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cheryl love Dec 2018
In the days gone by
many , many moons ago
i used to question why
instead of just letting it go
things said in anger led to a sigh
and life came to a blow
then I used to cry
instead of just letting it go
that was then this is now
now that i have turned the big six o
instead of if it is now how
and I just simply let it go
cheryl love Dec 2018
Rudolph is prompt and it is a quarter past eight
He is in a panic thinking that Santa will be late
You'd think with all the elves he employs
they would be on the ball with the toys
he then hears Santa whistling and panting
under his own breath he is stressing and ranting
then through the valley vale and fells
hark it is the sound of the sleigh bells
at long last Santa is definitely on his way
Rudolph and his team pulling the  heavy laden sleigh
cheryl love Oct 2018
Ring the bell for he was happy
Wear white they said to be pure
The bell now has no ding a ling
and i am waiting for a cure
Fetch the car to make him smile
wear gold horseshoe they said
The car was crushed years ago
and she is waiting for her bed
Strike the post with an iron fist
it missedm and hit me instead
he does not care any longer you see
and what was there is now dead.
cheryl love Oct 2018
I took control and pondered over this mad situa5ion
I thought that  I had selected my words with care
however after muh careful considerion
I found myself here, there ane everywhere.
cheryl love Oct 2018
A slight of hand
will mystify you
a wave fo the wand
will do too.
But to place in a hat
which has become a habit
his daughter's pet
a disgrunled rabbit.
The pull it out
when the magic word's said
accept the applause
and place the hat on his head.
Is a bit of a disgrace
for the poor pet
look at this pitiful face
that's  as much as you will get.
Noh shock, no suprise met by all
is it magic then one would say
the rabbit does not want to know
s llong as he eats at the end of the day.
cheryl love Aug 2018
It is that time
in fear of the dead of night
they surround you
not a pretty sight
grey faces stare
through oval foggy eyes
not exactly aware
of their scary disguise
cool breeze wafts  
followed by a cruel smell
hands cover wrinkled faces
its like a living hell.
cheryl love Aug 2018
The Zebra smiles at the Lion
Who is wondering when he gets fed
The Rhino looks across at the Zebra
and this is what he said.....

"Why are you grinning my friend
especially at the old  Lion over there"
The Zebra replied that he was in a good mood
and to be judged just is  not being fair.

"I was not judging just a little bemused
and wondering why the good mood todtay
he saw no reason for it  - he wanted some mud
a nice dollop of sticky mud to have a **** good play.

But he knew life was not a bowl of cherries
not that cherries are his overall delight
No rains meant no mud and certainly n o smiles
not unless he put up one hell of a **** fight

The Zebra hated mud could not see the attraction
cherries gave him wind too  and at both ends
What a mess I'd be in he thought he started to think
Looking over at the Lion - what a strange signal he sends

The Lion was drooling over Zebra kebabs and Rhino stew
a little carrot and parsley he thought would be nice
drenched in gravy - his eyeballs spun round - they noticed
and ran off fast they dd not need telling twice.

Blast thought the Lion wheres my dinner gone
has the place gone mad and have I gone wild
This time the Rhino understood the Zebra
and this time they both stood and smiled
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