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Away From Time Nov 2010
Today I ****** Up My Life.
I Will Never Have A Wife.
She Found My Box Of Secrets.
And Now They're Just Regrets.
Maybe It's For The Best.
I Don't Have To Hide The Rest.
Yeah, This Is Good, We'll Just Fight.
And Everything Will Be Alright.
Away From Time Nov 2010
2:51 AM
The Grandfather's confused
He goes off before anyone can even react
As his voice echoes through the halls and staircases
A lone light is on
In a room of 5, only one light is lit
The scratching of pen to paper is hiding behind the light
The hand which holds the pen quivers, leaving a shaky trail
On the paper lays a picture
In any other lighting it would have been horrible
Yet at that angle, and with the dim light
It was a magnificent piece, burning into my memory
I cannot forget such a piece
For it is for myself only
No other eyes will ever see that dormitory Mona Lisa
As is any great piece of work.
Away From Time Nov 2010
I wonder,
When the wind blows, where does it go?
Our minds cannot comprehend such things.
New outlooks on life are brought on
Due to heartbreaking events.
Everyone always asks why.
Reasons are needed for everything.
Why not just accept it?
Here's why, people are afraid of faith.
Yet I do not, because I know the risk is always worth it.
Away From Time Nov 2010
I couldn't control myself
There are times where I'm just taken over
No one could explain, it was like I had gone covert
And then I come back out
Alone. Broken. Alone. Hurt. Alone. Sorry.
Now I know what he was talking about, I mean Corey
Maybe I am being a ***** by not telling you
But it really is because I love you. Please listen,
if you ever do find out, don't start looking for boys to be kissing
Cause that'll make you no better than me.
And you are so much better than me, but I will still fight.
Some would be to scared and rather than fight would take flight.
Not I though. My love for you overpowers that want to flee.
Cause I know for my life to be good, it's only you that I need.

— The End —