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Maddy Apr 24
Performing Arts
Attending Live Concerts
Things you appreciate and look forward to
Hugs that last hours
Walking in the park in the rain or sunshine
An additional dessert
Singing out loud at the top of your lungs
Enjoying those that matter the most
It's These and Others
It's The Little Things that are the big moments
That Matters the Most
That Matters the Most

  Apr 23 Maddy
all going constantly around corners
trying to keep eyes on the moment
working through the unexpected
Maddy Apr 21
Happy Passover to those that celebrate!
Maddy Apr 15
Going and moving forward
Too many delays and waiting again and again
The reasons matter and more importantly so does precious time
Not to be wasted on the trivial
So many experiences to embrace
Sometimes those you want to share them with won’t make the time
Some don’t want to share it

Maddy Apr 15
It yearns for a melody
Always seeking new and more insight words to express from the heart and mind
Too many tears fall some for the right and others for the wrong reasons
So observing quietly and then listening more attentively than ever before
My Soul reopened

Maddy Apr 11
A robin was gathering twigs for a nest being built under a bush near the Guggenheim museum
The Park was filled with visitors, Television and Movie crews, and the Zoo delighting everybody
I wondered who noticed besides yours truly
As I worked yesterday, children were walking to school or visiting the exhibits as the Digital Media curriculum was written with our colleagues
Adults need to learn from children who want to learn and ask questions before they formulate an answer
Let's hope there will be a Year of the Human Being

  Apr 6 Maddy
Anais Vionet
(inspired by Malia’s poem ‘crack the code’)

the unspoken poems
are the loudest
the ones you don’t utter
the times you don’t bother
symphonies of silence
votes of no confidence
trust marbled with rust
what's become of us?
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