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barnoahMike Mar 2012
Are things really as they seem to be ? ......He was trying to explain his vision to a friend,  who was listening with a   Bent ear,  that kept some of the Truth from entering into the ear canal and properly vibrating the ear drum.     Thereby,  making for a somewhat distorted message ..    And the "Stirring-Vision" was explained and detailed as follows:     "There was this dog I had,   that instead of Barking ,  it meowed and wanted out in the Middle of the Night.    And,there was this Cat I had,   that instead of meowing,  it Barked and it wanted to jump up on people and wag it's tail.        There was this horse I had, that instead of wanting to come into the Barn at night,  it preferred to lay in the Mud-Wallow.    And,  there was this Hog I had,  that instead of Oinking and wanting slop for food,  would try to jump the fence to get to the Salt-Lick..    There was this Rooster I had,  that instead of crowing in the early morning,  it let out Bleats and desired to chew on cans.   And,  there was this goat I had,  that instead of wanting to climb  everything,  spent most of its day in the Hen house , as if it were an egg inspector.     There was this Parrot I had,   that instead of repeating words that were taught to him,  simply called out .."Please Milk Me".   And ,  there was this cow I had,   that instead of  wanting to have a peaceful day of chewing it's Cud,  spent almost all the waking hours,  Repeating every word it had ever heard.    Then,  I saw this snake , crawling away into the tall grass,  trying to get away before it was discovered.    Yes,  there's something about snakes,  just always trying to change things.   Slithering away,  as blame on changes, goes to another as he claims his credits  !
COPYRIGHT  @ 2012       by barnoahMike         Mike Ham
barnoahMike Dec 2011
Far be it from me ~ to say that LEAD BALLOONS don't float !     For example,  how thick is the lead,   how big is the Balloon,   is it filled with Helium,  is it to be floated on earth ,  or perhaps the moon,  with much less gravity and,,what about aboard a space craft ?  SO,  just like I said,  I can;t say LEAD BALLOONS  don't float.     Could it be said,  that Man's feelings are like LEAD BALLOONS?    How Thick or Thin skinned are they,  how big and attractive are the temptations?   Who and what are the Tempters,  that will draw our attention  away from  truths ,  carried aloft by LEAD BALLOONS.    In any of these cases I ask ...." IS THERE A TETHER ATTACHED"?      SO,,,, for the floating portion of the test !!     Prepare as follows:  Snorkels,  Diving Suits,  Flippers,  Masks and Weighted Belts.    Just the things we need for Proper Diving { just in case}.   Fully suited Swan Dives may not seem in place at the Olympics,   BUT at these Major Finals,,A fully suited person is REQUIRED.    Double pike with a Full Twist help in escaping "THAT HUGE SUCTION SOUND".   And of course the Perfect Bathing Cap,  to keep hair out of FACE.   There is Something about having  a situation "RIGHT IN YOUR FACE"  .
copyright 2011    by barnoah     Mike Ham
barnoahMike Nov 2011
Down at the Shipyards people are *Waiting for their "Ship-to-come-in".     At the Ballpark people are *waiting for the "Home-run-hit".    At the Racetrack people are  *Waiting for "Their winning horse".   At the street corner people are  *Waiting for the "Light -to-turn-green".   At the office people are *Waiting for "That-Raise".    At the restaurant people are *Waiting to be "Waited-on".    At the bookstore people are *Waiting for *THAT "New-book".   At the the Shoe store people are *Waiting to see if  "The-Shoe-fits".   at the Doctors office people are *Waiting in the "Waiting-Room".     At the grocery store people are *Waiting to "Check-out".    And it's been said, that folks today,have No-Patience !   WELL,  Excuse me,  just the few illustrations above,  clearly demonstrate, THAT somebody is *Waiting for something !    What are their intentions of asking for Indulgence,  Tolerance  and Unity.    AND,,  don't dare Upset the Apple-Cart !   Down at the Coffee shop people are *Waiting for that  "Java-with-Ummph".    At the corner people are *Waiting to be "Taken-for-a-Ride".   Downtown people are *Waiting for a place to "PARK & WAIT" !      "Pray Tell,,,WHAT ARE  WE WAITING FOR " ?
copyright @2011      barnoah       Mike Ham
barnoahMike Sep 2011
He knew that he was an Alien,  He knew that he was peculiar,  He knew that he was different,   He knew the Air-Prince would continue to encourage others to Strike-Out at Him~ whether they knew the meaning of that which he spoke !       They even made fun of his name~ they would blurt  out~  There goes "AWKARD AL" ~ Words bellowed out~as if to a 100psi ! !    They tried to throw enough "HOT" words  to Blister~His Back.       Then one day,  while at a concert, a few moments before it was to begin,~ a LOUD Murmuring ~ hovered over the audience.   and in Unison they proclaimed ~"There sits ALDIN AWK,  the man whose words Bristle with Brackishness .! and  they~.....Chanted in unison " His words Bristle with Brackishness" , they repeated the chant  over and over.     Aldin stood up,  the crowd thinking ~that He  was about to leave the concert.       To their surprise~ he walked to the stage~ was handed the microphone~ bowed his head for a Moment......     and as He began to speak~  "EVEN GREATER WERE THE BRISTLED WORDS OF BRACKISHNESS"    that came from him thru the tears "Pouring forth"  ....
copyright 2011     barnoahMIKE      Mike Ham
barnoahMike Aug 2011
Sitting on her throne~one day~she Pondered about the world~around her.   Seeing that a lack of progress ~and fewer cheerful attitudes~were causing folks ~to walk around~as if with~"Pouty Lips.    This certainly~"Was not"~what the QUEEN~wanted to hear~about her throngs ~of followers~.    Even her Jesters~sent her whispered notes~that things were not well  !  She unfolded the silver whispered notes~over and over~as she was seeking an answer ~to the~doldrum cases~being reported to her~every day...     The Queens supreme Guard~asked if he might have a private audience with her~....   She, without hesitation~granted his wish~and declared to take~all the time he needed.   Getting to the point quickly~he knew~the QUEEN may suddenly change her mind~or create a decision ~Right-Now~,  as She was Prone to ~seeing that things Got-Done",  so, she exclaimed to the Captain,,  What is your presentation?   Standing before her,  she proclaimed,Please be seated~and let me hear!  Clearing his throat~trying to muster courage of~Required by QUEEN~ looking straight into her eyes~when she had granted audiences !    Madam QUEEN, he started,  Jesters have told me of the *WOE !  a Severe case of Doldrum stress~has attached itself to our people.    The QUEEN retorted, my Court has learned well......"WHAT IS THE PLAN" she bellowed~as she stood,in her stately,magnificently beautiful way,  glided to the balcony drapes, turned promptly and asked...."Well"?    The Captain~made aware of her  presence so profoundly,presented his case !   Madam QUEEN, have you ever met or know of Major Glib?   Yes,,she said quietly,turning her head away, I Know the Major.   the Captain continued,  this is the kind of Man we need ,,to face head-on, bring mountains of encouragement,show new skills,be their spokesman when needed,  to resolve all differences,,seek the Spices of life.....Learn the values of friendship and even Love.   Someone who puts a meaning and measureable value to the future~yes even tomorrow.   The QUEEN , interrupted~How quickly can we have Major Glib here for a discussion of Willingness?   The Knocks on the door~interrupted ~ the QUEEN nodded to the Captain to answer the door.  Twenty six determined steps brought him to the door, opening the door full way----there stood Major Glib.   The Major didn't say a word,walked directly to the QUEEN ~took her hand~gazed into her eyes~and asked,    You're calling for me?   My Life and time are now yours he proclaimed with authority !     {end of Part #ONE}--------
COPYRIGHT @2011 by  Barnoah                  Mike Ham
barnoahMike Jul 2011
.....BOLDERDASH and Folly~they all exclaimed! !    There couldn't be anything that simple about it.  *Backwash and Rusty Pipes they continued !   Something that complex,  can't be that easy to get.     Wondergas and  flagsnarfs they Shouted with Knowledge !   From here to there has got to have a fine set of Rules .     BARFUL-CUSPS,   If thats true~what does this mean?=_Seeing is Believing,   What you see is what you get,   I've Never seen anything like it,   Wait til you see what I got,   WOW, take a look at this,   Look for the Silver lining,   If they could only see me now,   You can see seven states from lookout mountain,     See the Amazing bearded Lady,   See if you can do this,  See if you like this one,  See if you can find the Shiny dime in the bowl of pennies,    Gee,you look like a million bucks,   See if you can't do a little better next time ,    That'll be the LAST TIME  you'll see me in That Place !         Let's see "IF" you can make me move ! !       And they wonder why~~~friends don't last _M.
copyright 2011  barnoahMike     Mike Ham
barnoahMike Jun 2011
Here Kitty,  Kitty,, called aloud the man~relaxing in his Lounge chair~while sipping a Slightly-Sugared Iced tea.   Here Kitty,  Kitty,,He continued to call~wondering where the curious cat~might have have made off to~THIS TIME..     Perhaps to the New neighbors~where boxes of all shapes and colors~were carefully~Disarrayed in the back yard~Just waiting for the curious...      Not getting any response from Kitty~the Man decided to PEER over ~the Neighborhood Alignment Fence~and Sure enough~There was Kitty!     Kitty was Springing~Up and Down~Like a YO-YO and Jumping from Box to Box.   Curiosity is an Amazing thing~Isn't it?    The Man seemed to be caught in a Trance~As he watched Kitty~continue to jump and  YO-YO !    What could be in those boxes?~that held such fascination?   Was it a Creepy-crawler~a Slimy-Slitherer~a Wise-Wiggler~a Dashing-Dancer~an Awful-Awesome~a Yelping-Yeoman~an Energized-Egrit~an Ugly-Duckling~a Fast Frog~a Gorgeous-Gargantula~a Social Secret~a Horrible-hulk'a Raspy-Rascal~an Insensitive-Iguana~a Jumping-Jackal ?     OR ,    was it simply the color of the Boxes ?     Look at that Curios Kitty~Jumping and Jumping and Jumping !      SUDDENLYthe Man~Totally overcome by ~Lady Curiosity~Bounded over the Alignment Fence~Dashed Promptly to the Boxes~Scattering them all over the Yard~Trying to Discover ~ "THE SOURCE" ..    Only ONE box remained ~after opening~All the Others!  NOW he would find the ANSWER!   He carefully approached the LAST BOX~Gently pulled it closer~looking for a way to Open~-------  Lifting Lid carefully~Slowly~KITTY~came Bounding out~All claws~digging and clinging to His chest~Was that FEAR~~HE SAW in KITTY'S  eyes?_  "AS His ALARM-CLOCK ,, Screamed out to Him"AWAKEN_
COPYRIGHT @2011   by barnoahMike         Mike Ham
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