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Joseph C Aug 2012
I marked you as a fool
When you fell onto the sand bursting
With an unreal sense of euphoria
When you could still see the silhoutte of your name
After the tide collapsed into itself
It left you smitten with the idea
That the wax that sticks you all together
Doesn't wither with the wick

So I collapsed into myself
By candlelight and canned heat
Drew up and insubstantial
You treasure the primordial gold
I melt it to fit my posture
I am the sound of a dying constellation
A sound that no one will ever hear
And I marked you as a fool
Joseph C Aug 2012
Poetry is a disease
Words sit in your gut like rotten meat
You hold onto your stomach for dear life
'Cos it's full of knives
There's no choice but to stick your pen down your throat
And bring it all up

Yeah, poets can't tie knots
And they don't own a pistol

And all that venom just stifles and stinks

But you can close the book
And close your eyes
Ready to hate yourself tomorrow
Joseph C Aug 2012
I got a love for blood money
And any ***** little ****
Who gives me just enough

TO put down the bottle
TO put on a new pair of jeans
TO change the sheets on the bed

God knows if she don't nothin' from me
I'm gonna give her everything I got

God knows I'm gonna be staining those sheets
And sweating it all out till my stomach turns
And my heart stops beating again
Joseph C Jul 2012
I lowered the wrecking ball into your throat
You were sleeping so I closed the curtains
I saw your eyelids flicker with a dream
And I whispered for you to stay
I pulled up a chair and I sat beside you
Biting my lip until it begins smoking

And all of this disorder!
I was a hungry infant and you played my mother
And I clung with white knuckles
And you made me promise I wouldn't let you leave
But that is a promise I'm not going to keep
Joseph C Jul 2012
I pulled the sword from the stone
I struck you down and road you to the Earth
With a bow and a kiss I wiped the blood from your lips
And even you had to admit it was grandeur
And all the walls you built and empires you buried in the dust
They were meaningless once you found a derelict bannaret
And they flew the bright banners all over town for the wedding
Of the dragonslayer and the basilisk

We bought a house close to town
Right across from Judas Iscariot
We always bicker 'bout the branches of the oak trees
He said "They said time would heal all my wounds but yet
Mine keep splitting open like I'm the dragon against Saint George"
Advance our standards! Set upon our fears with old bitter hearts!
But I ended up hanging off of her every word until
All the life that I had in my lungs choked out

The flower girl is lying
Eastern Lilys through the halls of the morgue
Nero's drunk off wine and waving his bow like a sword
These days I can't remember much about Heaven
'Cept the smell of dead astronauts and gnashing fangs of fury
And a deeper understanding of honest ambivalence
Is there a God in this machine? Has he got his eye on me?
I've got some questions and I expect answers!

Mama, I just killed the only thing I've ever loved
"But each man kills the thing he loves"
I'm a killer with a kiss! I'm a coward with a sword!
Oh what reds does Hell hold for me!
Joseph C Apr 2012
Often times late at night
I lie awake, alone
And shoot at an Albatross
That sits outside my window
With a finger pistol
It is silent and friendly
It writhes to amuse me

There is only the sound of bones
No heartbeat in my ears
No ripple of breath
Just the calm lap of water
As the Albatross shakes off a chill
Joseph C Mar 2012
Like the river shapes the stone
Like the sea kisses the sky
Like the ocean swells with pride
Like you left me on my own

Like the rain that lasts all day
Like the sky kisses the sea
Like the sun melts my wings
Like the words we couldn't say

Like the ground I'll be buried in
Like the whole world reduced
Like the mud on my old boots
Like I'll never see you again

Like the world that I'll watch burn
Like the world reduced to remains
Like the fire still ablaze
Like your love for which I yearn
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