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Saraswati Mar 2017
what if i told you
i still count the clock until it hit 2
what if i told you
your ache still making me blue
what if i told you
your smile is giving me a clue
a clue that my soul is still longing for you

what if i told you
i still wait for the days to passed through
what if i told you
i almost fell for every i love yous
what if i told you
the pain didnt stop me from needing you
but what if i told you
you dissapoint me enough
enough to scare me away from running back to you
Saraswati Oct 2016
They say when you end up missing someone
pay attention to other things
find as many distractions as you can
they say it easily but one thing they dont know,
I find nothing but your figures
Every tiny details of your presence
Saraswati Aug 2016
Being naive is destructive,
when you close your eyes from the things you dont want to see
and being deaf for the things you dont want to hear
hiding behind a fake shield you built
protecting your own self to keep seeing the rainbow
when the truth making thunderstorms to the person you love
you can keep lying to yourself
and pretend you didnt see every single tears falling
eating those lies just because your heart is hungry
A ticking bomb growing inside you
and when the time is up
it will explode,
it will explode hard
The shattered pieces will bleed you from inside
when it happened
nothing else you can do beside sitting there and watching your world falling, and soon,
you will realize that
being naive is destructive.
Saraswati Aug 2016
Do you miss him?

I breathe with it, everyday
Saraswati Jun 2016
You used to wake me up
In between reality and dreams
I used to see you through the glass
and pretending that I mad at you
deep down
I smiled

You reminding me of the sun
foolishly sacrifice himself to pass the air for moon to breathe, night by night

And for that, as foolish as it was, I fell in love with the air
the soul that you exhale


in a heartbeat of time

it was worth the dying
Saraswati Apr 2016
Im waiting
Every hour
That you will show up
That you will erase all of my sadness
Like you always do

Tick tock
The clock is ticking
My tears falling
My heart hurting
My bones aching
And you
Youre not showing
Saraswati Mar 2016
Do you know what actually I feel for falling so hard over him?

I feel like finally whole

Like hes enough, just the way he is. With every flaws he got, hes enough.

And i am, i am enough, also with every traces of my flaws, he managed to make me feel like its okay.

I feel like i can finally trust someone, i dont have to worry that he will let me down, because i know he wont.

And the best part about loving him is everytime i see his eyes, i see stars, moon and even galaxies, that i could easily drown into it, and i willingly to do so, because i know he will be there to catch me.

Just 3 words that come from his mouth, and i know it will be okay.
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