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Ann M Johnson Apr 2020
How many times have plans been carefully made
then drifted away when faced with the problems of
real life.
What good does it do to worry or fret it takes away from what I can do today.
When I watch the news I feel the blues
I can choose to limit my exposure to maintain a sense of serenity
I don’t need to plan every moment after all
I can choose to let go of some of the stress before I become a mess
I don’t have to continue setting myself up with such a hurried pace
It can be such a waste draining too much energy
I need to breathe and think
Talk to friends and reconnect with family that I have not talked with in awhile
Take time to laugh when something tickles my funny bone and smile
Take time to cry and grieve when I need to.
My Contentment can be found when giving up on previous plans
and taking things one day at a time and living in the present moment.
After all, I don't know what joys or sorrows tomorrow will bring.
I can choose to live life in the moment this day.
I can choose to make the best of this current social distancing take time to slow down and live in the moment today.
Ann M Johnson Jan 2020

   I am just sensitive enough to cry to a sad song  

   I am just sensitive enough to sing along to a song that touches my heart

   I am just sensitive enough to cry while watching a Hallmark movie  

  I am just sensitive enough to listen to other’s troubles and either empathize or sympathize with them  

  I am just sensitive enough to be a shoulder to cry on

  I am just sensitive enough to be a good friend  

  I am just strong enough to not feel like apologizing for being sensitive because it is a part of who I am

I am hoping that you are sensitive enough to except my sensitivity as part of my unique character and personality.
My poet friends feel free to comment and/or offer feedback.
As always I appreciate you all.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2018
Stained Glass
We all have a story to tell.
We can stand alone or become part of a bigger picture together.
We come in different shapes and sizes.
We are all part of a kaleidoscope of various colors like individual gems.
We are each unique but we can band together and become part of a masterpiece.
Some of us maybe smoother than others.
Some of us maybe a little bit jaded.
Some of us may have more lines than others.
While some of us are shapelier than others.
We can choose to shine alone or shine together like precious gems to become a masterpiece of stained glass if we join together and let the light shine through us.
Let your light shine.
The above poem was Published in The October  2018 issue of The Sr. Perspective Newspaper LINDBERG  edition in the Poet's Corner Section.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2018
The Recipe for a good life
Count your blessings not your problems
Value people not possessions
Keep in mind that nothing lasts forever , so make lasting memories
Try to give more than you receive
Give to those in need
Have more friends than regrets
Be grateful for the start of each new day
It is a chance for a new beginning
Stir in kindness compassion and understanding
Share generously  with those you meet
Serve with a smile and with gratitude
Double or triple the recipe by seasoning it with Love
Watch it grow in yourself and others.
Ann M Johnson Jun 2018
Sunshine and sipping ice tea.
Visiting with family and friends.
Reminiscing  while creating new memories .
This is what I call  life at it's best.
Time to rest and relax.
All seems right with my world at this moment.
I need to savor this time because time too quickly passes away.
Spending time this weekend with Family and Friends that I have not seen for awhile.
Ann M Johnson Jun 2018
Some days are tough bringing me to my knees
Some days I just need to remember to Breathe and believe that this too will pass.
Ann M Johnson Jun 2018
Hello to all my Hello poetry friends. I hope that you are all doing well.
I am so sorry that I have not been on here posting yet this year. The reasons that I have not posted are as follows. My mother passed away in late November 2017. I recently went to a funeral for a friend that died from injuries sustained in a car accident. Another friend recently told me to hat her son who is only in his thirties is diagnosed as having pancreatic cancer. A lot has happened since I last posted.  On a happier note in February a poem I had posted on here a few years back got published in a local edition of the Sr. Perspective in the poetry section of the newspaper. I wish you all a good and healthy summer.
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