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 19h Traveler
do not gloat over others misdeeds
rather be sad for the offence(s) committed
and when found guilty do not rejoice
rather be sober and think yourself lucky.
Our needs are boundless -
our wounds sensitive -
better not to bare them
- lest we invite opinion,
debate and comparison,
or worse yet, sympathy (euuww).
Songs for this..
Musta Been A Ghost by Próxima Parada
Everything goes my way by Metronomy
If You’re Too shy (Let me know) - Edit by The 1975
Siting in the silence
of my dreams
In the depths
parched dry
by their screams
they lie

Every chance
they were used
and abused
and egged on
all for nothing

I remember
I remember
I remember
I can't forget
Words are just words
It’s what comes with them
That’s important
Just because one speaks another language
Does not mean they understand the culture
Words are only one part
The rest is nuanced
Smiles, laughter, kindness
Relationship building
Without those
Words are just hollow and empty
 3d Traveler
poetry is practical
a way to be

even short song

delves deep
- our Humanity
 3d Traveler
a cog in wheels within wheels
a timed existence
thrown into disarray
by a man called Jesus
 3d Traveler
running out of petrol
petering on stalling
singing falls silent.
You’re the reason my life
Is so beautiful and peaceful thank you
For touching my heart.
My Heart ❤️
Candle by the sea
A sudden gust cuts us short
As Gloom turns to speak
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