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Andrew Apr 2021
Why do you scare me?

I'm not sure
and maybe
I won't ever be -

I push the soft confines
of the blanket
to cover me whole

I just wish you didn't

I hastily turn the light off
Maha Apr 2021
But what defines it?
Are there rules?
Who started them?
Most of all, is it real?
Is there really a reason?
Or, is this just like everything else?
Dave Robertson Apr 2021
A great deal of weakness
goes into the man I am now
indecision and a flurry of doubts
that make ways cloudy

But it’s fertile ground below,
this lack of surety
this endeavour to truly know

and if more would live here
how much better we would be
Adrian S Mar 2021
What would I do if you wanted this to end?

I would smile. I would hug you. I would offer you my reassurance.

Then I would leave you there to melt off into a puddle made entirely of the mess of me, sliding around in up and down directions scattered and strown like the pieces of my heart.
Merlie T Feb 2021
Planted Seeds
now Tumbleweeds
Tangled in the Brush
if it is True Love
is there really any Rush?

Rust Colors things Differently
Now days
f1 Jan 2021
leaving you here is right.
currently: it feels wrong, all wrong
actually currently: the middle of my face feels like about to explode because the tears won't stop streaming down my face
but leaving you here is right.
Indigo Nov 2020
“Be yourself,”
But then they tell me to change.
“Be unique,”
But then they frown down on all my differences.
“Don’t conform,”
But then they force me to follow their standards.
“Always love yourself,”
But then they call me narcissist and arrogant.
“Be kind,”
But then they tell me to stop being fake.
“Just relax,”
But then they call me lazy.
“Work harder,”
But then they call me too uptight.
“Money can’t buy happiness,”
But then they laugh at me for not being rich.
“Weight doesn’t matter,”
But then they tell me I’m not skinny enough.
“Enjoy being young while you can,”
But then they tell me to grow up.
“It’s okay to be sad,”
But then they tell me other people have it worse.
“Do what you love,”
But then they tell me I’ll never be successful.
“You’ll be okay,”
But then they leave me for someone else.
“It will get better,”
But then they tell me that I’m being overdramatic.
“Be yourself,”
But I no longer know who that is.
This is what I feel still, almost a year and a half later. But I'm still gonna be whoever I ******* want to be... and that's me.
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2020
I need a dream to remind
There is someplace I should go
Future I should think about
Lately I don't know
An oldie I found browsing through my facebook memories
noa Nov 2020
the future is bright
and you are going to shine
that's what everyone tells us right?
but what if the future isn't mine

what if it will never get better
what if it just stays the same
maybe I will never get that letter,
will every body call me lame?

if that is true
than why am I still trying,
so hard to seem less blue
while the flowers in my head are dying

but I will keep on dreaming
in what I once believed,
to clear my mind from all that screaming
and just be proud of what I've achieved
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