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Stevie Feb 2021
Hi there,
I know you won’t read this,
Cause everyone say we care,
But that a basic lie,
If you are woke or childish,
Then you forever alone till you die,

To busy being the little princess,
Whining and look at me,
Gaining online popularity,
Screaming they coming back,
Online insults and cyber bullying,
Add, click, look at me,
Look at all my friends,
Only speaking to 2 or three,
Ignoring or snide comments,
Behind there backs,
Only speaking to 2 or three,
Hating them till they,
Lay on the train tracks,
Add, click, look at me,
Screaming about parents,
Crying cause your upset,
When did self harm,
Suicide come a music lifestyle,
Saying Lil peep is a legend,
AHH, even heath ledger,
Laughing like hell,
Can’t you tell,
Why so Serious,
Cause the dark knight,
Scream ** lil peep, heath is the legend,

It okay, 2021 is here,
Everything is so woke,
It just one massive joke,
Take another smoke,
Maybe here so crack or ******,
Here a spoon and a lighter,
Want me to full the needle up,
Belt on the arm, jab it up,
While you out cold, get the gun ready,
Just like Putin maybe am too sick,
Russian roulette is the game I shall pick,
Click 1, click 2, click Boom,
Ended it all on Zoom,
Bullying Kills,
Pumped up kicks, foster the people,
Can’t breathe, columbine mass shooting,
19% cyberbullying victim attempt suicide,
******* at the scene of homicide,
Maybe am the joker,
But you may be my hand at poker,
The hand that looks a winner,
But loses the Million chip ***.
Stevie Feb 2021
In my head runs a million visions,
Never believing a word from television,
Social Media on Race causing collisions,
Showing that they run the stories with precision,
Screaming that Black Lives Matter,
YouTube and FaceBook showing Blood getting splattered,
If you are White then you are nothing but a Supermacist,
Rappers are Overdosing and Killing, Legendary Death Benefits,
Saving my life, Music Artist the master lyricist,
Facts and Truth the Immortal Nemesis,
The Government hijacks and run,
Playing mind games just for fun,
hand everyone a ******* gun,
Another killing of a grandson,
Hitting nothing but a homerun,
Under the midnight sun,
Drunk Driver hit and run,

In my head runs a million visions,
Never believing a word from television,
Governmental war games in collisions,
Show how the run the world with divisions,
Selling us all boxes that we open and divide,
Skin Color, Religion, Sexuality is nothing but diversified,
Attacking each other for everything worldwide,
Everyone should be a mortician, inject ourselves with formaldehyde,
breathe in methyl bromide, eat some potassium cyanide,
A world at war,
Humanity no saviour,
In sight, dreams to far,
We all living with delusions of grandeur.
Stevie Jan 2021
They are screaming again,
Filling up my head,
Feeling like a wolf in pain,
Wishing upon bloodshed,
Counting one, two, three,
Last breath till I am free,
Just leave me upon the land,
While my bones turn to sand,
Don't lend a helping hand,
Resting here in my woodland,
Maybe I am diseased,
Harder and harder to breathe,
Hatred and destruction, you are all appeased,
Let me rot away to see what underneathe,
Maybe I am religious,
Not content of hateful vicious,
Self harm, self hatred stitches,
Maybe am not catholic, christian, protestant,
Maybe am not like all the rest who are incompetent,
Maybe my nature is that of Mother Earths confident,
Maybe I am not Human,
Maybe I am not what the world expects,
Maybe I am not what you presume,
In the eyes of everyone that evil comsume,
Maybe I am just like the wolves,
Howling at the moon,
Seeing the hate, not thinking of themselves,
Not caring about an offensive cartoon,
Here I am, trying to understand,
The feelings, the emotions,
The fear of what I can't grasp,
Trying to hard, fighting stance.
Stevie Jan 2021
I don't like Hip Hop,
Mainstream or street,
See that just subliminal weak,
Crimes and messages at the peak,
They say that Columbine,
Was Marilyn's fault,
Open Wound, here salt,
Barrel Vault, body on Asphalt,
Assault, band thunderbolt,
I don't like Hip Hop,
It just the new pop,
just the new chart top,
where the artist,
that have a message,
Where is Tom Macdonald,
Madchild, Dax, Joynar Lucas,
and where the ** is Adam Calhorn,
Speaking bars not mucus,
Oh that right, Cancel Culture,
Stupid and Useless,
the messages are way to brutus,
Cancel Culture, Subcultures,
Nothing more than black vultures,
Just like demons, smell of sulphur,
Maybe Tom was right, We are all buttholes,
hook, line and sinker, hanging from poles,
Maybe Madchild isn't sober,
just honest views getting older,
Maybe Dax is mentally *******,
his songs maybe be discarded,
Rapping about emotions, disregarded,
Maybe suicide is the answer, Dax's carcass,
Maybe Joynar hit the mark,
Maybe the I'm not Racist, spark,
Two sides to every story, Let hear yours,
complaining cause you have do your chores,
complaining cause it offensive, out in stores,
Maybe Calhorn is patriot,
Standing up for his country,
In disappointment, voiced it,
Messages that put it bluntly.
Maybe it just the Controversial message,
that hits me and truth is seen, Aggressive,
Depressive, Excessive, this is not expressive.
Stevie Jan 2021
wolf that wanders,
Fearful of the human world,
A mystical creature,
Who hunts to survive,
Who strays to thrive,
Fearing those who judge,
The life they life,
They aren't perfect,
neither are we,
Before you point the gun,
In my direction,
My eyes are the feelings,
that your death has in reflection,
so go a head human,
Pull the trigger, Free my only vigor,
May my spirit run free inbetween the trees,
Like the streams and wind,
We are beautiful, your the ugly ones,
We are the essences of Wild Scents,
While under God creature, your the hell sent,
We are gentle creatures, warm and beautiful in presence,
howling under the moons crescent.
Stevie Jan 2021
Today's world has lost all in sight,
Freaked out and gone with there minds,
Attacking and screaming, always looking for a fight,
Showing that the world is nothing more than a dead end of humankind.
Simple words, yet also offensive,
Simple gesture, yet also protected,
Simple human morals, yet also hatred,
Simple but in the end nothing stands defenceless,
Screaming black lives matter, So does the whites,
Screaming Equality, when you cannot even put 2+2 together,
Screaming Gender pro-nouns when they are only two that stand,
Male, Female, Female to male, Male to female, Drag queens want pro-nouns as she, her in female form, then him and he in male form, just take a look at this section and tell me, then take a look around and look at the pronouns that medic and others use.
Plenty of other people in the world don't care about sexuality, so why make up new ones,
Same as religious attacks, Blame him cause he Muslim, Blame him cause he's a protestant, Blame her cause she a catholic, Blame her cause she a Christian.
Why not go back to ancient tutor time, Beheaded, Divorce, Survived or died,
Why not go back to caveman time, not technology, no cars and no money,
What has become of the world full of spoiled brats and squeak tonne kids,
Acceptance is a thing but yet you lot want to blame those who say words that are hurtful to you, but yet you allow junk food and fast food to enter your body, knowing there is a gym and not even being interested.
I fear for the world of today, cause even now the world has gone to *e, Thinking about all the troubles of Both world wars and knowing that children are dying out in the street, Children in third world countries are having the liquid *s until the organs rush out.
See you can see all these sweet 16th, crying cause there parents brought them the wrong car, didn't get the party they wanted, I hate you dad, I hate you mum is all they scream,
You * and moan cause you don't get laid, you cannot find a decent girl or guy, We all take granted of the little things in life,
But yet still ignore the homeless problems out in the streets,
They are nothing but thugs and tramps, need a clean and a place,
Question is would you spend time to go and buy food and drink, even sit there and talk to them for an hour or so. You don't need to give them money just to make them feel happiness and pleasure of humanity once more.
No The world today is more of a grant than a *
life worth living.
Stevie Jan 2021
A world full of lives,
Someone is beating there wife,
Someone ended their life,
Killing nothing but wildlife,
Believing in the afterlife,
some hating and some believing the lies.

A world full of Hate,
Someone ***** by Kate,
Someone belief is Fate,
Gay, Bi or straight,
Rich or Cheapskate,
Body found at the churchyard gate,
No one can have a civil debate.

A world full of Offensive,
Lies are extensive,
Truth is defensive,
No apprehensive,
No comprehensive,
Everyone is Hypertensive,
Black beating others, Senseless,
It all for attention, by aggressive consensus.
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