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Mike Hauser Apr 10
some will win
some will lose
who gets the choice
in the chance to choose
could be me
could be you
all depends
on what we do

we move along
this beaten path
some have more
some much less
some peoples needs
are never met
all depends
on where you're at

so easily
we lose count
some are in
others out
makes you wonder
what it's all about
all depends
on how it all works out
Mike Hauser Apr 8
The problem we have in society
Is we really don't want to be free
Saying to those who make up of rules
Oh won't you please, take care of me

Always looking for a handout
With both palms open wide
Willing to do what they tell us to
As long as we get our slice of the pie

Government assistance
Is the order of the day
It's how some make a living
Living off stuff, they give away

Never once crossing their minds
It's modern day slavery
Without a complaint we're put into chains
All the while saying what's in it for me

Do you see where I am coming from
Without firing a single shot
Nobody really wants freedom
We only want to be taken care of

And that my friend is the problem we've got...
Mike Hauser Apr 7
You have had this problem
From your days of youth
Strength adds up to nothing
When desire has hold of you

You might go a month or more
More like a day or two
Before that knock comes at your door
And the devil's drink makes its move

Where it lands in shaky hands
Bringing comfort to your lips
You once again give in to its demands
As it foils your plans to one day quit

But until you hit rock bottom
In utter shame you'll raise the glass
Your demons you have fought them
But never hard enough to win the quest

And yet you still make promises
To yourself and those you love
But if you were really serious
For yourself and them, you'd give it up

But the problem isn't in the drink
It's deep inside your soul
And until you learn to master it
It'll never let you go

So, you reach out for the bottle
Where you find, you both are drained
The hope you had has gone stage left
As the devil's drink again makes its demands
Going on 34 years sober and though it might seem impossible at the start it can be done and will be the smartest move you could ever make...guaranteed!
Mike Hauser Apr 5
Down in the town of Mayonnaise
Spread out along the country side
Mayor Egg White came to proclaim
They soon would be fighting for their lives

Sandwiched between two armies
The tribes of Ham on Rye
Everyone must battle
So, bring along your spoons and knives

They mustard up the courage
Feeling they were in a pickle
The town of Mayo was spread thin
Until their hero showed, Sir Pumpernickel

Who used the magic of Miracle Whip
A bit tangy to the taste
But after all did the trick
Laying all of Mayonnaise's enemies to waste

Where the town brought out their knives and spoons
And soon cleaned up the mess
The Miracle Whip did what it was meant to
Giving the town of Mayonnaise its much needed rest
My Father loved Miracle Whip, an acquired taste if you ask me.
So, in his honor my demented mind thought I'd pay tribute to him and his favorite spread. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.🤪
Mike Hauser Apr 4
Look at all these buttons
How could we live without them
From tightening of the collar
To buttoning up the lip

Buttons on your tired blue jeans
That keep your barn door closed
And look at how cute Penelope looks
With her button nose

Buttons on appliances
To turn them on and off
Buttons on our game shows
People pound with little thought

Buttons that are ill placed
By who's authority
Make us turn to those and say
Could you help me please

Then there is the red one
That could quickly end it all
In a handcuffed suitcase
Fondly called the Nuclear Football

And if that isn't bad enough
How about Buttons, the creepy Clown
That gives kids heebie jeebies
Whenever the Circus comes to town

Then there's button down the hatches
Or is that batten, I can't be sure
I'll try my best to let it slip
In hopes of no Google search

Here at this time, I find that I
Need to wrap this up
And instead of a bow, well you know
I'll just sew it up with a button on top
Mike Hauser Apr 2
We don't like the way we look
How we think the way we should
Curly's wish their hair was straight
While the Straight wish the other way

Our smiles do not shine enough
Thinning lips could be more plush
And let's not even mention weight
Or how we're all so out of shape

We have noses that work fine
But I like yours and you like mine
And when it comes to hair color
No telling when we'll choose another

We support the creme industry
To make our faces wrinkle free
We hide our lives behind these lies
Of whom we think we should look like

With so many changes made
Who we are is hard to say
Always looking for a change
We dare not try and stay the same

We should learn to love ourselves
If not us, then who else
Will love us for who we are
Before we take this all too far
Mike Hauser Apr 2
don't think you don't
crack my code
every time you smile
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