take a step back

It is best we drop the rocks
Without giving a second thought
And come at this with love instead

I think that there is plenty of
Us out here that clearly judge
Before we even know the facts

When most of what we all do
We do as much as all of you
When it was, I looked last

As we commence to throwing stones
Before we know what's going on
There's something deep inside we lack

Weighing heavy on our hearts
It is best we drop the rocks
And come at this with love instead
Mike Hauser Jan 6
in my glove compartment
i keep things in mind
i feel i might need at times
important in my life

as i travel
from over here to over there
hoping against hope to get somewhere
with this grinding of the gears

randomly out of order
my life i propose
a long time ago
along life's bumpy road

every now and then
i struggle in the cleaning out
what that's all about
removing of all doubt

in my glove compartment
where all this comes to mind
no telling what i'll find
collected over time
Jan 5 · 65
Mike Hauser Jan 5
you might wish for happiness
wish that things go well
make a wish with secrets kept
quickly wish, before the candles melt

you could wish for fortune
or that this day would end
wish life came stamped with a warning
beware of where you step

wish you'd never done that
or to do it all again
wish the genie in the magic lamp
would give you one more wish

you might wish for true love
while others wish the same
as those down on the corner
wish you had a pocketful of spare change

wish for a different outcome
but wishing don't make it so
you can make a wish and then some
wish out loud that you had known

wish that you had seen that
last wish would turn and bite
if wishes were nothing but fishes
we'd all toss in a line
Dec 2023 · 67
out of hand
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
don't let the now
become the when
you had the chance
but then again
you let it slip
out of your hand
far out of reach
of any plan

you had on the here
and on the now
danced with the chance
but then somehow
you let it slip
out of your hand
you thought you could
but now you can't

when you took a breath
and let it pass
it could be said
you had the chance
then let it slip
out of your hand
when a feeble grasp
was all that you had
Dec 2023 · 92
A Need to Be Free...
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
I want to be free...

From everything
That holds me back
Free from the confidence
I too often lack
Free from the guilt
Of things I have said
Free from the secrets
That I have kept

Free from the thoughts
That I'm not enough
That share the same space
Of why, just because
Free from the lack
Of forgiveness
For my fellow man
In whom I think less

Free to be happy
With who I am
Free from the thoughts
Of you know you can't
Free from the lies
That my mind often spreads
All the negative vibes
That fill my head

Free from the worry
Of what others might say
When I first awake
Not to dread another day
Free from the bad
Decisions I've made
Free to find love
And have them feel the same

I need to be free...
Dec 2023 · 52
Mental Slavery
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
I am just a simple man
In these United States
Not quite clear how many years
But nothing much has changed

The same with my father
And his father before him
All because they base it all
On the color of my skin

Where judgement weighs out heavy
Underneath the thumb
Of the government whose plan it is
To rule this plantation

They talk a big game of freedom
For the likes of simple me
But to this day, it's been the same game
Of mental slavery

When you don't pay attention
To "The Man's" sleight of hand
This much is true, he'll rule over you
Every chance he can

Does his best behind his back
Out of sight, out of mind
He finds that he gets ahead
Continually pushing rewind

Never aware, the character
Of the man I am within
All they ever seem to care
Is the color of my skin

Quick here with a promise
They seem to never keep
Far from being honest
With this mental slavery
Dec 2023 · 59
The Spin Of Struggling
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
I struggle with the living
Give out about time to get
I know there's something missing
I've narrowed it down to this

Upended world of reasoning
Where I keep seasoning the why
In this constant spin of struggling
I barely try to just get by

It behooves a man perfection
In the middle of a yawn
Somewhere deep there is a lesson
In this mix of right and wrong

Is this the end of the beginning
Or beginning of the end
As I barely try to just get by
In this constant spin of struggling

The only time I find to exercise
Is when I'm in mid-shrug
I also find I'm afraid of heights
So I don't try to climb that much

I can sign the dotted line
I'm not that tight with do or die
In this constant spin of struggling
I barely try to just get by
Dec 2023 · 77
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
Cemeteries can be scary  
Passing by whistling a tune
With the shifting of the shadows
Below the glow of a blood moon

Tombstones whisper their owners names
While trees creak in the winter breeze
As both my mind and my eyes
Play ghastly tricks on me

The sound I fear, I hope I hear
Is that of a lone Owl
And not a hootenanny
Of Ghostly Spirits on the prowl

It's hard to keep these knocking knees
From giving out in protest
As my racing heart skips a beat
Imagining what will come next

As I pass by this graveyard
Whistling the driest of tunes
Cemeteries can be scary
Below the glow of a blood moon
Dec 2023 · 102
~The Christmas Tree~
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
Wait a minute, is it already Christmas again
Seems I just took down the lights and the tree
Is there no rest for the downtrodden and weary
This season sometimes takes the Merry Gentleman out of me

So I load up the sleigh with the dog and the kids
The old beat up station wagon I drive
On the hunt for this years perfect tree
We'll be lucky if we make it back home alive

As we jingle all the way to the local tree farm
Six kids and a dog singing at the top of their lungs
With only twelve days left before Christmas
My **, **, **, is already long gone

Picking the best tree out within our budget
My wife says Charlie Brown would be proud
I ask smarty pants Mrs. Santa what she meant by that
She'd rather not say with the little elves around

Before an argument even ensues
I've lost the battle before I hit the front line
You wonder how I'm so confident of that
The same thing happened last year at this time

As I struggle to get the tree off the roof of my jalopy
While Jack the dog in the frost is nipping at my toes
I fall to the ground with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head
Waking up to the dogs frozen tongue stuck up my nose

Finally with the tree set up in the front parlor
I notice it leans bad to one side
Taking my chainsaw to alleviate the problem
The gas fumes **** my kids parakeet out right

With Hobby Lobby open late for the holidays
I was able to purchase the product I need
Working late into the wee morning hours
I did a good job shellacking the parakeet

I'm not sure that my kids even noticed
Or brought up the question what for
But they sure like the shinny new ornament
Hanging next to the hamster that disappeared the year before

Well, I survived another preparing for Christmas
As subconsciously I'm being led
To wrap myself in last years present 'The Snuggie'
And dream of those sugar plums dancing in my head
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
If you'd care to know how I grew up
It was in the shadow of country folk
Days spent on the family farm
Young and dumb, loads of fun

Swimming in a catfish pond
Having my toes nibbled on
Days on end spent in a rash
Rolling round Bahia grass

Hours of play in summer hay
As through my youth I made my way
Flying high on a rope swing
Are some of my best memories

An entire summer with no shoes
What came next, I had no clue
Half of what I did meant certain death
That's how you roll when you're a kid

Living life down on the farm
Empty fields at night beneath the stars
That's the best way I can show
Growing up in the shadow of country folk
Dec 2023 · 68
Afghanistan Monkey
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
My daddy passed away today
Though he died a long time ago
Brought a monkey back from Afghanistan
That killed our once happy home

There was horror in his eyes
Which really was no surprise
I hated what that monkey did
Every time he took a bite

My mommy died the day
My daddy passed away
Left an emptiness in all us kids
That will never fade away

Have to wonder what was going
Inside my daddy's head
What that monkey took away
And what the war behind him left

Of this once a happy home
It's hard to understand
The day my daddy went to war
And brought a monkey back from Afghanistan
Dec 2023 · 93
Nod Along
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
Just stay where you're kindly at
And gently nod along
Don't fuss over facts
About what's going on

All we need you to do
Is to do what we tell you to
Line by blurry item line
To our own brand of the truth

Until every wayward soul
Is under our complete control
Heart, body, feeble mind
Overtime, bought and sold

Just nod along
To kindly get along
In the spin from our end
You'll never know there's something wrong

We'll tell you that it's day
When clearly it is night
Back up what we have to say
With our own brand of half-truths and lies

After all
What have we got to lose
If you just nod along
And do exactly what we tell you to
Dec 2023 · 79
Without a Trace
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
I'm telling you now
I've had enough
From this and that
And all the other stuff

Going to change my name
Rearrange my face
Leave this place
Without a trace

If I do come up
They won't remember me
With no bat of an eye
Or a single blink

It'll all be like
We never met
This side of life
No one will guess

That I was ever
Even here
Like anyone
Would ever care

So, excuse me now
While I bow out
And leave this place
Without a trace
Dec 2023 · 554
...throwing stones
Mike Hauser Dec 2023
To tell the truth when I look at you
Before I even know, what you've been through
One of the first things I do
...don't you know

Is to find the perfect spot
With just the righteous amount of rocks
And give it all I have got
...don't you know

Don't even think to look at me
Not a single word do I heed
No insightful instructions do I need
...when throwing stones

Far and wide justice is blind
Well to tell the truth, so am I
When my own sin I deny
...don't you know

In judgement I stand tall
Keep it simple and that's not all
In my own righteousness I applaud
...don't you know

It doesn't take a giant leap
Or intelligence all that deep
To see where the problem lies is me
...when throwing stones
Nov 2023 · 80
Mike Hauser Nov 2023
If you live this life
Live it out in peace
If you need a sign
There are those in need
Try and do your best
For the ones that come to mind
Live it out in peace
When it comes to life

If you live this life
Give freely of yourself
If it is not you
Then I ask who else
Is there to show the way
Pointing to the signs
Be a shining light
If you live this life

If you live this life
Don't you dare think twice
About the daily need
To live it out in peace
Far above all else
You would care to find
Don't you dare think twice
About having peace in life
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