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Writing is therapy.
You get to release your frustration, your gladness over the situation.
Writing is your release.

Whatever happening?
Whatever occurred?
You write about it.

It might delight a few and offend some more.
But for you writing is therapy.
So, enjoy releasing your pain, your hurt, your love.
Because it's therapy for you.
Many grew up with King thinking.
Quiet protest.
Then came X with his fiery brand of come this way.
Come for us and the visit be the same.

And at that moment things changed.
The quiet ***** faded away.
But many seeking a change back to King ways.

They just don't realize things has changed.

The quiet go along ***** isn't this generation.
So, you are facing those ready to fight at a moment notice.
If pushed?

Mayberry RFD and Mayberry in general, or even Leave It To ****** might be your years of growth.

But it's not for the folks of today.
Because time waits for no one.
I am not a car that you can trade in for a convertible.
Even, with it updated features.
I am trail and true to do things they new can't.

I have better brakes.
My engine stays in tune.
I don't need music to dictate my mood.

Trade me in, if you want too.
You be amazed when I upgrade upon you.
The luxury will be better and of course she be a better lover.

Nothing like a skill-to-skill thrill.
When instructions not required.
No mechanical visits required.
Because we qualified technicians from hour to hour.
We, in this great joy of life.
Eventually find someone that enrich our life.
And finding you was a thrill, finding you was my blessing.

Because I love you, for you.
That the best thing I adore about you.
You move to your own beat, to you own dreams.

You create your own path and it draw some folk's wrath.
Still, I love you, for you.
And wouldn't trade you for another in my life.

Sure, opposite attracts.
And when you think about life and many decisions we make.
Sometimes it pays to be different.

Just remember this truth.
I love you for you.
I imagine her daily.
I imagine her being everything I seek.
Yes, I dream, I dream, I dream.

I see her being one beautiful dream.
Just being in her presence is a reality.
When she speaks?
She does it so eloquently.

If I had the power of him?
I be creating things to glorify her more.
So, I dream, I dream, I dream, so much about her.

And if she was your love.
You dream, you dream, daily about her.

She just that wonderful.
It's took losing you to find my type of love.
With you, I was living in a fantasy world.
Far from any type of reality.

Sure, I warned you just playing the along game.
And I saw that truth.
When I lost everything single thing.

Cause I looked around and you have moved on.
But then she came a long and brough clarity to me.

Build up all my insecurity to see a brighter light.
And now(now)
I am living a happy life.

But it took losing you to find my type of love.
Maybe, the only good thing you did for me.
Was leaving me.

Because now (now)
Because now (now)
I am living a happy life.

Happy and soulful life.
Remember, with less.
You are blessed.
With more, you are blessed.

Obviously, many see things in a different light.
Yes, a different perspective.
But with life on this earth, you are blessed.

And of course, with love in your life.
Whether you're living wrong or right.
You are blessed.

A joyful treasure granted to you to enjoy.
Yes, love is wonderful.
Yes, love is so beautiful.

Just look around and say what you are thankful because you will see just how blessed you are.

Blessed, you'll forever be.
Even, whenever you dream.
Because somethings become reality.
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