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Dancing on the hardwood floors
Careful not to slip
But it's hard to see
In this pitch-black room
The light journeyed afar
to say hi to an old friend
Who needs a little bit of light
Right now
The smell of lilacs
My mother's perfume
the pitch-black room
"Sorry, what's your name again? No, give me a second, I got it."
I forgot your name
"Sorry, I don't really remember anything before 6th grade!"
My memory is awful
Trauma made me block it out

Sorry, what was I saying?
The event
that turned my life
upside down
inside out
Was losing you
The day you stopped saying
Was the day
I stopped saying anything
Because I had nothing worthwhile to say
I had no one to say anything to

That day I lost you
I lost my voice
She, who's life I'm curious about
The way she's always smiling
when people are around
And her smile brightens the whole room
I could see her smile from Mars
But she, who's life is tragic
Ignorance is bliss
I imagine her feeling nothing but happiness
I imagine her life at home is splended
Filled with love, hugs, affection
I imagine she's happy
And ignorance
is bliss.
And I was trying to be mad
But all I could do was cry
Because I wasn't mad
I was frustrated and tired
And perhaps it wasn't even because of you
But that fact that you did something
And I wanted to be mad
But I was just hurting
So when I tried to yell
I got choked up
By my own tears
So I stopped yelling
I stopped being hurt
I stopped feeling

And I started to laugh.
I hung up without a warning
Too many people joined
Too many
Too much
It's all too much
I'm feeling overwhelmed
I don't know why I'm mad at them,
I don't know why I just suddenly left
Because I'm too tired to talk to you
It's too much
It's all
God, coffee smells delicious

fresh coffee
Straight from the ***
It tastes so good, and--

O U C H ! ! !

It burnt me
But at least it tasted good
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