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Kelly Diaz Mar 27
you made me miss many moments of my life
moments i cant get back
moments where i could be happy and live life
moments where i could be with my family
moments where i wouldnt have to hide
but i traded them for moments with you
moments where i felt the happiest in a long time
moments where i cried
moments i felt excited
moments where i was neglected
moments i felt safe
moments of hatred
moments i was filled with so much love
moments i should regret
but their moments i cant forget
Kelly Diaz Mar 4
That day in my car
You turned your back to me
Without uttering a word
While tears fell down my face
You left me like you were in a race
And sadly you won first place
Kelly Diaz Feb 27
ive been holding on for something,
far greater than what you ever felt for
me, but then again i thought you and i
would be for forever but that never happened
You've left me for someone or something or just to make yourself feel better.
Kelly Diaz Feb 27
Recurring dreams
I hate them with a passion
Recurring thoughts
oh they've become a fashion
Recurring love
that's the worst of the ration
Recurring memories
they have all of my compassion
Recurring you
needs to become a dissatisfaction
but i still have feelings for you
so they’ve become quite an attachment.
Kelly Diaz Feb 27
I never thought I would see you one last time.
I always thought you would forever be there
to hold and dance all night.
but you have gone somewhere
where I can't find.
the only thing left is the memories you have left behind.
it is sad to say that our paths will no longer align
and it is something I've come to despise
cause you'll no longer be by my side.
Kelly Diaz Feb 6
Last night
i broke myself
and for the first time i thought that i was alright
and my bad
i held my breath for a little to long
and now I'm barley alive.
but there is still something that i wish for
to be held like ive been missed for forever
let me just stay here with you forever
Kelly Diaz Jan 30
I've held so much anger
and I've held so much sadness and pain
just with remembering
but now every time i remember your beautiful face
i happily remember the beautiful moments we had
and remember how happy you made me feel
i no longer feel bitter
im just thankful for the magical moments we had
i hope i made your just as magical as you did mine.
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