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If I could ever want anything more, I would take it for my own
forgetting permission, forgetting what feelings have been shown.
I'd rather have nothing else if it meant having you for good.
But I hate feeling like this, unlike a teenage girl should.
What makes this ever worse is the mental picture in my mind,
of you and me sharing a kiss, and other gestures, so kind.
I know that I am unsure if you want me as I want you,
but I know that I could give you a smile, never a feeling of blue.
I know that I would give you everything that you could ever desire
I can show you a different kind of love that burns like fire.
Yet, I am so naive to this feeling, and this care for another
but I know I am ready to share this, so I no longer have to wonder.
I do not want to share this with just anyone,
only you, because it's my heart that you have won.
I am a shell,
rough on the outside
as everyone can tell.
But I hide so much,
on the inside are things
that only I can touch.
The things are so beautiful
these things inside
but I make this inscrutable.
Because I am afraid,
ever so frightened
that my life will never be made
I have to reveal these things
deep inside of me
as if they were new kings
an angel with wings
or a mute that sings.
I am ready to take on life
to the best of my ability
regardless the strife.
but a push would be nice.
There are no hands on the clock of love
it all seems true when push comes to shove.
Those who know this kind of feeling
understand its rare meaning.
Keep your eyes open to the fact of the matter
though it feels so right, it may not last forever.
But never lose that hope and those dreams,
because you may give up before you know what it means.
Keep a wall up and don't make yourself seem vulnerable,
though you may want to fall fast because it's so wonderful.
But open your heart to the idea of fully loving another,
because if it slips away you may spend hours in wonder.
Keep your standards high and your chin even higher,
settling for less is never something that one would desire.
But realize the greatest of things come in odd packages,
because the one wrapped in gold know how to do damages.
Most of all:
Keep yourself up and ready to feel appalled,
but know that the catch is always better than the fall.
Call me, if I am in the middle of the greatest slumber,
for I will never let you rain without my thunder.
Call me, if you feel lost and not at home,
for I will reassure you that you are not alone.
Call me, if you are bored and in need entertainment
for I have a couch, snacks, and movies we can rent.
Call me, if you receive your first heart break
for I will show you love that will never be fake.
Call me, if you would just like to smile,
I love making others laugh longer than a mile.
And darling, call me, if you ever need a friend,
for I will be there forever, till the end.
It is, that one moment.
when you realize that you want it.
Like a kid who feasts his eyes on a new toy,
or a teenage girl who falls in love with an older boy.
Their eyes stare into something they think they need
and they want it all to themselves, showing greed.
The mother of that child wants to give her son a smile
but she wants to show him true happiness for a while.
The kind of happiness that her naive boy cannot physically feel,
but he is reluctant to learning, for he wants something real.
Like that teenage girl, she wants to give and receive true love,
but she wants to know from whom will this love come from.
The older guy has a way with words, and an ever so charming grin
he knows that if he tells her meaningless statements that he will win.
This girl will fall for any trick to find out what this word love means
so she gave him her everything because they were in love, so it seemed.
On the bright side, the young boy got his toy that he "needed" so badly,
but this naive boy never did learn how to be truly happy.
So he grew up thinking everything was a game, and girls were toys,
and that teenage girl fell in love, with him, and didn't care about the other boys.
This girl had to learn the hard way, that not everyone who says I love you will stay,
he left her, with broken promises, a broken heart, and went away...away....away.

At least she had the ability to love someone, not something
She will one day find a man, not a boy, who will give her everything.
Oh shout, never whisper your thoughts
only loud voices get their point across.
Practice all that you believe and preach
or all your worth will be ****** as blood to a leech.
Believe that you are, not just one of many,
but one of few outdoing others plenty.
Reach out to those who have less than you,
one good deed can pull many smiles through.
Stay true to yourself, and realize that one simple dream
can evolve into something greater than the world has ever seen.
What I would do to have you wandering  this unfair earth again,
or better yet, what I would do to see you safe, through the gates of heaven.
I cannot begin to explain the countless breezy nights consisting of me waiting
patiently waiting for a sign that you are safe or simply you stating
that you are in the hands of another,
so I no longer have to wonder
where I'll meet you again.
You must be in heaven.
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