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Nov 2019 · 149
Heaven, love and truth.
David Lessard Nov 2019
Heaven, love and truth
in my world do reign
soul and spirit shining
nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Peace and understanding
obedience to Him
make this world  a nothing
makes all else but dim.
Praise and song and glory
there's nothing else that matters
His word is paramount
though your heart be shattered.
Though your heart is hurting
His great love will mend
and not just for tomorrow
but it will never end.
Heaven, love and truth
peace and joy and bliss
eradication of the past
that you will never miss.
Nov 2019 · 173
David Lessard Nov 2019
With faith, I keep the Sabbath Day
to honor Him, I kneel to pray
giving thanks, for all He's done
from each setting and rising of the sun.

His blessings are too numerous to name
He gives eternal life instead of fame
His holy days I'll keep and cherish
for if we keep His truth we will not perish.

His commandments keep our body strong
gives us the power of His mighty song
gives peace to the heart and soul
keeping our minds on track and whole.

Follow His ways to the path of living
not by all the getting, but the giving
love's the mainstream of His being
without it, we aren't really seeing.

With faith, I keep all hope alive
with God, it's all I need to thrive
I know He's the answer that I need
and on His Word alone... I feed.
David Lessard Nov 2019
When I left this world behind
my vision got much clearer
my hearing much improved
and the God I knew, much nearer.
I got cleansed and then renewed
a total transformation
got rid of excess baggage
began my transmigration.
When I left this world behind
I gained a new-found peace
and realized my life
had taken on new lease.
I dumped out all the ****
and shed my evil ways
and counted all my blessings
that I gathered all my days.
When I left this world behind
I sang all praise to Him
thanking Him for my change
from this world with all its sin.
Oct 2019 · 202
Night Things.
David Lessard Oct 2019
Hear the whispers in the night?
something that ain't quite right;
a snort, a cough or rattling thing
who knows what the night might bring?

A scratching, doorknob turned sound
squeaking doors where no one's found;
scurrying, rapid, blurry mice
or something else that ain't so nice.

Muffled cries, sobs, a faint dog's bark
things get hairy, shadows in the park;
your mind is shutting down it's spark
get ready, get set, get on your mark.

GO! To the nearest exit, fast and flee
escape from things you cannot  see;
out the door, to a next door neighbor
or to someone else you favor.

Things that go bump in the night
giving your heart a dreadful fright;
why take chances, there in your bed?
it's better to wake up alive instead.
Oct 2019 · 179
His Way
David Lessard Oct 2019
Honor our great God
give your burdens up to Him
fill your soul with love
empty it of sin;
Peace will rule your heart
it surpasses understanding
follow His great truth
let Him do your planning;
Forgive yourself and others
with what you have, be glad
keep your tongue from anger
it's senseless being mad;
Rid your life of turmoil
keep on an even keel
it's what you give to others
that fosters God's appeal;
This world is not His world
rebellion, lust and greed
only hurts the body
and that's not what you need.
David Lessard Oct 2019
When I have finished climbing up the ridge
to some secluded green and leafy knoll
where the view is often grand and splendid
then I can say, it's well, within my soul.
When I have reached the summit of success
and realized the elusive, treasured goal
then I'll bask in joy and satisfaction
for it's well, so very well, within my soul.
When I ask myself, the silent question,
for whom and what the bell does softly toll
I think of the captain of my salvation
and it's well, so very well, within my soul.
When I know, that without Him, I am lost
when I know, it's Him, that makes me whole
then there's peace, that passes understanding
and it is well, so well, within my soul.
When I see waves that kiss the distant shore
the white-tipped water on its constant roll
then I have a view of heaven's glory
then all is well, so well, within my soul.
Sep 2019 · 166
Stuff That I don't Know
David Lessard Sep 2019
Stuff I don't know  names of
pass by my line of sight;
as opposed to concrete thoughts
that I know as black and white.

But the land still has its charm
as I walk along the trail;
and gaze out on the plains
where much beauty still prevails.

It's not just what you know that counts
but how you view your world;
how you count your blessings
as it all unfurls.

A walk is just the thing
that your mind can savor;
when life is passing by
without much taste or flavor.

So, the stuff that I don't know
in the end, it does not matter;
it's lost upon the wind,
like empty, useless chatter.
Aug 2019 · 172
Rivers of living water.
David Lessard Aug 2019
Rivers of living waters,
flow through these aging bones;
refreshing vital fluids,
how pleasant are their tones.

Babbling brooks of life,
filtered by green-filled fields;
the substance of our being,
how sweet the bounty yields.

Fountains of clear, clean truth,
that give to you, your measure;
filling your cup, to its brim,
with God-given bits of treasure.

He who drinks of these waters,
shall never thirst again;
gone is the carnal man,
that relishes in sin.

Rivers of living waters,
comfort this soul of mine;
content in a new creation,
content to let time unwind.
Aug 2019 · 163
Father, I know them not
David Lessard Aug 2019
Father, I know them not
whose feet are quick to run
to plot heir evil deeds
such people are to shun.
Those who break God's law
as if it was not there
those who follow others
like them, they do not care.
Father, I know them not
that speak of hate and anger
curse the color of one's skin
they only harbor danger.
They want to shout and yell
to harm the peaceful soul
they never stop to think
what really makes them whole.
Father, I know them not
they scoff at God and love
laugh at law and order
and warnings from above.
David Lessard Aug 2019
Are You running with me, Jesus?
through the tunnel we call life;
through the many slings and arrows,
of the ugly thing called strife?
Until the race is finished Lord,
we run with great conviction;
being honest with each person,
offering only peace, not friction.
Are You running with me, Jesus?
in this world that says You're dead:
in this world that chooses money,
and just gives You up instead.
They overfeed their bellies.
like their politics and greed;
they're chasing false beliefs,
they know not what they need.
Are You running with me, Jesus?
in the heartache of the night;
in the weary daytime hours,
we must go on with the fight.
Aug 2019 · 145
Heat Evasion.
David Lessard Aug 2019
114 degrees in the valley
glad I moved up north
away from killer heat
in numbers, I was fourth.

My folks moved here first
then my brother and sister
I finally made it up  here
(slowed by a heat blister)

The summer days in Phoenix
go on for way too long
even in the fall
there's no September song.

Triple digits make their mark
from April through October
relentless, oven-baked days
before the season's over.

It's a dry heat, so they say
but when you're hot, you're hot
when you're a 100 miles northwest
it's a much more pleasant spot
Aug 2019 · 226
August Rain.
David Lessard Aug 2019
Walking in the pouring rain, I'm soaked
in the middle of a empty desert plain
pelted hard with big , wet, chilly drops
that sting and  make me flinch in pain.

My ballcap provides a little shelter
but it isn't long before it's soggy too
I search the skies for decent weather
but there only patches that are blue.

I resign myself and say it could be worse
instead of only rain, it could be hail
and improbably it could be snow
that would be covering up the trail.

August rain, from monsoon season
is unpredictable and often rude
coming fast, without much warning
it fouls and blemishes my cheery mood.

But being the long-lived desert rat I am
I take it with just a grain of precious salt
walking in the open spaces with no shelter
forgetting my umbrella's my **** fault.
Aug 2019 · 151
The Run For Office.
David Lessard Aug 2019
The field has far too many
the choices, far too few
not much hope of any
making progress through.

It's a star show in the making
dressed up, upon the stage
are they real or are they faking?
when will they turn the page?

Where do they stand on this?
where do they stand on that?
it seems it'***** or miss
methinks they need a map.

Politics is strange and weird
often, it is tragic
they want to be endeared
as if, perhaps, by magic.

The candidates stand short and tall
stating all their  views
they'll celebrate today
tomorrow...just old news.
Jul 2019 · 151
This I Know Is True.
David Lessard Jul 2019
Lord - This is true, I know
from You, all good things flow
peace and joy and love
come down from high above.

Gone is anger and conceit
You have caused their swift retreat
along with hate and greed
for You satisfy our every need.

Lord - This I know is true
You forgive us through and through
when we pray and then repent
time with You is time well spent.

You bless our every strong desire
by Your holy righteous fire
if it is right,  not wrong -
You give us heaven's song.

Lord - I know this much is true
we're better when we think on You
starting now -  and never later
our precious, grand and great creator.
Jul 2019 · 150
Dog days.
David Lessard Jul 2019
The sun is blazing hot,
in my corner of the world;
my dog is resting by the vent,
his body slightly curled.
I check the temp. at six,
still ninety in the shade;
a warm wind's blowing gently,
as the evening starts to fade.
In  a hour's time, perhaps,
we'll saunter down the street;
with hope of shadows growing,
to help ward off the heat.
A little stroll for exercise,
to get the blood a-flowing;
content to walk in circles,
we know where we are going.
Summer comes on strongly,
in this section of the west;
sometimes comforting...
today, it's just a pest.
Jul 2019 · 126
New day.
David Lessard Jul 2019
Lord, Grant me quiet rest
from the turmoil of the day
sweet and pleasant slumber
let me sleep the hours away.
Make my dream a happy one
let it make me laugh and smile
keep fast in one position
all the night-time while.
Give me strength to face tomorrow
forgetting ills of yesterday
glad to see the rising sun
of a lovely brand-new day.
Filled with eager, pleasing steps
to start the dawn off right
well rested from the solitude
of the previous night.
Full of vim and flush with vigor
created fresh...anew
ready for most anything
I wish  to find   to do.
Jul 2019 · 196
Early morning walk.
David Lessard Jul 2019
Sixty-two degrees at six a.m.,
to the east, the sun a molten ball;
the shadows long and dark,
shady, black and tall.

The trail is rocky,  dirt-filled,
waiting for our tramping feet;
the dogs, anxious, restless,
quick and limber,   fleet.

Two vagabonds just wandering,
breaking dawn's sweet rest;
with exercise and quiet thoughts,
in the arid, cloudless west.

Sharing little conversation,
enveloped by silent dreams;
we passed the cottonwoods,
across hot, dried-up streams.

Early morning  walks are best,
with eager, fellow beings;
blessed by great companionship,
and the earth that we are seeing.
Jul 2019 · 355
David Lessard Jul 2019
You vanished from my life
just like a dream-
I wasn't what you thought
not what I seemed;
but then, love is often blind
and deaf and dumb-
we went our separate ways
not even chums;
committed to a wall,  unseen.

A barrier that none can see-
an obstacle that bars our way-
built for only you and me -
when one has nothing more to say.

I only wish you happiness and cheer -
good luck in your endeavor dear -
now, you've got one less to fear -
when long ago, we grew so very near.
David Lessard Jun 2019
Once you were here,
then you were gone;
forgotten me, me too,
you laughed and moved on.

I died in your sleep,
you died in mine;
what the hell darling
the past  was once fine.

This is a memory poem
written in a hurried manner;
could have been better my friend,
but I was never a planner.

Love lost is always tragic,
nice, sweet, sad, funny and blue;
scattered feelings, shattered dreams,
upset by things we never knew.

I'll forget you in a while,
love's not easily  won or lost;
but we always pay a price,
and always it's too much a cost.
Jun 2019 · 354
One long last look.
David Lessard Jun 2019
I'm not ready to go, just yet,
let me stay a little longer;
I'm not that old you know,
perhaps a bit less stronger.
But my mind, it's still alive,
sharp as a tack... (I think);
I have many things to do,
that will keep me in the pink.
Old age is but a state of mind,
I have pleasant memories;
the years have been but kind,
(tho' I've sailed on troubled seas).
Let me leave when I am ready,
I will fight the dying light;
I'll be wary of the coming storm,
and the never-ending night.
Let this life keep right on rolling,
like the pages of some book;
content with passages of time,
for the world, one long last look.
Jun 2019 · 150
Some Night...
David Lessard Jun 2019
Some night, I'll stay awake,
to hear the coyotes howl;
listening in the dark,
to nightly creatures prowl.
One day, I'll sail away,
to a far and distant land;
and ponder in my dreams,
God's great and awesome plan.
I've always been a dreamer,
a traveler in my mind;
escaping life's illusions,
to see what I would find.
Always searching, always seeking,
for unexpected treasure;
a vagabond of sorts,
in which I take my pleasure.
Some night, I'll board that ship,
from where there's no return;
on that mystery boat of death,
where I'll live again...or burn.
Jun 2019 · 172
How Magnificent.
David Lessard Jun 2019
How glorious Your truth Lord
from the dawn of our creation
from the beginning of all time
you formed each separate nation.
How wondrous is Your beauty
that flows to every  shore
that firmament of sky
that leads to heaven's door.
How beautiful the night
that shines in every star
that galaxy of diamonds
that we  see from afar.
How majestic is Your truth Lord
from Your written word
from Your mighty voice
like thunder, we have heard.
How magnificent Your glory
to those that heed Your call
to those that are forgiven
from their lowly fall.
Jun 2019 · 211
Evening Praise
David Lessard Jun 2019
In the shadows of the twilight
I will take my daily walk
and thru passages of time
to my Savoir,  I will talk.
I will talk and He will listen
how went the passing day
whether good or bad
from Him, I will not stray.
From His word I will not waver
to that still small voice inside
that keeps me true and humble
from my arrogance and pride.
Darkness now approaches
fading fast, the golden light
the stars appear in Glory
announcing His great Might.
Gazing at the evening sky
I accept what will transpire
leave mute, the question why
praising Him, whose truth is higher.
Jun 2019 · 233
Magic Love
David Lessard Jun 2019
Your love was almost warm
just like a summer breeze
that ruffled up my hair
as it hop-scotched through the trees;
Your love was soft and sweet
like cotton-candy tasted
I licked it slow and steady
so nothing much was wasted;
Your love was like a dream
so credible and true
but reality was broken
by things that were not true;
Your love was most deceiving
here today and gone tomorrow
now forgotten happiness
and a river full of sorrow;
Your love was grand deception
and ended in confusion
proving love is blind
and master of illusion.
Jun 2019 · 141
Hiding from the heat...
David Lessard Jun 2019
The heat comes, in little waves,
lapping at my neck and shoulders;
my search for shade is futile,
I walk amongst the boulders.
Their granite faces solemn,
standing mute above me;
I escape the burning breezes,
and set my spirit free.
The heat seeps through the air,
there's only scattered shade;
I wish for pools of water,
the image quickly fades.
Not much water in the desert,
only dried up pools of muck;
there's no freedom from the heat,
I'm simply out of luck!
Jun 2019 · 187
Desert Beauty.
David Lessard Jun 2019
The desert, slowly grows on you
there are no trees in all that space
the sun was so hot, like an oven
and of a cloud, there was no trace.

But then one night, I camped outside
there was no noise, no planes, no cars
suddenly, I was startled out of sleep
God, I could almost touch the stars!

I'd never seen the Milky Way so close
I marveled at its clarity of light
that set the universe aglow
what a grand and awesome sight!

One spring I saw, the cacti all in bloom
saw a mesa, rise to kiss the evening sky
saw a flaming sunset.  in the west
that made me want to shout (or cry).

The desert has a beauty all its own
from a view a hundred miles away
at first, I wanted desperately to leave
but now I've changed my mind, I'll stay.
Jun 2019 · 142
Late Evening Walk.
David Lessard Jun 2019
The wind is at my back
the evening sun is setting
I walk the grass-lined track
easy, carefree - no fretting;
the lake shines in the light
with the granite dells behind
it's a clear and lovely view
that these ancient eyes do find;
a bit of nature for the soul
it nourishes the heart
it makes this body whole
of which it is, a part;
when the day is nearly done
and the heat is on the wane
I say goodbye to sun
on its long orbital train;
here's twilight, creeping fast
the shadows, now encroaching
comes the stillness then at last
sunset,   now approaching.
David Lessard Jun 2019
How could I ever doubt you
when you showed me how to live?
when you showed me truth
and asked me to forgive.

You were always in my heart
but not often in my mind;
until I heard the call
and love is what I find.

Your the rock I lean upon
the light that shows the way;
the savior of my soul
to whom I kneel to pray.

The anchor of my restlessness
the safe harbor where I hide;
the shelter that I seek
from all angry tides.

How could I doubt you, Lord
when you've turned my life around?
giving me love and power
and now, a mind that's sound.
David Lessard May 2019
I'm off to la-la land
to the spot called Nod
I'm sure you understand.

Seasons change as seasons do
the dawn comes awful early
and if I miss my sleep
I wake up very surly.

The night comes late
the sun comes quicker
in my bedroom window
the birds begin their bicker.

Sunrise comes a-creeping
sunrise brings the light
my eyes absorb the glow
and thus, it ends my night.

So, I'm off to bed at nine
to dream of sugar-plums
and other dream-like things
until the morning comes.
May 2019 · 118
The winds of March.
David Lessard May 2019
The winds of March
they came in May
with rain and hail and cold
the wind was rushing,
numbing, chilling
forceful, brash and bold.
The snow stayed on the peaks
maybe skiing until June
I bundled up my body
whistling a listless tune.
I braved the wind and rain
dodging hail, ignoring cold
gathered all the sunshine
my aching limbs could hold.
The winds of March
they came in May
they may be here till June
meanwhile, I'll keep writing
these silly little runes.
May 2019 · 137
David Lessard May 2019
Words never spoken
are written on paper
for souls that need
inspiration or
for completion.
May 2019 · 143
David Lessard May 2019
When the  light came to the world,
the people knew Him not;
until the blind and deaf were healed,
they knew not what they sought.

Until the lepers skin was cleansed,
and Lazarus was raised;
until the miracles occurred,
was He ever praised.

Until the crowd, they followed Him,
did the Pharisees run scared;
and plotted then to **** Him,
and whip His body bared.

They nailed Him to the cross to die,
all part of God's great plan;
He died for all the sinners,
but they didn't understand.

A perfect sacrifice was he,
to shed His blood for all;
He paved the way for man,
so they could heed His call.

And the darkness never knew Him,
because His light did shine;
giving life to others,
in this present time.
May 2019 · 146
Desert Rose.
David Lessard May 2019
Desert rose is in full bloom,
I can smell its strong perfume;
a hawk is dipping in the wind,
in fluffy clouds the sun is pinned.
The air is light, no humidity,
a hundred miles my eyes can see;
one mile high, on rolling hills,
evening brings its springtime chill;
I walk along the lonesome road,
shedding quickly, daytime's load;
Content to set a modest pace,
content to be within this space;
relishing the twilight coming,
I begin my quiet humming.
The desert rose is in full bloom,
I can smell its strong perfume,
there's nothing now, that I lack,
as I make the turn to head on back.
Apr 2019 · 333
Rocking the boat.
David Lessard Apr 2019
I approached it with trepidation
asking, does this thing even float?
shut up and hop in he laughed
and please, don't rock the boat.

I  am, a middle-of-the-roader
careful not to get anybody's goat;
not to hurt anybody's feelings
to behave and never rock the boat.

It was a chilly, windy, rainy day
I'd brought a sweater and a coat;
I side-stepped gingerly aboard
making sure, I didn't rock the boat.

I was aware of his funny, wary look
I made sure to smile and not to gloat;
I seated myself with slow anticipation
serious and stern, not to rock the boat.

Relax,  I think we're safe in this old tub
if it sinks, then by god that's all she wrote;
one more time, I remind you, my friend
be alert and aware, and don't rock the boat.
Apr 2019 · 190
David Lessard Apr 2019
I washed my sins down by the river
cast them on rocks, baked by the sun
the Holy Spirit came into my soul
proof that my old life was done.
I repented and was found worthy
all the past was gently wiped away
all the old was buried very deeply
once I found and walked his Way.
Darkness faded from my vision
replaced there by a god-like light
it was then I knew, I need not fear
the coming days and coming nights.
I gave my burdens up to Him on high
the excess baggage faded from my view
I found the truth that set me free
from all the earthly things that I once knew.
I washed my sins down by the river
the blood of Christ did all the rest
I stood tall, before my Savoir
knowing I had passed the test.
David Lessard Apr 2019
Once the golden bowl is broken,
once that time becomes our foe;
then who you are is lost,
from the person we did know.
When friends don't recognize you,
because you don't know them;
when you forget, who you are,
you've moved closer to the end.
Once the golden bowl has broken,
only troubles lie ahead;
only heartaches round the corner,
becoming days you dread.
Memory fades into the night,
and in your house, you're lost;
the mind is jumbled, rattled,
your dreams are all but tossed.
Then the golden bowl is broken,
no matter how you've tried;
because the soul's now in limbo,
because, its heart has died.
Apr 2019 · 232
Your Love.
David Lessard Apr 2019
Your love is like the weather
it changes with the day
sunny, cloudy, windy
rain that comes my way.

Your love is like the seasons
in the summer it is hot
and in the throes of winter
often it is not.

Your love is like the weather
it's gloomy or it shines
it's like the fickle wind
that can moan and whine.

Your love is like the seasons
in spring when fog is low
and misty dew appears
or in the fall when colors glow.

Your love is like the weather
it's often clouded over
or like the splendid sun
upon a field of clover.
Apr 2019 · 208
Prayer for our forgiveness.
David Lessard Apr 2019
You are the king of all that matters
watching what we do we trepidation
as we break Your Ten Commandments
and fall apart, divided as a nation.

We seem to think that we don't need You
sinning, throwing caution to the wind
forgetting where in the world we came from
pushing away memory of where we've been.

Killing daily, babies while in their womb
accepting things, we never did before
becoming strangers to ourselves
as we walk, mindless, out the door.

Forgive us Lord, for our stupidity
have mercy, on our heedless soul
as we break, into useless pieces
all the things that once, had made us whole.

Have pity on the way we view our lives
with no reflection on our godless heart
forgive us, for our wicked, shameful ways
of which, by our mistakes, we form a part.
Apr 2019 · 125
Spring fight.
David Lessard Apr 2019
Sniveling was never part of my plan
it was getting snarky, getting out of hand;
but Springtime's is but a fickle friend
and in time, it all will surely end.
I had to get a shot to knock it out
rather than to let it drip and pout;
there was too much weeping of the eyes
too much sneezing, amongst the sighs.
Too much blossoming and blooming
too many juniper trees looming.
I fought it till I finally gave in
to put up with it any more would be a sin;
aggravation and suffering was misery
I was determined to not let it get the best of me.
A Kenalog shot brought me great relief
and at last, I freed myself m from needless grief;
until next year, when Spring comes around once more
and I am faced with it again, the thing that I abhor.
Apr 2019 · 480
Be there with me Lord
David Lessard Apr 2019
Be there with me Lord,
as I climb the mountain;
as I struggle onward,
to drink from Your true fountain.

Give me strength from sinning,
give me a touch of grace;
keep me on the narrow path,
that leads right to Your place.

Let me be forgiving Lord,
from injuries received;
give me Your just wisdom,
from which I'm not deceived.

Give me a heart that's full of love,
for every human being;
let me be Your shining light,
of strangers I am seeing.

Be there with me Lord,
still my insurrection;
and don't forget my soul,
on my day of resurrection!
Apr 2019 · 143
Evening hike.
David Lessard Apr 2019
We walk in evening, in the hills,
the trail is rocky, somewhat rough;
it climbs along a ridgetop,
steep, but not too tough.
We stride with certain measure,
the air is breezy, cool and clean,
we leave the worldly cares behind,
below, the grass is getting green.
A little hike, into the blue,
scattered clouds, dots of white;
the mountains turning purple,
with the diminished light.
An old man and his dog,
enjoying the day and life;
with close companionship and love,
escaping the daily strife.
Our lives are but a shadow,
soon we'll be gone; tomorrow;
blessed to share the end of time,
of happiness and sorrow.
Apr 2019 · 135
Don't speak love to me...
David Lessard Apr 2019
Don't write to me of love
it's failed me way too much
left me hurt and angry
left me in its clutch;
I give it only mixed reviews
there's something that is lacking
why do I lose at love?
it always sends me packing;
Unanswered questions left
I'm puzzled by their meaning
I'm confused I do confess
I miss its careful screening;
Don't speak of love to me
it makes my heart to racing
seeing that I'm left alone
to feel the pain I'm facing;
Don't toss me any breadcrumbs
I've had my fill of feast
of silly dilly romance
that lurking constant beast.
Apr 2019 · 129
Wind message.
David Lessard Apr 2019
Have you listened to the wind?
then you know its song
melodies that no one knows
to you alone belong.

Have you listened to its cries?
then you know of sorrow
moans that whisper in the air
that no one else can borrow.

Have you heard its quiet thoughts?
when you're stopped and still
upon the meadow, soft at dawn
or high upon a hill.

Have you heard its breezy sighs?
that ruffles through your hair?
that soft and lingering embrace
on a day that's sweet and fair.

Have you listened to the wind?
did you hear its message clear?
all right's with the world
that you and I hold dear.
Apr 2019 · 227
Aging well?
David Lessard Apr 2019
Old age doesn't slow you down
it speeds things up -
you forget things, you laugh at
certain happenings without forethought;
you drool in your sleep
talk to yourself a lot more.
Your taste-buds has memory lapses.
You watch Family Feud and consider that
appropriate entertainment.
The highlight of your day begins
and ends
at the mailbox.
(who writes letters anymore?)
Older friends you know
appear in the obituaries now and then.
Famous people that you thought
were long dead are starring in
a new television series.
You've now outlived six dogs,
and four marriages.
Your hair is gray instead of
reddish-blond (all over).
You soak your dentures instead of
brushing your teeth.
Change the batteries in your hearing aids
on a fairly regular schedule.
Put your glasses on now to read.
Take several little naps during
the sunshine hours...and
thank God for another day of life.
Apr 2019 · 438
Always, You Were With Me
David Lessard Apr 2019
Always, You were with me
when paths were long and rough
when I failed to hear Your voice
when life was hard and tough.
When life had little meaning
when daydreams were obscured
I fought against the system
and not once was I heard.
Always, You were with me
in nights where nothing mattered
in rage where anger ruled
and lives were often shattered.
When the wind, it blew too strongly
when it stormed most every day
when there was little comfort
when bitter moments had their say.
Always, You were with me
through the thick and thin
but You saved me from the pit
and from my life of sin.
Mar 2019 · 148
Love's fall.
David Lessard Mar 2019
You cannot start again
what's gone is gone-
time forgets its place
and moves on.

Days still bright and sunny
nights still dark and long-
strangers passing by
with life's old sweet song.

Love is buried and forgotten
in a place you can't recall-
memory fades with aging
like the trees that grow so tall.

Someone says that time is healing
but you do not find it so-
words are often meant to heal
but they're wrong I think you know.

All but bitterness has vanished
in the void that swallows all-
in the echoes of your mind
when you woke up from your fall.
Mar 2019 · 104
Stolen Identity.
David Lessard Mar 2019
They have stolen Your identity
preaching false news of the gospel
made up stories of their own
of things that are not right;
by the works of Satan,
the devil himself,
the prince of darkness -
who loves the cloak of night.
Making the day of sun as worship
saying Easter instead of Passover
turning Christmas into profit
saying He (Christ) was born that day;
if you look into His word
you see that's it's absurd;
He was Autumn's child
not in the winter, no way.
Man pursues the world
with traditions of his own
unaware of who it is
that sits upon the throne.
False teachers teaching lies
they truly are deceived;
and God looks down and laughs
though He is much aggrieved.
Mar 2019 · 131
Love's Death
David Lessard Mar 2019
How my heart ached when you left me!
how the days were drowned in sorrow;
the nights seemed endless, dreary
still, there came, the bright tomorrow.

How my soul cried days without you!
days that offered little hope;
I couldn't think, but of your face
I just sat around and moped.

Then the morning fog was lifted
how good again, to see the sun!
I looked forward to the evening
now convinced my life's not done.

I was saved, that day from drowning
she was like you, in many ways;
but she never left, like you did
she loves me, and she stays.

How my heart was broke in pieces!
when our pledged love went awry;
how we struggled hard to save it
how long it's been since it did die.
Mar 2019 · 133
To Gain A Kingdom...
David Lessard Mar 2019
Keep your heart from evil
the day wanes much too fast
honor truth and mercy
only things that last;
Your life is but a flower
a blink in time's great plan
fill your soul with love
and know that it is grand;
Fear the Lord above you
and obey His every word
lift your voice in prayer
and you too, will be heard;
Forgive ones that hurt you
all enemies and foes
Your Father watches all
let troubled waters flow;
Your body is a temple
keep it clean and pure
then you'll gain a kingdom
if in this world, you endure.
Mar 2019 · 497
You Stand The Test Of Time.
David Lessard Mar 2019
You stand the test of time
when all else falls away;
when things no longer matter
but the dawn of each new day.
There's the beauty in the heavens
when the sun fills up the sky;
when the blue is just amazing
where the crow and eagle fly.
You stand the test of time
when all shadows fade from view;
and the darkness is eclipsed
by the truth I never knew.
Until I felt my heart melt
as the lies died one by one;
I stood apart from my life
ashamed by what I'd done.
You stand the test of time
it's of You that I have need;
I've now risen from the ashes
from my selfish, petty greed,
I don't understand the peace
but it fills my soul with pleasure;
goodbye to all that's tainted
I now have found my treasure.
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