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75 · Oct 2019
I'm just a ghost
Stranger99 Oct 2019
I'm just a ghost,
it starting to show.
Becoming so faded
as i'm growing old,
my life is so cold,
I'm always alone,
reach for the nothing
without any bones.
72 · Nov 2019
Conversations Kill
Stranger99 Nov 2019
When desperate people
use their simple minds
only to open their
free flowing mouths
talking **** about
people and things
that they know nothing about
their words arouse suspicions
with unreasonable doubts
ears overhear the words
that sound so absurd
spread it to others
and the rest of the herd
in the memories of the stupid
they rattle their lips
they give up other people
with their devilish gift
put under pressure
with no reason to bark
but some care less about others
they must be the narc.......
69 · Nov 2019
Broken and Frowned
Stranger99 Nov 2019
As I am losing control
I go for broke
throughout the madness
and begining to choke

Alive in my mind
I can't speak for myself
spent half of my life
I've spent it in Hell

Slipping farther away
into the void
you hi-jack my thoughts
with your crippling noise

You hinder my motives
making my choices
I am feeling naked within
and avoiding the voices

While I'm tripping all over
I shake and I shudder
your still alive in my mind
this pain hurts and I suffer

Your keeping me down
I can't gain any ground
I can't speak for myself
I'm just broken and frowned.....
69 · Nov 2019
Forever Bent
Stranger99 Nov 2019
In my own World
back to a calm place
thing go so fast
my hearts in a race
with all of my thoughts
their not at ease
wanting more drugs
I love how they tease
slipping out of place
feeling of spent
spending my days
forever and bent
pulled so far down
I can't find my soul
this rage taking over
til I lose self control
this life that I live
It's not the same
when the mixture is right
I'll go insane
just a bit more
a poke to engage
but it's been way to much fun
while feeling this Strange.....
67 · Oct 2019
Devil's Exhale
Stranger99 Oct 2019
Devilish kindness that
devours souls and
hi-jacks beliefs
gone like a ghost
never to return as your own
figments of falsehood and
coupled with fiction
flashes before eyes
as your flesh melts in the fire
your being is scorched and smoldered
as your spirit incinerates
you depart from  your form
as you exhale
everything you have ever known.....
66 · Oct 2019
Hate too Feel
Stranger99 Oct 2019
Just as much as i feel
I would soon rather not
living and breathing anger
with a heart pumping hate
full of resentments and revenge
the hostility never ends
tantrums and outraged
with the displeasure
of your face
I can honestly say
that I despise you
now that thats clear
I'm drawing nearer to you
with my heart pumping stronger
and my anger breaths longer
you are now within my grasp
and my thoughts will not pass
so what should i do
to take care of you
to many ways
I have been counting the days
so I'll let you choose
cause it's your life to lose.....
65 · Oct 2019
Fractured and Failed
Stranger99 Oct 2019
When everything fails
why try again??
It's not like others
will save you
just seemingly torture you
and tell you
that wrong your again
as you try to figure it out
you become ever so more
panic stricken believing
in yourself as the
ultimate failure
having to process your
understanding of
a life lying to waste
all confidence fractured
and shattered
you hesitate no more
and just pray to decay.....
62 · Nov 2019
Stranger99 Nov 2019
Here it comes again
there is no one left here
to hurt me, but me
alone inside my head
I walk along the ledge
thoughts never to be said
to me their all pretend
I'm twisted, spun within
wear a self degrading grin
it's all happening again
remain downcast til the end...

— The End —